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Hardcore Gamer

2960 games reviewed
74.1 average score
80 median score
57.2% of games recommended

Hardcore Gamer's Reviews

Mar 21, 2016

It's likely that we will remember République for being the game with the some of the coolest collectible items in video game history rather than being an awesome experience.

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Mar 21, 2016

Pokémon games are almost always a hit and Pokkén Tournament ranks up there with the best.

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Mar 21, 2016

Trackmania Turbo is a giant, gorgeous world of arcade stunt-racing action.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Sheltered
Mar 21, 2016

Despite any faults listed above, don’t get the wrong impression: Sheltered is a fun and challenging game, especially if you’re willing to put a lot of time into the game crafting the best shelter possible.

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Mar 21, 2016

Much like last year’s treatment with Grim Fandango, Double Fine have successfully restored one of the true classics of the adventure game world and it is glorious indeed. While not as deep and story-rich as last year’s offering, Day of the Tentacle more than makes up for it in humor, style, unique gameplay and a truckload of charm. So put on some Janet Jackson, travel back to an age where adventure games were king and enjoy the ride. Now to begin the wait for Full Throttle Remastered next year…

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Mar 17, 2016

When I see a fledgling studio really trying, I want to check it out.

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Mar 16, 2016

For as many flaws as this game has, it should also be reported that I spent my entire time playing this title with a big, stupid grin on my face.

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3.5 / 5.0 - EA Sports UFC 2
Mar 16, 2016

EA Sports Canada has improved upon the UFC formula greatly, although plenty of the modes still feel shallow.

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4 / 5.0 - Blue Rider
Mar 15, 2016

Even with unfortunate performance hiccups, it’s safe to say Ravegan have created one of the more interesting and cleverly addictive shoot ’em ups in recent years.

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD brings one of the Zelda franchises most beloved games to a contemporary platform, revamping some of the features and making room for amiibo functionality.

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Mar 14, 2016

Samurai Warriors 4: Empires is not a flawless experience.

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1.5 / 5.0 - ATOM GRRRL!!
Mar 14, 2016

ATOM GRRRL!! doesn’t sit right with me.

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Mar 12, 2016

Despite a few noticeable warts, The Division's highs are high enough to warrant millions of players sticking around for a significant amount of time.

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Mar 10, 2016

IO Interactive has setup something potentially more impressive for future releases, with gameplay we've come to love and a taste of what feels like infinite possibilities spread throughout a single scenario.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Mortal Kombat XL
Mar 10, 2016

Mortal Kombat XL retains the same great gameplay and content of the base game.

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Mar 9, 2016

To make a fittingly Nintendo-affiliated comparison, Bravely Second: End Layer is to the 3DS what Bayonetta 2 was to the Wii U: a sequel with its own respectable amount of anticipation that, while offering little by way of drastic change, delivers more than enough fresh and returning moments to remind us all (new and veteran players alike) why such a release struck an immeasurable chord in the first place.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Shardlight
Mar 9, 2016

While Shardlight isn’t as much of a potential classic as some of the other games that Wadjet Eye has released, it is still quite enjoyable and worth checking out for a quick spell.

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While the story can be a bit much at times, The Witch and the Hundred Knight's gameplay makes returning to Metallia's swamp a tempting prospect.

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2.5 / 5.0 - We Are the Dwarves
Mar 8, 2016

We Are The Dwarves shouldn't be completely dismissed, as it still at least has some neat ideas, controls nicely and looks pretty, but it comes across being so viciously unfair that it can only be recommended to the most hardcore fans of this genre. I was constantly finding myself too frustrated at the game to enjoy it, but to those willing to invest hours upon hours of seeing dwarves die over and over, knock yourself out.

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Mar 8, 2016

Stranger of Sword City takes the thirty year old first-person dungeon crawling formula and tweaks it enough to make it feel fresh.

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