Jupiter & Mars

WeakJupiter & Mars header image

Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Metro GameCentral
5 / 10
Attack of the Fanboy
4 / 5
PlayStation Universe
6 / 10
Push Square
6 / 10
Screen Rant
2 / 5
5 / 10
2.5 / 5
Daily Dot
4 / 5
Creators: Tigertron
Release Date: Apr 22, 2019 - PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation VR
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Jupiter & Mars Trailers

Jupiter & Mars - Launch Trailer | PS4, PS VR thumbnail

Jupiter & Mars - Launch Trailer | PS4, PS VR

Jupiter & Mars - Story Trailer | PS4, PS VR thumbnail

Jupiter & Mars - Story Trailer | PS4, PS VR

Jupiter & Mars Screenshots

Critic Reviews for Jupiter & Mars

Metro GameCentral

Unknown Author
5 / 10
Metro GameCentral

A well intentioned attempt to mix Ecco The Dolphin with a more urgent environmental message but the end result Iacks any real excitement or variety.

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Following the journey of two neon colored dolphins, Jupiter & Mars is a well made underwater experience that also comes with a good message about protecting the future of the oceans in some interesting ways as well.

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Jupiter And Mars has good intentions to educate against the havoc pollution and global warming are causing to our ecosystem, unfortunately, good intentions do not compensate for occasionally boring gameplay and uninspiring levels.

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Jupiter & Mars is an enjoyable underwater experience that sadly doesn't push the boat out. The visuals and music mix for a trippy swim through Earth's ruins, but the lack of interactivity makes the journey surprisingly dry. If you're after a relaxed dive through colourful caverns, this might be worth a look, but don't expect it to make a big splash.

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Tigertron's echo-themed PS VR game debut Jupiter & Mars doesn't feel overly polemic or dull, but decidedly underwhelming all the same.

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Jupiter & Mars may just induce the most motion sickness we've yet to encounter in a VR title to date. Boring gameplay mechanics lead to an altogether forgettable and dull experience. Younger players may enjoy what the game has to offer, but when there are so many other amazing PSVR games out there right now, it's hard to recommend to any but the most die-hard dolphin or neon fanatics.

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Jupiter & Mars may only be a few hours long but it feels like a drag. Its message is admirable but swimming through its empty world is tedious. The basic stealth sections, block smashing mechanics, and environmental puzzles simply aren’t a lot of fun and the visuals are too lifeless to make it a world still worth visiting.

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I found Jupiter and Mars to be a thrilling and thoughtful experience. It clearly communicates an important message and manages to be equally fun and charming.

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