Just Cause 3 Reviews

Just Cause 3 is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Dec 1, 2015

Avalanche Studios returns with another sandbox of destruction. Just Cause 3 is a lot like Just Cause 2, but a host of additions including the wingsuit and gear mods make the game a joy to play. Add in some amazing graphics, stunning explosions, and a huge world and you have a nearly perfect title. One only brought low by online connection issues.

8.5 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2015

Just Cause 3 liefert wieder einmal eine action-geladene Story mit jeder Menge abgefahrener Möglichkeiten euch die Zeit in der riesigen Open World zu vertreiben. Leider kämpft der Titel auf der Playstation 4 mit leichten technischen Problemen und auch die Langzeitmotivation fehlt wie auch schon in den Vorgängern, wegen den wiederholenden Aufgaben und der schwachen KI. Falls ihr auf der Suche nach einem schnellen und vor allem action-geladenen Open World Trip seid (mit einem Hang zu Explosionen), gibt es von uns eine klare Empfehlung.

Review in German | Read full review

Sep 12, 2016

JC3 is lethargic and dull – and while there's always something to do, there's no real desire to actually do it.

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Apr 3, 2016

Just Cause 3 is like fast food. The game has the potential to be addictive, but it's lacking in some aspects. Compared to the other open world games, it also lacks depth and variety, but on the other side provides a set of fun toys like a destructive environment and a physical engine designed to maximize bloodshed.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

Dec 11, 2015

Just Cause 3 is a goddamn fun game. Well, it's fun whenever you're just going around and liberating bases or towns. Everything else just falls on its face (as I have done many times in-flight). The problem, though, is that every other system you use in the game pulls you away from the craziness at hand. As I said in the opening, the game is a damn blast to play, but the way your skill trees unlock, ticking off bases and towns from a big checklist, and gunning down every bad dude you see.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 10, 2018

The game is immensely fun. It has heart and soul but also gives the vibe of not caring how stupid it can be; and while the game has a few flaws, none of them cause the game to have a reason not to be played. So if you haven’t done so (If you haven’t already, why not?) go out, get the game, buy a disk, get it from a digital store, play the shit out of it. If you’ve already got the game, keep playing it. Finished it? There’s always the multiplayer mod.

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5 / 10
Dec 9, 2015

Maybe further down the road, or as part of a sale, it would be worth picking up just to mess around in the world and go crazy…and perhaps by then the technical issues will be fixed.

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Geeks Under Grace
Drew Koehler
6.5 / 10.0
Dec 15, 2015

Just Cause 3 had the potential to be a stunning and fast paced open world game, but the loading and frame rate make it frustrating to sustain a lengthy play session.

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3.5 / 5.0
Dec 19, 2018

IF you can run it, Just Cause 3 is an amazing experience, packed with big explosions, exciting gameplay, and enjoyment. But the IF is an actual question as this has performance issues.

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