Contra Anniversary Collection

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Contra Anniversary Collection Trailers
Contra Anniversary Collection Launch Trailer - E3 2019
Castlevania - Anniversary Collection
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection by Konami
Critic Reviews for Contra Anniversary Collection
While it's a shame that there are fewer games here than in other Konami collections – we'd have loved to have seen NES title Contra Force or the now-extinct WiiWare title Contra ReBirth – the ones included are universally brilliant. The 8-bit and 16-bit Contra games are among the finest examples of the run 'n gun genre, and to have almost all of them included in a single release and emulated flawlessly is an absolute treat. Whether you're a fan of the series or a curious onlooker who's always wanted to see what the fuss was all about, this is essential.
The best collection from Konami, head to head with the Castlevania one... Shooting to the chiptune rock rhythms brings out our youth emotions, while the action keep being hypnotic, magic... like 30 years ago. We only miss some titles in the colection and hope that M2 fix the frame rate on the coin op. The rest, it's still wonderful.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Co-op, seven unique games, and plenty of challenge wrapped up into one collection. Do not skip.
Contra Anniversary Collection offers a series of run and guns of undisputed historical value in a package that honestly could have offered so much more. Contra III: The Alien War and Hard Corps remain as beautiful as the sun, and the two arcade games still offer a steep but extremely rewarding challenge, however the superfluous presence of the Probotectors can only appear as a waste of space in the eyes of the true fans.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Overall, the Contra Anniversary Collection is a pleasant shoot down memory lane, but the duplicate games are frustrating additions, taking up slots that could’ve been filled by more unique titles.
Contra Anniversary Collection is a solid retro video game bundle for PC that features some of the best run-and-gun titles of the 8- and 16-bit eras, but it lacks many features you'd expect in a contemporary compilation.
Contra Anniversay Collection is a perfect way to jump back to the fast-paced action of the genre, with some of its best games. With 10 great games which still deliver strong challenges, every fan of the run and gun genre should really consider giving this celebration a try.
Review in French | Read full review