Shadows: Awakening Reviews

Shadows: Awakening is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.7 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2018

It might lack the decision making aspect of the RPG genre but, beyond that, Shadows: Awakening is an amazing game. The great mechanic of having multiple protagonists in one avatar makes every combat tactical in a distinguishbly way, which is tied to an adictive playable structure , an interesting history and a dense amount of content to create a epic adventure

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9 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2017

I have been, and continue to enjoy S:A enough that it's hard to find much fault with it. That said, for some genre veterans looking for a stout challenge, the default difficult setting is likely much too easy. Additionally, some quest and puzzle design could be considered a bit repetetive, but for me, these concerns were greatly overshadowed by the positives of the experience.

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Nov 11, 2018

A cool mechanic and captivating narration isn't enough to lift this from stock to special, but fans of Tom Baker will find additional rewards as they slog through.

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Oct 3, 2018

It's nice to see a 3d ARPG that's not made by Blizzard get the bombastic sprawling fantasy epic feel fairly right. There are a few things that grate (the purple prose for one) in the game, and there's not many bugs that I've been able to detect - no broken quest chains or triggers that failed. Everything has been smooth sailing barring the dropped frames now and then, and even they don't actually spoil the game. The dual world and puppet mechanics provide a big draw to the game for me, and I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more of the different characters as I progress through the huge game before me. There's a lot of dialogue to listen and read, so if you're into lore-rich worlds, you've come to the right place. The bonus here is that much of it is narrated by Tom Baker.

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