Tales of Zestiria Reviews

Tales of Zestiria is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2015

Tales of Zestiria is a perfectly competent but unremarkable Tales title. It's fun to play and has a solid cast of characters, but the experience is dragged down but a lackluster plot and poor level and area design. It tries some ambitious things but generally to its detriment, and at the end of the day, it's a B-tier Tales title. If you're in the mood for a good JRPG, Zestiria fits the bill, but don't expect anything outside of the norm.

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Nov 2, 2015

Tales of Zestiria is passable in most departments, but it makes no real effort to excel at anything. The combat and visuals aren't aging well and the story and characters are clichéd, even for a JRPG. There's some fun to be found fusing equipment, but overall the series needs to up its game.

Digitally Downloaded
Matt S.
Top Critic
Oct 16, 2015

Of course, these are all complaints that apply to previous Tales games, and with the series 15 titles old now, most of us will know how far (if at all) these issues irk us. While I would prefer to see Bandai Namco at least try and do something to modernise the series, it's difficult to really criticise it for sticking to beloved tradition. And as long as the narratives continue to be as enjoyable as they are, it's really quite easy to forgive each new game its flaws anyway.

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Gamers Heroes
Johnny Hurricane
Top Critic
7 / 10
Nov 2, 2015

Overall Tales Of Zestiria is a solid J-RPG but not quite next gen version we had hoped for. They still have some work to do on the series but I still had a fun time playing the game.

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7.1 / 10.0
Dec 30, 2015

Tales of Zestiria offers something new in the form of a unique, more element-focused battle system and an interesting new race.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2015

Tales of Zestiria is a good JRPG, but it always just feels like the same game in a different shell. If you didn't like Xillia or Graces, you probably won't be turned around by Zestiria. However, I like them because I know what I'm getting, an over-acted story with daft and sometimes creepy humour, all wrapped up in an action RPG that hides surprising depth.

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Bit Cultures
Roderick Sang
Nov 18, 2015

Overall, even with its imperfections, Tales of Zestiria is a game that I truly loved playing. I am so happy I picked it up on a whim, and unless some super incredible RPG comes out before December ends, I can safely say this was my game of the year. For sure.

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3 / 5.0
May 5, 2018

A long JRPG with a lot of content. Enjoyable but brought down by too many battle systems, and a story that isn’t very good. However it’s a quantity over quality smorgasboard of JRPG goodness.

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7.9 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2016

Tales of Zestiria may not be the greatest entry in the Tales series, but it is certainly worth the time of any well-established Tales fan.

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Oct 19, 2015

The dungeons are boring, the open world is sparse, and the skill system is obtuse, but a great cast keeps Tales of Zestiria moving forward. Between the cast and the combo-heavy combat system, JRPG fans will find a good deal of fun here.

Nov 28, 2015

Tales of Zestiria is one of the worst Tales games to date.

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