Vivid Knight

Niche Gamer
9 / 10
IGN Korea
90 / 100
Nindie Spotlight
7.5 / 10
8 / 10
Creators: Asobism
Release Date: May 27, 2021 - PC
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Critic Reviews for Vivid Knight

Niche Gamer

9 / 10.0
Niche Gamer

Breaking into the roguelike space is tough, especially with other titans in the genre. Vivid Knight could be labeled as a beginner’s roguelike, but that’s not a bad thing. I really appreciated that this game respected the grind and enjoyed the good presentation brought to me during my time with it.

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Vivid Knight has implemented the system to focus more on the player’s decisions that would influence the gameplay rather than depending on random chances or luck. The gameplays is not as simple as you’d think but there are plenty of clues and hints that allow you to make careful decisions which eventually will let the player conquer the entire empire. Once your first playthrough is complete, there is a new character who brings in a different strategy from the first and unlocks harder difficulty dungeons for plenty of replay value.

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When you think of RPG dungeon crawlers you’d normally assume it will fall into one of two camps, a traditional turn-based affair or a more action-oriented hack and slasher...

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Despite certain but glaring shortcomings in its design and production, Vivid Knight is an infinitely replayable dungeon crawler that will have players sinking hours into the game. The fun artwork and sounds keep gamers in the difficult labyrinth even when they feel tempted to rage-quit after losing to a boss for the umpteenth time on the final dungeon floor. As the first game out of Asobism, fans can eagerly expect to play their upcoming releases in the near future.

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