ECHO Reviews

ECHO is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Sep 20, 2017

Echo is a marvel of A.I. programming bolstered by a compelling sci-fi storytelling, and injects new life into the stealth genre.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 21, 2017

ECHO is a puzzle game disguised as a third-person action-adventure game.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2017

Echo is an example of an exceptional idea that is enough to carry a whole game. The clever use of AI creates unique challenges, but the lack of environmental changes and same enemy type throughout means that it does slightly out-stay its welcome.

8.5 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2017

ECHO is a game with a singular gameplay mechanic that it delivers on with precision. Its setting is a spectacle, and its plot is well-developed despite some slight details that feel glossed over and an ending that barely wraps everything up. Those looking to invest a little time into one of the more unique and stylish titles of the year will find a great experience. If you're hoping to spend a bit more than eight hours into ECHO, there aren't additional gameplay modes, but the option for increased difficulties unlocks after the first playthrough, and there are plenty of collectibles available to keep the avid achievement hunter busy for a while longer.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2017

Echo is both fascinating and terrifying. Its ability to learn from the players moves opens the door for a future of shooters and action games full of smarter enemies.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2017

I have never played another game quite like Echo before. Folks are always rallying for innovation in the industry, and I can't think of too many better examples of that in recent years. It's not all perfect, but what's there is extremely refreshing. This is not an easy game. You will die a lot. You will get angry. However, when you finally defeat your opponents, it's like sex. A huge release where, for a few small minutes, you genuinely feel like you just accomplished something. It's glorious.

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8 / 10
Oct 19, 2017

There's definitely room for ECHO to improve and expand, but it's a smashing debut nonetheless. Ultra Ultra has performed a deft balancing act here and one that carefully avoids over complicating things, much to the benefit of the player. It's far and away one of 2017's best sleeper hits and we can't wait to see what the studio has coming next.

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Sep 22, 2017

It's been awhile since I played a game where the ability to shoot an opponent felt so alternatingly risky and exhilarating.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2017

Conceptually fascinating and visually stunning, Echo runs out of steam the longer it overstays its welcome, beginning to feel like an echo of itself before long. A slow start, punitive checkpoints, and analogous environments lead further encounters to feel like running the same old gauntlet, which is disappointing, given the potential of this novel concept. The unique strategic gameplay of enemies learning from you reverberated throughout, but so did everything else. I really enjoyed Echo, but like a song played on repeat, I could only suffer so much repetition before it began to lose me.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2017

Echo truly surprised me in ways I didn't expect.

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85 / 100
Oct 21, 2017

Beating yourself at your own game feels satisfying, and losing yourself feels fair.

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Top Critic
8.2 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2017

Echo offers something that I don't think anything else has done. It's creepy and imaginative and despite some flaws that come with the limited budget, it offers a lot of engaging, memorable and unique moments.

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8 / 10
Oct 11, 2017

A stealth game built on a philosophical concept: fight an army of yourself that respawns better, faster, and stronger based on your own expanding growth. ECHO boasts a rich and well-designed sci-fi world that isn't bogged down by plot or exposition. There isn't much to do beyond the core sneaking, and the midpoint drags, but this is a genuinely unique and intense title that deserves to be experienced.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2017

ECHO's lacklustre story, slow pace and restrictive character control mildly detract from what is otherwise one of the most refreshing stealth titles to come along in a good while. Make no mistake; fans of the genre will find much to like in ECHO.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Oct 3, 2017

Echo is a mixed bag. On the one hand, there is an interesting and well-presented story with an unexpected ending, notable characters and unusual game mechanics. At the same time, all stages are visually similar to each other, mechanics are not deep enough and the set of possibilities is too limited. But still you can try it, if you love the genre.

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Top Critic
82 / 100
Oct 11, 2017

Echo does not use its full potential, but with the adaptive AI it offers an interesting playful approach and a cool sci-fi story.

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3.5 / 5.0
Oct 16, 2017

Echo thrives on its conceptually impressive mechanics and simplistic gameplay, but suffers from repetitiveness. Nonetheless, Echo is an enjoyable game that fans of the stealth action genre should experience, especially when there's nothing like it in the market.

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Sep 18, 2017

Echo is both an impressive debut game for Ultra Ultra, and one of the smartest, most innovative sci-fi action titles I've played in a long time. It's one thing to have a great concept and a brilliant core game mechanic, but Echo makes it an integral part of the storytelling, fully tied into the characters, the narrative and the art.

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Justin Woo
Top Critic
7.3 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2017

ECHO tries new and interesting things, but doesn't always succeed. The gameplay and visuals wear thin over time, but some players will appreciate the game for its originality.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2017

ECHO tries to reinvent the wheel with its new take on enemy AI. While the game ultimately succeeds in doing so, the end result is having a fancy new wheel on an otherwise mundane sedan. The rest of the game simply doesn't do the enemy AI system the justice it deserves.

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