Moon Hunters Reviews

Moon Hunters is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Oct 28, 2017

All told, Moon Hunters is a wonderful roguelike RPG that is quite unlike anything else available on the Switch, offering a bite-sized, engaging adventure that is extremely replayable and can be enjoyed both alone and with friends. Though there are some issues with the easy difficulty and the occasionally heinous load times, we still give this one a strong recommendation. Moon Hunters offers a lot with a relatively small amount of content, and you'll likely find yourself revisiting this one for quite some time.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2017

Moon Hunters is ambiguous, on the one hand players get, interesting style of storytelling to the wonderful sound, and the other too short a story, a story which repeats itself over and over again, bringing a few new details that do not particularly affect it, Yes, the game certainly knows how to tighten, especially in your accidental, which hits a character, after all, as he of them will be selected depends directly from the player and his choice.

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7 / 10
Nov 3, 2017

Moon Hunters is easily summed up by saying it's akin to a Dungeons and Dragons-style "choose your own adventure". Some choices you make can play out very differently with your third, sixth, or twentieth playthrough. Every tale has the same start and end, but the middle can be incredibly varied. It's a sumptuous title in both story and presentation; with visuals that could stand up next to Hyper Light Drifter and sound design that sweeps through orchestral themes and folk songs. It's a shame that the fighting mechanics feel a little too similar because the story itself is a real treat.

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3.3 / 5.0
Nov 6, 2017

Moon Hunters is more than the retro-styled action game that screenshots would lead you to believe, but it is also less than the “personality test RPG” that it sets out to be. A fun evening with friends could be had, but don’t expect to find a lasting experience.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2017

If you're looking for a light co-op game on Switch, Moon Hunters is fantastic, and the simple combat and short length are more of a boon than a hindrance. But if you want something deeper and long-lasting, this falls short of that, especially as a single-player-only affair. Still, weaving your own legends makes for a good time, even if it's short-lived.

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Nov 27, 2017

I found Moon Hunters to be a game I really wanted to love, the clever world building that takes place over generations and the stat and skill building that is on offer leads me to want a deep and rich experience that never quite materialised. There are some fantastic moments and clever storytelling but the loading times, bugs and such short campaign runs hold back what could have been a very good game with a few tweaks.

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Dec 4, 2017

You're pushed to move forward thanks to the game's story, the background of each hero and the ways you can impact on how each tale develops, all in short journeys that take roughly an hour or so. I highly recommend Moon Hunters if you're looking for a pixeltastic release you can take on short adventures as needed, especially if you have a bunch of friends to play with. Due to the Nintendo Switch's nature, you can instantly have two-player sessions, and if you have a couple of extra Joy-Con or other Switch controllers, you can take on a full four-player journey on the Switch's screen while in Tabletop Mode.

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