MADiSON VR Reviews

MADiSON VR is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
90 / 100
May 21, 2024

Many people claim that Madison VR is the scariest horror game ever. Such a claim, scientifically backed or not, still depends on you. As a veteran of many a horror game, it is certainly in the discussion. Smooth controls and an improved inventory system would make Madison VR a definite contender for the title of the scariest horror game ever.

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7 / 10.0
May 24, 2024

With Madison, we got a unique indie horror game that was wonderfully atmospheric and genuinely scary. It also scored with a very well-written, multi-layered story. All of this is present here. However, the controls and interactions don't translate well to virtual reality, often being clunky and choppy, and can take you out of the immersion and atmosphere of the game.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jul 4, 2024

The move to virtual reality strengthens what makes MADiSON an effective scare machine, while shining a light on its poor design choices and slightly wonky VR implementation.

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May 30, 2024

MADiSON VR combines many classic horror themes across games and film to bring together an effective, immersive, anxiety-inducing Horror experience that is not for the faint-hearted. The deep lore you discover throughout the playthrough (if you read every note) builds up the world of the Hale house. As someone with vision issues related to my pupils adjusting correctly to light meant that the pure black parts of rooms against the dimly lit sections caused me some issues but without this, they would struggle to hide the jump scares. MADiSON does a great job at creating the experience of being possessed and the confusion that it induces on Luca. I hope that Bloodious games continues to build up their world and the lore around it.

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