We Happy Few Reviews

We Happy Few is ranked in the 20th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4.4 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2018

If you can afford to play all of the great games coming this year as well as indie titles, you should also play We Happy Few in order to understand how games should not be. Experiencing this title will give you a clear understanding of the distinction that exists between a masterpiece and a disasterous product.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2018

We Happy Few is a perfect example of a game with a great premise and setting yet it fails at the last hurdle. Technically, the game feels like it could have done with a few more months of polish here and there. It would have been better if the developers had ironed out some of the more serious memory issues which cause the framerate drops and occasional crashing the further into the Acts you get. That being said, if you can look past the issues then you’re left with a really interesting and unique game which perfectly represents an alternative 1960’s British City.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 21, 2018

The killjoyers have always been among us and in the world of video games have always been an essential part of many deliveries of various genres and many well-known sagas.

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6 / 10
Aug 20, 2018

With some re-arranging of the locations we visit and the characters we encounter, the mechanics of play, and the level design, this game could have fantastic atmosphere and would have compelled me to take a deep nosedive into the ripe thematic core it presents. So my message to you is this: if the idea of ‘We Happy Few’ interested you, I’d recommend you give it a try. It’s not perfect, by any length, but it’s something I think we should all at least look at, as there are many design lessons to be learned. A great concept does not make a great game, but if you’re willing to put up with some slightly annoying level design and play with mechanics you’ve seen before, that price of entry may well be worth it if you’re wanting to experience the story it has to tell.

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Aug 18, 2018

While this may not be what many players originally envisioned the launch version of We Happy Few being like, it’s hard to deny that it’s one of the more consistently interesting open-world games I’ve played, sporting deeply enjoyable lore and writing that make up for some gameplay shortcomings.

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6.8 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2018

We Happy Few is enticing, and the premise of this twisted dystopian thriller certainty has its hooks. The setting is eerie and heavily implemented regulations leave the city of Wellington Wells feeling dense with pressure and rules. It’s a tale reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984, but for this game to also become a classic it still needs some work.

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Aug 13, 2018

Unfocused in both its plot and gameplay, We Happy Fews completely misses the mark and does a huge disservice by spreading old stigmas associated with mental health issues.

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60 / 100
Aug 12, 2018

We Happy Few hides nuggets of narrative gold at the end of tiring sequences of gameplay.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2018

Fans of walking simulators and story driven games will find a lot to love here. While some of the systems in the game are rather intricate they tend to be unnecessary and even tedious at times, making the gameplay and puzzles overall drab and boring. With such a mixed bag of elements it’s hard to recommend We Happy Few to anyone that isn’t up for a long game that is story based.

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7 / 10
Aug 8, 2018

The combination of tension, exploration, intrigue, and survival made for an strong artistic foundation for Compulsion Games to build their story upon. They’ve created something special here, and I hope they continue to do good story work going forward. We Happy Few’s stealth and combat, on the other hand, needed more work. While the game encourages you to seek out additional playthroughs, they only serve to cast a harsh light on the fundamental mechanics. And that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

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7.1 / 10.0
Aug 9, 2018

We Happy Few have a lot of good ideas and the best virtue of the game is the story of this original dystopian world that we can explore, but unfortunately, other mechanics like combat or stealth can be better.

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Aug 9, 2018

There's a lot to like about We Happy Few, with its unique psychedelic dystopian setting and well-developed story, but it's the moment-to-moment action that crashes down on you like a bad dose of Joy. So-so survival elements, the lack of mission variety, frame rate issues, prolific bugs, and tedious stealth and combat will make you want to cook up some Joy for yourself, so that maybe you too can forget the bad stuff and remember only the bright side of things.