StarBlox Inc. Reviews

StarBlox Inc. is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Oct 17, 2019

StarBlox Inc. is a fun and unique little experiment of a game, let down only by the results of that experiment that don't quite come together. At the same time. the sheer satisfaction that comes from victory helps overcome some of the fundamental flaws in the concept and the net result is an original, if convoluted, puzzle-fighter. Ultimately, this is a still an enjoyable title that gets a qualified recommendation.

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7 / 10
Jan 12, 2020

StarBlox Inc. for the Nintendo Switch is what happens when a brawler and a puzzler intersect. Even if it's not the most gorgeous game ever made, this effort can provide some unmistakably fun hours, especially on multiplayer, as the puzzle-based combats advance and the variety of game modes allow for different variations of the experience.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 17, 2019

Minor shortcomings do not hinder StarBlox Inc. At its core, the game is an absolute delight.

Renan Fontes
Top Critic
6 / 10
Feb 6, 2020

StarBlox Inc. is a perfectly enjoyable action puzzler that manages to balance reflex-based gameplay with on-the-fly puzzle solving. The core gameplay loop doesn't have much in the way of depth, but it's easy to pick up, and fun to play, especially in groups of four. Unfortunately, no online means that StarBlox has no real shelf life in spite of a surprisingly decent single player campaign. If nothing else, this makes for a decent couch multiplayer alternative to Puyo Puyo and Tetris.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 30, 2019

The game's tutorial drags and for gaming novices, the mechanics and strategy will really not come naturally. There are many little things that you need to keep in mind to give you the edge in battle. Once you get the hang of the proceedings, though, it can become a highly competitive experience with each side fighting for total domination. The battle and puzzle combo is quite an adorable one that runs quite well on Nintendo Switch.

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Oct 10, 2019

If you want a highly competitive game that'll keep you and your friends on the edge of your seats then you should play StarBlox Inc.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2019

With iconic titles like Tetris, Puyo Puyo, Lumines, and others out there in the action puzzle genre it can be a tricky business to establish yourself...

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