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897 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
52.3% of games recommended

GameCrate's Reviews

Mar 25, 2016

While we're still itching for Shadow Complex 2 to be confirmed, Remastered will swimmingly make proper use of your time. Its action is still addictive and well structured, the visuals look great, and the extra Master Challenges and Achievements will take some time to clean up. More could've easily been added, but this is still Chair at its best – and that's well worth partaking.

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Mar 23, 2016

If you are a fan of Fire Emblem or tactical games in general, Fire Emblem Fates will not disappoint.

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Mar 23, 2016

If you are a fan of Fire Emblem or tactical games in general, Fire Emblem Fates will not disappoint.

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8.3 / 10.0 - EA Sports UFC 2
Mar 21, 2016

There are still some small improvements to be made when it comes to getting on the level of Undisputed, but EA Sports UFC 2 is a significant improvement over the first game, and proof that the team is more than ready to step into the Octagon. Whenever it rolls around, EA Sports UFC 3 will have a hell of a game on its hands. But, for now, part two is well worth trying, especially if you're a fan of the sport.

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8.3 / 10.0 - DeathSmiles
Mar 16, 2016

If you love "shmup" shooters, or the "bullet hell" variety of game, then Deathsmiles should be right up your alley. What it lacks in stages and offering of modes, it makes up for with intense, wildly satisfying shooting action. Plus, the visuals look great and the soundtrack is one-of-a-kind. If you're a fan of the genre, dig in. And if you're new, this is a great place to start. I mean, where else will you find a damn demonic cow?!

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Mar 14, 2016

I'm still not entirely sold on the way Hitman is being sold, in an episodic package that will open up over the next few months. Regardless, the game is off to a great start thus far, despite minor glitches and drab conversations. Agent 47 continues to be a master of his killing skills, and the first stage of the game, along with the escalation mode and Contracts, really give you a better idea of what's ahead. This is one assassination you'll want to see through to the end.

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2.8 / 10.0 - Blood Alloy: Reborn
Mar 14, 2016

Blood Alloy: Reborn could have been something special, but it's a clear victim of limited funding and hurried development.

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Mar 10, 2016

I wouldn't go so far as to say The Division is the online shooter experience that will usher the genre into a new golden age, but it is a worthy alternative for those who are looking for a more methodical and immersive experience than what games like Destiny can offer. There are still no guarantees about The Division's long-term sustainability, but the strong out-of-the-gate showing it has already made is certainly a good start.

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Mar 10, 2016

While the new Hitman should get greater attention (deservedly so), GO! isn't a bad option for people looking for something more on the strategic side. What it lacks in bloodshed and insightful killing, it makes up for with strong level design and creative challenges to overcome. It's certainly something you could, ahem, kill time with.

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Mar 4, 2016

The Flame in the Flood is a challenging game, but the kind that will likely have you trying again, rather than throwing things across the room.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Tron Run/r
Mar 3, 2016

While I still kind of prefer Evolution in terms of its broader scope and better loyalty to Tron's world, Run/r is a game that works far better on its runner principle on console than I would've expected. Even with certain limitations (and an unnecessarily high price tag), it's a good time, especially if you're a fan of the franchise. Feel free to boot it up if you can handle the high entry fee.

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Mar 2, 2016

It's great to see developers continue to pour their best effort into twin-stick shooters, even if the concept seems dated compared to other genres. Android Assault Cactus is a quality entry in the genre, filled with personality, excitement and creativity. The amount of characters available is impressive; the co-op factor is insane but fun; and the gameplay doesn't stop when it comes to challenging your high-scoring skills. This is one Cactus that certainly won't sting once you grab hold.

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Mar 1, 2016

Sure, Mega Man Legacy Collection could've added more games, or had an option to expand the screen to full size (and what's with the full price tag?). That said, it's still a rich package filled with gaming history, between the six original games, the museum, the music player and the NES Remix mode. If you're even slightly devoted to the Blue Bomber, you owe it to yourself to pick this up. [OpenCritic note: Robert Workman separately reviewed the XB1 (8.5) and 3DS (8.25) versions. Their scores have been averaged.]

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7.8 / 10.0 - Toki Tori 2+
Mar 1, 2016

Toki Tori 2+ is a great-looking puzzle platformer that doesn't quite reach the high standards of its predecessor.

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9 / 10.0 - SUPERHOT
Feb 29, 2016

Superhot is an absolute joy to play, and it includes some great extra modes, neat story twists, and outstanding art. It's a complete package, and even though it's all over rather quickly, it's worth revisiting again and again.

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2.8 / 10.0 - Bombshell
Feb 26, 2016

One of the worst games to come down the PC pike in some time, Bombshell isn't a return to form for 3D Realms, but a reminder why the publisher was in so much trouble to begin with. A great idea is wasted off of horrible game design, bad graphic errors and a worthless audio experience. Where's Duke Nukem to kick ass when you need him?

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8.3 / 10.0 - Calendula
Feb 26, 2016

Not content with simply letting you try to play it, Calendula is very much a game that plays you. It's a thrilling commentary on the relationship between player and game.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Far Cry Primal
Feb 25, 2016

While this is a different direction for the Far Cry series, Far Cry Primal is an excellent entry into the franchise. While it might not be the best introduction to the franchise, it's certainly one the fans of Far Cry should definitely check out and those interested in the series will find something incredibly unique, action-packed, and a lot of fun.

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Michonne travels the apocalyptic world, never staying in the same place long and never letting false promises of security get in her way. She never gives in to threats and faces adversity head on, which makes for a promising adventure.

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Feb 23, 2016

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 offers good combination of multiplayer third-person shooter gameplay and platformer collect-a-thons of days past.

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