Downward: Enhanced Edition

Downward: Enhanced Edition header image
Nindie Spotlight
7.2 / 10
Rectify Gaming
6 / 10
Echo Boomer
No Recommendation
65 / 100
MKAU Gaming
8 / 10
Creators: Plug In Digital, Caracal Games, Plug In Digital
Release Date: Jul 13, 2017 - Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PC
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Critic Reviews for Downward: Enhanced Edition

Overall, for a budget game (and one that seems before the enhanced edition was constantly on sale for less the $4), the game’s main gameplay mechanics as well as it’s graphics are more than I was expecting. However, I wish the developers spent more time on the story behind the game, as It feels like a puzzle missing a piece, and impossible to put the story together. With the lack of story, the game can also feel very repetitive. While affordable, I probably wouldn’t recommend the game even at its low price point, which is sad as I think with a better story this game could be really amazing.

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Echo Boomer

No Recommendation / Blank
Echo Boomer

A game full of technical problems, poor guidance, and confusing levels that, against all expectations, manages to be fun in short doses.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Downward: Enhanced Edition is a solid and fun first-person platformer that stands out in the genre for its fantasy setting, offering varied scenarios from exotic zones to icy or fiery expanses. It's a pity about some small physics issues that get the character stuck in unlikely places, the lack of real combat, and a soporific and inconclusive plot that doesn't do justice to Caracal Games' creation.

Review in Italian | Read full review

I’m in shock. ‘Downward’ the enhanced edition had no business being as addictive as it was. Just a typical first-person, parkour adventure title, developed by Caracal Games, this game was more than meets the eye as it thrusts you into a world turned upside down…wards.

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