Marfusha Reviews

Marfusha is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2023

Marfusha isn’t the most visually interesting game, and for some it might quickly become overly repetitive. There’s something about its simple gameplay that makes it strangely captivating though, tempting you to return to protect its border gates time and time again. With such a wide range of cards available, and multiple characters in Challenge Mode, no two runs are quite exactly the same, either. If you’re fan of shooters that you can dip in and out of, it’s well worth adding to your library.

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7.2 / 10.0
May 6, 2023

Marfusha is a weird game. On one hand, its gameplay is one-note and repetitive; be it intentional or not. On the other hand, it's downright hilarious with its goofy dialogue, oddball premise, and dystopian elements that actually tie into the gameplay. I recommend it!

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6 / 10.0
Apr 10, 2023

Despite a very striking look with great pixel art and good character designs, Marfusha has a pretty bland story, and with an experience that, even being short, quickly becomes boring. It can be fun if you want a quick tower defense experience that doesn't require much thought for an afternoon, but there are certainly better options on the market.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
May 20, 2023

Murfasha is short, but fun to play. There is a lot of shooting, but it's still laid back and actually too easy. The Tower Defense mechanism where you're the tower yourself is nicely thought of. The game has a dark sense of humor that actually works, without getting too much on the forefront. Murfasha is a great game for a couple of hours or evenings of fun, with out too much hassle.

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2.5 / 5.0
Apr 14, 2023

Considering the background of Marfusha, such as the one developer porting this PC game to several different consoles and its length and price, it is easy to give it a pass for what it’s going for. With a decidedly pick-up and play design behind it, Marfusha is a great choice for gamers who just want to kill time and enjoy a simple shooter.

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6.9 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2023

While there’s certainly a strategic component of sorts, and some skill required for success, the repetition of the experience sets in pretty quickly

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7 / 10.0
Apr 10, 2023

You can enjoy some explosions, and there are additional elements to unlock with the challenge mode. You actually have a lot of fun when you find cute combinations that trigger cutscenes between the soldiers, and there’s satisfaction from destruction at a grand scale. The pixel art is lovely and detailed without losing some of that chunkiness, and the opening is a banger, even if the remaining score is a snore. I say if you’re determined to having something hit that dopamine switch, there’s a good chance you’ll have enjoyment with Marfusha.

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