ECHO Reviews

ECHO is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Oct 19, 2017

There's definitely room for ECHO to improve and expand, but it's a smashing debut nonetheless. Ultra Ultra has performed a deft balancing act here and one that carefully avoids over complicating things, much to the benefit of the player. It's far and away one of 2017's best sleeper hits and we can't wait to see what the studio has coming next.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2017

I have never played another game quite like Echo before. Folks are always rallying for innovation in the industry, and I can't think of too many better examples of that in recent years. It's not all perfect, but what's there is extremely refreshing. This is not an easy game. You will die a lot. You will get angry. However, when you finally defeat your opponents, it's like sex. A huge release where, for a few small minutes, you genuinely feel like you just accomplished something. It's glorious.

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8 / 10
Sep 20, 2017

Echo is a marvel of A.I. programming bolstered by a compelling sci-fi storytelling, and injects new life into the stealth genre.

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