Tom Clancy's The Division Reviews

Tom Clancy's The Division is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.7 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2016

Tom Clancy's The Division is an extremely entertaining and well-developed game, featuring surprisingly fantastic story-based missions, a rock solid technical presentation, a fantastic blend of accessibility and depth, and a sky-high fun factor. That fun factor doesn't fall as far as you think when you strike out on your own, and for all you loot-hounds - man, this kinda reminded me of my manic drive for loot in Diablo III! - who love a challenge, you gotta give it a try. Just don't spend too much time in the Dark Zone because I think it might have an adverse effect on your gaming psyche.

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Apr 20, 2018

Is The Division worth another chance? The answer to that question, on any front, is "absolutely".

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7 / 10.0
Mar 15, 2016

The Division doesn't have enough of a story to carry it as a shooter, let alone an RPG, but what is here is good. Each firefight is different due to the importance of weapon classes, and mix-and-matching skills when in a group adds a small depth. The Dark Zone is the freshest idea in The Division, but I don't see it carrying the game for months to come. A standard Ubisoft AAA game that may not live as long as intended.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2016

Setting the server problems aside, The Division is satisfying at best. However, the game also gives you a lot of things to do in your first few levels below 10 which made the game's pace a little slow. The Dark Zone, cooperative missions, and a lot of things to discover would be the primary reasons why you will be back in the streets of Manhattan. This is the type of game where online open-world shooter players and MMO lovers will enjoy.

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8.3 / 10.0
Mar 18, 2016

Tom Clancy's The Division is a great third-person cover shooter with addictive combat and progression systems, a unique multiplayer component, and a surprisingly well realized story to enjoy alone or with friends.

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8.2 / 10.0
May 14, 2016

A largish open world with a variety of content. The storyline needs to be expanded upon.

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Mar 20, 2016

Very different combat abilities, addictive gameplay and a little bit of strategy. You'll find The Division is more than it seems at a first glance.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2016

This game has a lot of content, you just can't play it all in one day or it won't be fun.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2016

"Experiencing all that Tom Clancy's The Division has to offer with friends is a major selling point and one that helps tilt The Division from just a normal cover shooter into an experience worth sinking hours of your time into".

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Apr 14, 2016

Tom Clancy's The Division isn't the game I was hoping it would be. Ubisoft set its sights high with this game, but unfortunately came up short. There's still plenty of fun to be had taking back New York, but I have a hard time seeing it holding players' attention when newer games start to come out. I was hoping The Division would be a game I would go back to again and again, but ultimately, it just made me miss playing Destiny.

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Mar 15, 2016

This is very much a game for friends to play, as you can play with up to 3 other people. Yes, you can play solo, and I have spent time roaming Manhattan by myself, but the best experiences I have in this game are those that I can share with my friends via Xbox Live. When you play solo, you feel very much alone. When you play with friends, even just one, you realize how much you rely on each other to complete a mission, whether it be reviving one another, or just having each other’s back.

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Top Critic
Mar 15, 2016

Featuring one of the most remarkable and realistic video game environments ever created, The Division offers a disturbingly dystopian take on a ruined Manhattan. Its action is similarly brutal. Although much of it boils down to firefights and shoot-outs, most are very well executed to deliver truly exciting and thrilling gameplay. Add layers of RPG-like complexity and a really solid storyline, and you have a game that, while occasionally flawed, really does deliver the goods.

8.8 / 10.0
Mar 18, 2016

The Division ultimately is a real success for Ubisoft. An old but effective gameplay, is faultless visually at painting every street and every building interior of New York. Too bad some screen clipping and framedrops are cursing us console players, but that's not enough to truly spoil the experience. The game is a must-have for those of you who love the richness of a true MMORPG, with a hint of Third-Person tactical Shooter gameplay, like a Diablo III and Ghost Recon: Future Soldiers merged into one game. After over 70 hours of gameplay, I'm still nowhere near finish, and enjoying this game, its choices, its gameplay and experience. See you in New York, fellow agents

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9 / 10.0
Mar 12, 2016

Tom Clancy’s The Division bietet eine der bisher umfangreiches offenen Welten der letzten Jahre, inklusive einem ebenso großartigen Gunplay und Realismus-Faktor. Wie bei den meisten MMO’s kommt zwar die Story etwas kurz und auch die KI der Gegner lässt sich meistens eher als fragwürdig betitelt, aber ansonsten macht der Titel eigentlich alles richtig und vor allem überraschend gut. Für Fans von Erkundungstouren bietet das verseuchte New York einiges an detailierten Umgebungen inklusive komplett begehbarer Häuser-Komplexe und ansonsten heißt es einfach alleine oder mit Freunden die Kampagne rocken oder in der Dark Zone ums überleben und euren Loot kämpfen. Wir hoffen zwar noch auf mehr Content für alle Spieler die das Endgame jetzt schon erreicht haben, aber aktuell bietet der Titel auch für erfahrerne Spieler 30-60 Stunden an unterhaltsamer Spielzeit.

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8 / 10
Mar 24, 2016

Despite not offering anything particularly new in terms of gameplay, The Division manages to be an enjoyable & addictive online experience thanks to its satisfying loot mechanics. With plenty of content in the open world, an end-game supported with both frequent balance patches, & new activities on the horizon, Ubisoft's latest is definitely recommendable to groups looking for a challenge – be it PvE against the AI, or fighting other players in the Dark Zone.

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Apr 6, 2016

Massive truly have learned from their time on the sidelines, making sure to avoid many mistakes made by Bungie during the 1.5 years of Destiny and building what is a great experience. With the promise of much content to come, and the great experience that it already provides, Tom Clancy's The Division is easy to recommend to people looking for their next co-op shooter.

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3.5 / 5.0
Mar 26, 2019

A great cover-based multiplayer shooter. Enjoyable especially with a solid party, but overall is what you expect from the genre. Definitely not for single player fans, but perfect for everyone else.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2016

The Division isn't a bad game, it just lacks character. With little to no real customisation in the early game you often feel hard pushed to really invest in your character and by the time you reach the end game, there is nothing really left to do. It feels poorly thought out and the delivery of the story is really lacking and uninteresting.

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