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DANGEN Entertainment, Joakim Sandberg, Bifrost Entertainment
Jan 23, 2018 - PlayStation 4, PC, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 5

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

PC Gamer
78 / 100
8.4 / 10
Metro GameCentral
7 / 10
Game Informer
9 / 10
9 / 10
9.5 / 10
7 / 10
IGN Italy
8 / 10
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Iconoclasts – Feature Trailer | PS4 & Vita thumbnail

Iconoclasts – Feature Trailer | PS4 & Vita

Iconoclasts -- Reveal Trailer | PS4, PS Vita thumbnail

Iconoclasts -- Reveal Trailer | PS4, PS Vita

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Critic Reviews for Iconoclasts

Slick platforming, well-designed puzzles, and a huge, connected world, with occasional moments of frustration.

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Iconoclasts' combination of clever Metroid-inspired design and lush art offers more than enough incentive to stick with it, even when the ambitious plot doesn't always connect. This is a strange, complex game that – refreshingly – doesn't play quite like any other work in the genre. Iconoclasts offers a welcome reminder that they don't all have to play the same way.

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Metro GameCentral

7 / 10
Metro GameCentral

An uneven mix of the overfamiliar and the surprisingly inspired, but the gorgeous graphics alone make this a Metroidvania to remember.

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Iconoclasts plays well, looks great, and has some strong level design, but the unexpected highlight is a narrative that examines topics like religion and environmentalism in a well-realized world with real consequences

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When Iconoclasts' end credits begin to roll, it's bittersweet to see the journey come to a close.

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That's where Iconoclasts lives too, outside the lines. Of its genre, its inspirations, and its expectations. It's a delightful surprise, the kind that doesn't come around often enough.

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Perhaps Iconoclasts just tries to do a bit too much of everything, which is stunning considering it has come from a single person's creative drive, which is so compellingly impressive. A decent edit of the script, fewer bosses and puzzle repetitions, and the rest could have been refined even more. Seven years ago Iconoclasts would have blindingly stood out on its artstyle alone – as it indeed did when announced, but now it has to compete with a plethora of other captivating 2D pixelart games. Luckily for Iconoclasts that, despite its flaws it still stands tall amongst its peers, both recent and its contemporary forebears.

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Iconoclasts is yet another proof of how independent software is taking up an increasingly important part of the gaming market. Made with an almost palpable devotion, Sandberg's game manages to stand out for its unexpectedly mature narrative and superb level design. A few too cryptic puzzles and the massive amount of text could frighten users looking for a "pure" metroidvania. This doesn't affect the personality of Iconoclasts, which reveals itself to be a truly, great game.

Review in Italian | Read full review