Skully Reviews

Skully is ranked in the 20th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Aug 4, 2020

A beautiful, hilarious and all-around cute platformer/roller, Skully is deserving of the praise. The difficulty can ebb and flow at times, but don’t let that put you off.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2020

Despite the frustration and anger which Skully built up within me, this challenging puzzle-platformer is very addictive and one of the most visually stunning indies I’ve played this year. Utilising three different clay-based Forms to solve the multitude of environment-based puzzles was fun and tricky at times, often requiring you to combine their various abilities to come up with a solution. The game is quite brutal and unforgiving, especially if you’re going for the platinum, but as long as you have enough patience and perseverance, you’ll make it through to the final cutscene. It has a few flaws and questionable choices, but the journey is worth it in the end.

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6 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2020

Skully rolls at its own pace. Which can include some sharp difficulty spikes and lead to some rather frustrating levels. But there’s an undeniable sense of old-school mascot fun to be had here in an adventure that doesn’t overstay its welcome.

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75 / 100
Aug 4, 2020

Skully offers a varied and entertaining alternative to platform and skill games, adding a touch of humour and a lot of difficulty. The summoning system provides new playable mechanics but ends up cutting the pace of the game a bit, even though we'll enjoy it just the same. For people with a lot of skill and infinite patience.

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Aug 4, 2020

For all of its frustration and foibles, Skully's traversal and puzzles make-up the most interesting parts of the game to keep you invested. With a story that manages to actually hit emotionally, it balances out the missteps of the platforming. The collectibles are rather unexciting and the color palette of earth tones lends itself to looking bland, but it'll surprise you. Much like the character, Skully is unassuming and meek, and will fill you with wonder throughout.

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