StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Reviews

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jan 7, 2016

'Starcraft II' remains a household name in the RTS genre, and 'Legacy of the Void' joins an already great pair of games to make a compelling trilogy. The replay value is high and strategy gamers can enjoy many hours of play after finishing the decent campaign, especially those interested in the robust multiplayer options.

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8.8 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2015

Professional gaming aside, StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void offers a pretty solid amount. While I'm still not entirely behind the idea of splitting Terran, Zerg and Protoss campaigns into three separate releases, I must admit that Legacy of the Void won me over. It has everything I expected it to have: addictive gameplay, solid plot, great characters, Blizzard's trademark kick-ass cinematics, exciting campaign missions and a rich multiplayer package.

8.5 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2015

Starcraft 2 - Legacy of the Void is best described using the words that Blizzard makes a character utter relatively early in the campaign: "It's technology is ancient, yet highly advanced." The phrase manages to capture the way the developers at Blizzard have kept the series fresh, by mining the classic ideas of the real-time strategy genre while seeking to mix them with innovative approaches. For Legacy of the Void the words also nicely encapsulate its relationship with the game engine and the structure of the campaign and multiplayer modes, both of which are as old as the franchise itself but still offer gamers plenty of surprises. Starcraft II deserves its place as one of the most influential releases of the past five years, and this Protoss-focused chapter manages to deliver a fitting end to its core narrative while opening up the multiplayer in some interesting ways.

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8 / 10
Nov 25, 2015

What looks like pure chaos and confusion from the outset, becomes something that feels great to play.

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Harvard L.
Top Critic
Nov 24, 2015

Legacy of the Void is a triumphant swan song for the Starcraft 2 trilogy, boasting a fantastic Campaign mode, fun casual multiplayer and a robust competitive multiplayer scene. Starcraft is a game about planning and forethought, and that's definitely something that Blizzard had in mind when making Legacy of the Void: in its aims to finish the Starcraft narrative, accommodate for new players and reinvigorate the competitive scene, this game is everything that it needs to be. There's really something for everyone in this title regardless of your experience in RTS games, with a great story, heaps of different ways to experience the game's content for all skill levels and for those who want to be the very best, there's a gauntlet of tough opponents just waiting for you.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2015

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void gives what a final-chapter should be. The compelling story of the Protoss and their struggle to fight for their freedom and legacy marks the closure of the StarCraft narrative; with having all of the old favorite units back makes the trilogy complete. En Taro Artanis!En Taro Zeratul! En Taro Adun! En Taro Tassadar! And En Taro Artanis!

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Top Critic
Nov 12, 2015

As always, multiplayer remains the lifeblood of StarCraft; but with competitive multiplayer having become so insular, it's nice to know that more casual fans have options outside of the campaign. As for the campaign itself, I'm going to have some more thoughts on that next week when I wrap up this review-in-progress and offer some thoughts on StarCraft II as a whole. En Taro Tassadar.

8.2 / 10.0
Mar 24, 2017

Legacy of the Void is a StarCraft game, which means it is quality by default. Indeed, this is a game that upholds expectations.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2015

Legacy of the Void bietet den perfekten Abschluss für die Starcraft 2 Geschichte und schließt das Ganze noch mal mit großartigen Erweiterungen für den Multiplayer und Singleplayer ab. Die Zwischensequenzen wirken teilweise zwar etwas lieblos und auch die Herausforderung in der Kampagne fehlt etwas für Veteranen, aber ansonsten macht Blizzard mit Legacy of the Void absolut alles richtig.

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