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Nintendo Enthusiast

792 games reviewed
75.6 average score
80 median score
53.4% of games recommended

Nintendo Enthusiast's Reviews

Feb 27, 2015

Maybe Stick It To The Man is just a simple platformer with only slightly challenging puzzle elements that can be finished in a couple of hours, but thanks to its quantity and quality of humor and jokes, to me it was one of the best eShop experiences I've played on my Wii U.

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Feb 22, 2015

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse isn't going to be a game that is mentioned in Game of the Year conversations at the end of the year, but it is a great way to kill some time in a beautifully created world.

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Feb 10, 2015

At the end of the day, we give Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate our highest recommendation based on our experience, which has been thoroughly outstanding in the short time we\'ve played it. Will it be for you? Who knows, it\'s a niche game if we\'ve ever seen one. But it\'s living proof that niche games can be masterpieces when they are unapologetically designed and crafted around their core gameplay, with little regard for attracting others games\' audience.

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As much as the first hour or so of the game frustrated me, I really grew to love Majora's Mask 3D. The best way to describe the game is to think of the change between Zelda and Zelda II: both are great games, but both play very differently. Although the transition from Ocarina of Time to Majora\'s Mask isn\'t as drastic, at first it really doesn\'t feel like a traditional Zelda game. Maybe that\'s the charm of it though. It's so outside of the box that you don't expect it to flow together at first, but a couple hours in, you come to the realization that not only is this a great Zelda game, it is easily one of the best. Great dungeons, a deep and intricate story, and excellent side quests due to the 3 Day window make for a Zelda game that every 3DS owner should pick up, whether they played the original or not.

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2 / 10.0 - Frenchy Bird
Feb 3, 2015

Much as we may not like to admit it, Flappy Bird was a legitimately clever game. Taking its extraordinarily simple premise, it wrapped the challenging gameplay in a coat of exceedingly charming paint, masking the constant frustration it ought to have elicited and instead gave players the drive to do better. Within the confines of cheap, too-close-to-Mario sprites and one-note gameplay, it garnered a massive following as people joined together to play with – and against – their friends. Flappy Bird worked because it was simple. It did exactly what it needed to do; had it been any more fancy, any more complicated, any more detailed, it would not have become the phenomenon that it was.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Underground
Feb 2, 2015

Looking at Underground without knowing anything about its basic concept will probably leave you unimpressed. It does not have great graphics or a great story, but Grendel Games came up with a very cool idea in matters of controls and puzzle game mechanics, hoping that Underground can develop into something bigger than a simple eShop release on Wii U.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Citizens of Earth
Jan 20, 2015

Throughout my playthrough of Citizens of Earth, I was continually enthralled by all the ideas that went into creating the title. I fell in love with the characters, dialogue, and world. The battle system, meanwhile, captivated me, as it was so perfectly orchestrated. In theory, Citizens of Earth should have been an amazing game, and to a certain extent the game accomplished everything it set out to complete. Unfortunately, however, a few technical errors, along with a few design errors, turned what could have been an amazing experience into one that did not live up to its full  potential.

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9 / 10.0 - Chariot
Jan 8, 2015

Overall, Chariot is another top-tier indie game on the Wii U. A lot of love and care went into this game, and it shows in both the excellent mechanics and audio/visual package.

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Jan 1, 2015

At the end of the day, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse is a very enjoyable game.

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Dec 1, 2014

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is a game no one asked for. There aren\'t many out there who thought, \"You know what Nintendo should do? They should make a Mario spin-off puzzle game filled with tiny levels where you can\'t jump. You would, of course, control the mushroom guy who tells you the princess is in another castle. He\'s everybody\'s favorite character, after all!\" So naturally, despite the odd concept, the team at EAD Tokyo made something absolutely magnificent out of it anyways.

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After only fourteen hours playing through Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, I was stunned to see the credits rolling down the screen. After all, the Hoenn region had always been my favorite, and I recalled spending at least thirty hours reaching the end of Emerald the last time I had played it. I figured that since I was tasked to review the newest Pokémon title, I would want to get the review out in a timely manner. As such, I sped through the game trying to get the review up as fast as possible. I was stalled in my mission, however, as after completing the game I began engaging in all the extra content hidden within the Generation III remakes. This is where the Pokémon games have always shined, and continue to shine: Not the content on the surface of the game, although that too is still incredibly addicting, but all the extra content layered underneath.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Watch Dogs
Nov 24, 2014

If you are a Wii U only owner, Watch Dogs is a decent buy if you want a GTA-like experience, but I'd wait for a used copy or a price drop. Although the driving hinders the game, good graphics and a decent amount of content make this a good, but uninspired game.

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Nov 19, 2014

It's got silky smooth gameplay, tons of single-player features, cool new custom moves and equipment, and is extremely well-polished all over.

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7 / 10.0 - Tengami
Nov 16, 2014

In closing if you're looking for a fun and exciting game then look elsewhere, Tengami is for those looking for a deeper spiritual experience. The title is an artistic masterpiece to experience but offers very little gameplay.

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Nov 15, 2014

All-in-all, Mario Kart 8's first DLC pack is utterly remarkable. Not only is the track design better than ever, not only do they add new characters and karts, and not only does it live up to the visual and online standards of the main game – it even expands the possibilities of what Mario Kart can be.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Sportsball
Nov 10, 2014

Sportsball is a game for college dorm rooms, with beer flowing throughout the night, and competition at its peak. Sportsball is a game for the family to play around the Holiday season to help bring them together. As lackluster as it is as a single player experience, it's that much more fantastic as a local multiplayer experience, and that simply cannot be denied. Gather some friends, family, neighbors, or even strangers, and give Sportsball a try.

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8 / 10.0 - Cosmophony
Nov 7, 2014

In Cosmophony, you die. A lot. If there\'s one thing to know about the game before going in, it\'s that. The developers know this, too, and the entire game is based around you dying with regularity. The experience is made up of five 2-to-3 minute levels that gain length purely through your failure. Fortunately, it\'s challenging in just the right way, and offers ways to get better, so in the end Cosmophony winds up being a must-play for any who yearn for the days when a game would utterly and completely kick your butt.

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9 / 10.0 - The Swapper
Nov 6, 2014

When you first enter the world of The Swapper, you won\'t really understand much aside that you\'re in space. That sense of mystery and wonder at what this game is really about will be with you throughout most of the game as you slowly piece together its intriguing story. Paired with absolutely satisfying puzzle elements you\'ll surely be hooked until the story\'s climax.

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10 / 10.0 - Bayonetta 2
Oct 30, 2014

Overall I cannot recommend Bayonetta 2 enough, this is a game that every Nintendo Enthusiast and gamer should have in their collection. This game is a technical achievement in game design and has the pacing of classic video games that have defined a generation such as Ocarina of Time and Resident Evil 4. Bayonetta looks great, sounds great, and plays great; the game is not half bad too. Without a doubt, this is the greatest action game of all time.

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Oct 29, 2014

Besides the personal preference on the story telling comic-book style, the only real concern with the game is that there is a heavy emphasis on trial and error, which could turn those less patient off. However, those with even just a little bit of patience are advised to pick up Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones. With tons of content, top-notch graphics and audio, and pin point controls, Stealth Inc. 2 is an easy consideration for one of the best eShop games of 2014. Couple that with amazing local co-op that uses the GamePad in an excellent manner, and you have possibly one of the best overall Wii U games of 2014.

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