ClusterPuck 99 Reviews

ClusterPuck 99 is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Apr 6, 2018

ClusterPuck 99 is certainly worth considering if you plan on hosting an eight-person party any time soon for a night of local multiplayer action. It won't be the star attraction, but it'll entertain friends and family for more brief periods. Where the game falls short is its lack of online multiplayer. It would have been great to be able to team up with the same number of people online. Additional modes could have then been included such as a competitive mode. Without online, what's left is a game that just isn't anywhere near as entertaining for solo players and is very hard to recommend. If you are interested in this, ideally you'll at least a few people around to play this game with.

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5 / 10.0
Apr 17, 2018

Negatives aside, Clusterpuck 99 is much less insufferable when experienced with a few friends, if only because any human who has ever touched a controller can play with more intelligence than the AI.

6 / 10
May 17, 2018

Clusterpuck 99 may not have the most ambitious features available on the Nintendo Switch and while an online mode would certainly be appreciated, its local multiplayer allowing up to eight players and its simple controls help it become a fun and enjoyable experience that bases itself on the unusual mix of football, air hockey and 2D platforms.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2017

Clusterpuck 99 is a good deal if you are playing with a large group of people. It's simple enough that anyone can pick up on it. There are a variety of maps to play from. The game seems very polished and is obvious that thought was put into it. The A.I. could be adjusted a little bit to resemble a actual human opponent more. I would not recommend this game if you are playing alone due to this.

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Evan Norris
Top Critic
6 / 10
Apr 3, 2018

Add enough human contestants and the fun rises exponentially.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 15, 2018

If you regularly have some friends over and everyone enjoys some light competition that's easy to pick up and understand it very well may be a big hit. If, on the other hand, you're normally playing by yourself if will no doubt run out of steam quickly. Thus, results and enjoyment are likely to vary wildly with this one.

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8 / 10.0
May 1, 2018

Clusterpuck 99 is yet another must-have indie release on the Switch. The Nintendo eShop is rapidly building up a catalogue of affordable, quality games, with this being no exception. The combination of easy to use controls, quirky graphics, a multitude of levels, along with a course creator make Clusterpuck 99 an excellent option for fans of high-octane action.

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Apr 2, 2018

This is a simple summary just like this game. Buy it if you enjoy playing team based games and have enough friends or family to play it with because then it becomes a fantastic party game. It will bring you all plenty of joy and the competitive nature out in all of you. However, this is not one to pick up if flying solo.

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7.8 / 10.0
Apr 18, 2018

Clusterpuck 99 offers a simple and charming experience, but it’ll blow your socks off when played in multiplayer with a group of friends. It’s a whole lot of fun and will have you laughing (and sometimes arguing) as you take part in chaotic showdowns across a huge range of levels. Add to that a level builder that allows you to make whatever childish creation you want, and you just know you’re going to have a good time. If you’re looking for a single player game though, I’d stay well away - it’s just not the same experience and you’ll find yourself growing bored of it after ten minutes or so of play. Clusterpuck 99 is a multiplayer-focused title, and no half-hearted challenge mode or dumb AI bot is ever going to change that. If you’ve got a good group of friends together though (and enough controllers), I can’t recommend Clusterpuck 99 enough. It’s not the most in-depth multiplayer experience you can have on the Nintendo Switch, but it’s certainly one of the most enjoyable.

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