INVERSUS Deluxe Reviews

INVERSUS Deluxe is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Oct 2, 2017

An interesting concept that has been executed very successfully makes INVERSUS Deluxe a solid purchase option for Nintendo Switch owners. The adaptable arenas create fun, action packed matches and it can be difficult to put down at times. A surprisingly challenging difficulty level in the game's Arcade mode could possibly put off some players but will likely attract more, feeding their need to fight for the highest score possible. Enjoyed best with friends, but thankfully also a worthy experience to play through alone, INVERSUS Deluxe could well be your next go-to party game.

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7 / 10
Oct 14, 2017

INVERSUS Deluxe has the right conditions for a fun time, whether solo or multiplayer but with an added appeal on local multiplayer, with several friends around the same Nintendo Switch. The game's rewards can be disappointing for those expecting more but overall Inversus is worthy of the players' efforts and it's simple enough to get into in a quick amount of time.

Review in Portuguese |

Oct 5, 2017

Inversus Deluxe is a fun and intense single and multiplayer shooter with a good deal of content and a well-executed unique core mechanic.

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Oct 17, 2017

Negative space is a thing. And it can be pretty good too. Sometimes.

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7.8 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2017

As long as you buy into the core gameplay being offered INVERSUS Deluxe delivers a great deal of value for the price of admission...

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Oct 8, 2017

Inversus is a simple but exciting game. It offers original and fun gameplay suited for quick gaming sessions. However, I would only recommend picking it up if you have one or more friends to play it with.

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6.7 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2017

Two modes, a couple of levels, simple gameplay. That's what Inversus Deluxe has to offer. But that's enough. Inversus sucks you in and makes you stick to the game for hours.

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9 / 10
Oct 4, 2017

If you have a soft spot for the arcade classics from back in the day, or even hold a competitive bond between friends, then INVERSUS Deluxe is a no-brainer. To be able to pull this title out of your bag wherever you want makes this now portable coin-op style experience a fantastic addition to the ever convenient Nintendo Switch. Whilst it may not provide hours of longevity, it’s definitely one to go back to time and time again. Especially in the company of good, like-minded friends.

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