No One Lives Under the Lighthouse Reviews
No One Lives Under The Lighthouse is an interesting take on Lovecraftian lore, with the focus more on letting you feel and discover the effects rather than showing them to you. Not everything pieces together conveniently, the gameplay can feel mundane if you're not into it, and some of the events leave room for improvement. Still, there's something compelling here, juxtaposing the complexity of the mythos that inspired the game with the simplicity of its overall presentation.
No One Lives Under the Lighthouse is an atmospheric horror tale that takes its time in sharing its dread-inducing world and all the horrors contained within it.
The initial doldrums won’t easily sell everyone – especially with some design drawbacks and an $11.99 price point, but it makes way for a succinctly-designed adventure that plunges further and further into insanity.
No One Lives Under the Lighthouse is a game that horror fans should definitely check out, especially if the retro aesthetic appeals to them. It’s pretty impressive that, with such understated visuals and no voiced dialogue, a game can create such an atmosphere. And as the days go by and the horror cranks up, you’re not only kept on your toes, but also the edge of your seat.
No One Lives Under the Lighthouse shows that the underground horror game scene is beginning to show up to expose its creations. The concept of a desolate place and what the same lighthouse represents in the immensity and darkness of the sea are enough to capture your interest and give you an experience different from the traditional.
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More Bite-Sized Horror Gold
No One Lives Under the Lighthouse is a solid low-budget indie horror that aims a little too high with its gameplay mechanics. They only happen in certain endings, and its short run time means any horror fan will gladly seek them all out. At a $12 MSRP it is a no brainer if you enjoy getting the shit scared out of you.