Royal Frontier

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

6.5 / 10
6 / 10
Video Chums
4 / 5
Turn Based Lovers
7.2 / 10
Games Freezer
8 / 10
The Thirsty Mage
6 / 10
Nindie Spotlight
6.8 / 10
Gaming Age
Creators: Woblyware, Ratalaika Games
Release Date: Mar 18, 2022 - Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
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Critic Reviews for Royal Frontier

Royal Frontier is a simple game that can serve as an introduction to the rogue space but does not have the unique or interesting elements of the best of its genre. Combat is interesting at first but becomes rote very quickly. Unlocking new blessings does not feel important or cool enough to keep players engaged.

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The trip through Royal Frontier is full of randomness and challenge and if the gameplay grabs you then you can spend a good amount of time here. For me, it didn’t do enough to keep me wanting to play it for more than a few hours but for someone else you could spend dozens. If you fancy a low priced turn-based roguelike adventure then give it a shot.

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I ended up having a ton of fun with Royal Frontier and I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a simple roguelike RPG to master.

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The best way to describe Royal Frontier is Oregon Trail with orcs. Who doesn't love a mishmash of genres?

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Choose Your Own Death

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Royal Frontier has the foundation for a capable rogue-like but ultimately doesn’t do enough with its formula. It has the road map for a fulfilling journey, but it doesn’t provide enough interesting stops along the way to provide a reason to make the trip more than once. It isn’t a bad journey, but it isn’t one worth boasting about in the tavern at the end.

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Ah, roguelikes... I generally can't get enough of them...

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Royal Frontier is enjoyable enough -- and short enough -- that it's worth playing through. It's fun to see a game adding new elements to a well-worn formula, and it makes this game an easy recommendation.

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