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Nintendo Enthusiast

792 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
53.4% of games recommended

Nintendo Enthusiast's Reviews

Jul 18, 2015

In the end, Art Academy is certainly an amazing program for any artist regardless of their skill level. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, you're bound to enjoy the robust set of features that it has to offer.

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Jul 4, 2015

Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure offers an entertaining experience for puzzle enthusiasts; however, if you already own Dr. Luigi or want to experience the old NES gameplay, you may want to skip this latest entry.

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9 / 10.0 - Never Alone
Jun 27, 2015

So, should you buy Never Alone? It depends. I can't recommend it to everyone: the game is short, and it doesn't really include much challenge in either puzzles nor platforming. But if you can look past that, you'll find a stunning, unique game that uses the medium to deliver a beautiful story and an incredible world – and that's worth experiencing.

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Jun 10, 2015

As an overall package Adventures of Pip delivers a fun and satisfying platforming adventure. The visuals are charming and beautiful to look at.  The soundtrack alone is worth a listen at the least as each track perfectly captures the level's atmosphere and the overall sense of adventure.  Adventures of Pip may not be a game that will shake up the gaming industry but it also doesn't need to.  It's a solid platforming adventure with a fun storyline that introduces some fresh ideas worth trying out.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Splatoon
May 27, 2015

Many fans wanted Splatoon to be Nintendo's answer to Halo or Call of Duty, and I don't know if that is fair. If you are expecting that, Splatoon might not be the game for you. Splatoon is to shooters what Mario Kart was to racers: it emphasizes pick up and play fun. It's a fun and lighthearted game with some great mechanics and focus on elements of the shooting genre that have never been looked at the same way before. The world is alive with color and paint and is a treat for the eyes. While the initial amount of maps and modes may be deterring, the sheer fun of the game manages to outshine any strong negative feelings I had. It's not a perfect game, but it's fun: plain and simple.

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May 27, 2015

Swords and Soldier II is a fantastic experience. It is filled with terrific gameplay, beautiful visuals, great music and sound, and laugh out loud moments. The lack of online is disappointing, and there are a few frustrating levels, but all things considered this is a must have for any Wii U owner with an interest in quality experiences – indie or otherwise. It is not a game everyone will love, but if you have even a passing interest in the genre, you owe it to yourself to give this game a second look.

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7 / 10.0 - High Strangeness
May 13, 2015

High Strangeness was a game I wanted to love, but I ended up just liking it. The fantastic score and solid visuals can't make up for the short experience and that is quite the shame because what is there is really solid. If a sequel is ever considered, I would hope the developers would consider making a longer voyage. Fans of retro RPGs and Action-RPGs will find enjoyment here, but just don't expect it to last very long.

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8 / 10.0 - Ultratron
May 10, 2015

All in all, Ultatron is definitely worth looking at. Those who want a top down bullet-hell shooter with some gorgeous retro graphics, perfect controls, lots of options and upgrades, fun tracks, and impressive difficulty will find that all here in spades. Just don't expect any innovation, and keep in mind that some effects can be distracting or confusing at times, and you will get a fantastic experience. It's just too bad something so unnecessary takes away so much.

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Apr 24, 2015

It's impossible not to be impressed with the second round of DLC: in every way, it either lives up to or even surpasses even the original game, gives tons of content, and does so all while expanding the possibilities of Mario Kart for the future. And it is just eight dollars; less than that if you got the combo pack. Truly, this is a phenomenal example of what DLC should be, and it brings Mario Kart 8 to ever increasing heights.

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7 / 10.0 - Story of Seasons
Apr 21, 2015

I cannot suggest Story of Seasons to everybody, but those who like the idea of a calming experience that lets you peacefully escape to a charming world should definitely consider Story of Seasons. If you can get over a painfully long opening before the game opens up and lets you actually play the game, a poor soundtrack, and dull characters, you will be rewarded with an engaging world and a ton of variety and options. It is a fun, relaxing experience – just remember that it is anything but perfect.

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Apr 12, 2015

While it isn't a platforming masterpiece, it is quite good and feels like a complete game instead of a cash-in. If you do enjoy the series, that should definitely bump AVGN Adventures up on your priority list, because this is a great representation. Whether the Nerd has guided you there before or not, this game's offer to take you back to the past is one you should at least consider.

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Apr 5, 2015

Affordable Space Adventures is an indie title with a $20 price tag, and that may make some would-be purchasers leery of the investment. I can say with full confidence that the price tag is not only justified, but might even be too low. Big studios never took the time to flesh out the GamePad and see what it was possible of doing, but Affordable Space Adventures shows why the Wii U GamePad exists: to provide an experience that can only be done on the console. Take the plunge, spend the $20, and get lost in the world of Spectaculon to play one of the finest Wii U titles to date.

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7 / 10.0 - Boxboy
Apr 1, 2015

BOXBOY! is a solid puzzle game with touches of platforming mixed in that puzzle game fans should check out. It doesn't reinvent the wheel of the genre or leave a lasting impression, but it's a fun way to tease your brain and enjoy some clever puzzle designs. If you don't find yourself enjoying puzzle games, BOXBOY! will probably be a pass for you, but for those of us who enjoy a good challenge, BOXBOY! is a worthy addition to your 3DS eShop library.

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Mar 31, 2015

At its core, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is just as good as the original release. Those that missed out on the chance to play through the Wii version will love the incredible world of Xenoblade, the masterfully told story, and the engaging combat system.

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7 / 10.0 - Elliot Quest
Mar 23, 2015

In the end, Elliot Quest is nowhere near perfect and falls short of the classics it's inspired from. However, it would be unfair to call it a bad game. It's more a mixed bag; you're either going to enjoy the game, or be annoyed with it.

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6 / 10.0 - Mario Party 10
Mar 16, 2015

Mario Party 10 isn't a bad game, but it's not a great game that it should have been for the anniversary of the series.

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Mar 11, 2015

Trine 2: The Director's Cut was the first time the series appeared on a Nintendo platform, way back at the Wii U\'s launch. Over two years later, we finally get to see the first adventure the three heroes shared – and now we get that tale with significant visual improvements. So how does the game fare? Well, it's not as good as the sequel. Of course it isn't – the sequel improved on practically everything about the original. Even so, that doesn't mean it doesn't share the same beautiful visuals, stunning music, fantastical world, and clever gameplay as its follow up – and that means that it is most certainly worth checking out all the same, and is a great place for newcomers to start.

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Mar 11, 2015

Overall, Code Name Steam is an excellent attempt at a new franchise. The premise of the title itself is promising and unique, while the story and characters, no matter how ridiculous and convoluted, can easily be built upon. Code Name Steam is no Fire Emblem; it lacks the character development, RPG elements, and difficulty variation. Code Name Steam is a good game though, one which can be nurtured into a masterpiece when its sequel is inevitably released.

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8 / 10.0 - OlliOlli
Mar 10, 2015

The Wii U version also supports Off-TV play on the fly, or will show you your sub-missions much like the touch screen does on the 3DS version of the game. While the 3DS version of OlliOlli is very solid, if I had to choose between the two, the Wii U is the clear winner. With (to me) more responsive controls, better graphics and colors, and higher audio quality, the Wii U version manages to outshine the 3DS slightly. All of the other slight frustrations from the 3DS version remain (no cross-save data, some poorly placed obstacles), but as a whole OlliOlli is a great addition to both the Wii U and 3DS library. The Wii U one is just slightly better.

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Mar 5, 2015

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars  insures us that this series is still just fun and addictive as ever. Its new online 'tipping' system is original, and gives gamers more incentive to keep building. While Cross-Platform functionality is limited, you can't argue with getting two games for the price of one.

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