Guardians of the Galaxy Reviews

Guardians of the Galaxy is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Oct 25, 2021

Eidos Montreal has managed to take the appeal of the MCU's Guardians and crafted an alternate universe that is just as interesting, and easily worth expanding on for future installments. For their latest adventure, this dysfunctional team of superheroes has definitely made a splash and we're definitely all in for more adventures with Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

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Oct 25, 2021

Everything about Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy could have gone terribly wrong, instead, it delivers one of the most surprising and entertaining games this year.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2021

Despite its mechanical flaws, in depicting a story of flawed characters, it’s hard to pass up on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. This title feels free of franchise-building and shady business practices. While it tries to ape on your familiarity with the property, it somehow all stands on its own. The visuals, lovable characters, and the promise of hijinx in space are inviting, but within this off-beat exterior is a solid emotional core.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2021

Even with its faults that can easily be patched up, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is an absolute love letter to the property and one that any fan should be excited to play. Yes, the gameplay is excellent, but for this game, it's all about the characters. It's about small moments, big moments, and everything in between.

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4.5 / 5.0
Oct 25, 2021

Guardians of the Galaxy is a love letter to fans of the movies, comics, and just the cosmic side of Marvel as a whole. As a long time fan of all of these I had a big nerdy smile on my face the entire time.

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9.2 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2021

Despite a few technical hiccups, Guardians of the Galaxy is one of 2021's best games thanks to a fantastic story with amazing gameplay to boot. These Guardians really stand out from the movies even though they might similar. In many ways, Eidos has created Uncharted in space but with deeply satisfying combat mechanics that keep you entertained throughout.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2021

Fans of super heroes have an enjoyable title here, and die hard Guardians fans will be enamored.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2021

This is the second game to be published as a Marvel I.P. under SquareEnix. Unlike the previous game based on the Avengers, this is more focused towards action and adventure. Players control Starlord and command his teammates to accomplish various puzzles and defend against waves of enemies. Although some parts may sound repetitive, constant trash talk among the guardians turn chores into more pleasurable strategies during combat. There are multiple branching outcomes based on some decision making phases but after around 15 to 20 hours of completing the main story, there isn’t much to do after which makes multiple playthroughs obsolete.

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