God Eater 2: Rage Burst Reviews
Overall the game is okay but nothing really sets it apart from other games like it. If you are a fan of the series you might want to pick it up, if not you may just want to avoid this one.
God Eater 2 Rage Burst is full of action, adventure, and lots of beasts to slay in the best way possible.
God Eater 2: Rage Burst was a surprisingly well-ported and robust action RPG that contains an interesting story, plenty of mild fan service, and some stunning graphics. Add to it the robust voice-over and solid background music that mixes well with the mission-based style of gameplay and the light crafting and RPG features, and you have a faithful port that does not exactly feel like a port at times. Snappy action with plenty of options, even if it is lacking a lock-on, yield hours of Aragami-devouring fun while not being a tiresome slog.
I’m sure fans of the first game and of this type of genre might love it, but I walked away from it just wanting more, but my guess isn’t that the game has issues, it’s just that this genre isn’t for me.
All-in-all God Eater 2: Rage Burst is loads of fun. Combining good story, good character development, a huge variety of customisable gear, a great multiplayer aspect that can also assist you in the main story missions and a superb soundtrack.
Whenever a bullet is fired, the whole world seems to burst. It feels like someone just shot in your screen. This makes the game much of addiction.
While the old players will probably relive the moments of happiness they hoped for, God Eater 2: Rage Burst probably won’t attract many new fans. Even if it’s great, it’s definitely not for everyone. So we warmly recommend if it’s even possible, let someone who already played the first game lead you into this world first, instead of risking less than a mediocre impression of, deep down, one very good title.
Das Bundle aus God Eater Rage Burst 2 und Resurrection bietet zwar einiges an Spielzeit für Monster-Jäger, aber wird wohl nur Hardcore Fans überzeugen können. Die technische Überarbeitung der originalen Versionen sind absolut gelungen, aber die Titel kämpfen immer noch mit denselben Schwächen und vor allem Rage Burst 2 liefert zu wenig neues um sich vom Vorgänger genug abzuheben. Wer kein Problem damit hat, hunderte Stunden simple Monster-Aufträge zu erfüllen, wird mit den beiden Titeln auf jeden Fall glücklich.
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God Eater 2: Rage Burst cements the series as the best alternative to Monster Hunter, and potentially surpasses it for those looking for a narrative within the gameplay experience both series offer.