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2190 games reviewed
71.1 average score
75 median score
47.8% of games recommended

TechRaptor's Reviews

7.5 / 10.0 - Revita
Apr 19, 2022

Revita is a roguelite with some pacing flaws and a big grind but it just has so much heart that its hard to ignore

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4 / 10.0 - Babylon's Fall
Apr 19, 2022

Babylon's Fall is the latest example of a decent core concept being flagrantly corrupted by the live-service template, and whose prospects for improvement dwindle with each passing day.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Cat Cafe Manager
Apr 19, 2022

Although it has an incredibly addicting gameplay loop and a charming cast of characters, Cat Cafe Manager has quite a few glaring flaws and bugs.

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9.5 / 10.0 - NORCO
Apr 15, 2022

NORCO is a brilliant game with an incredibly high level of craft, particularly with its writing. It is one of the most entertaining and thought-provoking games in years, and everyone should play it.

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Lost Valley brings with it a new campaign, subclass options, and enhancements to the Dungeon Maker system. While there's a lot of content within the campaign, the fetch quest style progression didn't offer much in terms of a grand adventure, instead leaving players feeling like they're completing a list of chores.

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3 / 10.0 - In Nightmare
Apr 12, 2022

In Nightmare is a frustrating and dull horror experience that can't live up to the many ideas it tries to set up. This left me not only bored, but disappointed in what it could have been.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Forgive Me Father
Apr 6, 2022

Forgive Me Father is a painfully average shooter that has a lot of good ideas on paper, but never executes them effectively. As a result, its disjointed areas, upgrade system, and overall level of polish leaves much to be desired.

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Apr 4, 2022

Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness is by all accounts, a solid game, but it is a game born in another age, one that ultimately comes with the baggage of its forefathers.

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LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the best LEGO game to date.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Weird West
Apr 2, 2022

An original, imaginative dark western fantasy world with impressive immersive sim elements let down by some sloppy chaotic combat and interchangeable supporting cast.

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3.5 / 10.0 - Abermore
Apr 2, 2022

Abermore had a lot of promise, but the bugs and presentation let it down majorly. This is legitimately close to unplayable.

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5.5 / 10.0 - 35MM
Apr 2, 2022

Sergey Noskov's post-apocalyptic game packs several interesting elements within the frame, but the picture is out of focus.

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6.5 / 10.0 - tERRORbane
Mar 31, 2022

Look for the error in tERRORbane in an amusing yet quick and easy RPG throwback.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Expedition Zero
Mar 31, 2022

Expedition Zero doesn't quite pull of a homerun, but it's a solid experience. If only it wasn't let down by bugs and a lack of polish.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Ikai
Mar 28, 2022

Great sound design and solid atmosphere hampered by subpar English localization and some obtuse puzzles.

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Mar 25, 2022

Phantom Breaker: Omnia is a 2D anime fighting game from Rocket Panda Games that aims to bring back a well-loved franchise. It caters to hardcore fans of the IP as well as newcomers with its simplified controls, and offers an entertaining experience when you're looking to do some mindless bashing for a session or two.

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5 / 10.0 - Martha is Dead
Mar 25, 2022

Like a heaping of horror media, Martha Is Dead's solid start and some nuanced supplementary mechanics are betrayed by its worst impulses by the end.

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8 / 10.0 - A Memoir Blue
Mar 25, 2022

A Memoir Blue is an interesting, emotional journey with a great atmosphere to go alongside it. Even though the story demands a little more time, the journey is worth it.

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85 / 100 - The Upturned
Mar 23, 2022
Tater Tots of Terror video thumbnail
6.5 / 10.0 - Rune Factory 5
Mar 23, 2022

Rune Factory 5 does a few things differently that'll interest long-time fans of the series. The jank and slight annoyances with farming will turn most newcomers away though.

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