The Coma: Cutting Class Reviews

The Coma: Cutting Class is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Oct 29, 2015

A solid Korean animated cartoon video game with an emphasis on survival horror.

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5 / 10
Nov 20, 2015

In the end there is nothing inherently wrong or bad about The Coma, which in itself may be considered bad news for anyone hoping for a campy LP. The premise of a haunted high school mixed in with Visual Novel-type artwork is an interesting one, but the game never moves past mediocrity to make good use of it. An average experience is still better than a bad one, but anyone hoping for a better high school horror experience should consider checking out Corpse Party or shell out however much a Playstation VR will cost for the remake of White Day.

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Oct 22, 2021

Ultimately it’s a small issue, though; The Coma is a fascinating horror game that, on a surface level, offers an atmospheric and spooky “escape from a killer” scenario while simultaneously having a lot of much deeper, more meaningful and scathingly critical things to say about modern society. It’s a great example of intelligent horror — and a great addition to your library if you’re looking for something spooky to enjoy.

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6.8 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2015

Escape the terrifying clutches of Ms. Song as she stalks you through the spooky hallways of Sehwa High School in The Coma: Cutting Class; A short but enjoyable 2D side scrolling stealth survival horror adventure with a strong focus on exploration and narrative. Despite some frustrating gameplay mechanics and level design, the visual presentation and mysterious story are well worth the 4 or so hours of gameplay. The captivating plot and spooky setting will grip most players through to its frightening conclusion.

Feb 11, 2016

The Coma: Cutting Class is an excellent example of using the horror genre to reflect on real-world fears and social issues. The environment and the art style work well together to create a tense experience, yet this tension however is lost with a somewhat simple approach to game design, a shame to what is a quality horror game.

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