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532 games reviewed
76.6 average score
80 median score
58.5% of games recommended

KeenGamer's Reviews

Joseph Ocasion
Jan 22, 2017

At best, Fate/Extella is kinda competent game that fans of the franchise will enjoy. It's not broken and can be simple, mindless fun in short bursts. But those not familiar with the franchise it's based on will be left in the dust. If you're a hardcore fan of Fate/Stay Night or Dynasty Warriors, you've probably decided whether or not Fate/Extella is for you. Those on the fence shouldn't really bother with this title.

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Daniel Gaudiello

Aside from the few technical issues we mentioned, the game was top notch as always. It seemed longer than other episodes. We have yet to play episode 5, but a friend and fellow gamer told us that episode 5 is one hour long. The episodes were said to be 20 minutes long. Episode 3 was easily half an hour. So be prepared to have a good amount of time set aside come episode 5.

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Luan Erasmus
Jan 18, 2017

FourChords Guitar Karaoke has one purpose, to teach players the basics of playing the guitar, and to that end, it works superbly. However, those who can already play well and want to take their average skills to the next level won't find much of worth here. It certainly isn't perfect, but there's a lot that Musopia have done right with FourChords. The game is beautifully put together and it's really incredibly easy to follow the instructions given. Not everyone who picks up a guitar has aspirations of being the next Jimi Hendrix. Some just want to have some fun making good music, and it's for them that FourChords Guitar Karaoke was created. We enjoyed our time with this game, even though our fingers took a beating between playing and writing this review. We have to mention that we could already play a little, so getting started was rather effortless. Our musical talents are limited, but the tools here were able to help us improve somewhat. Those who've never played before will have a more difficult time at the start, but they too should be jamming away before long. This is probably one of the few games we'll continue playing after our review is done, and that's saying something.

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Nathan Wyckoff
Jan 9, 2017

We enjoyed launching a game that we can jump right in and play, one that'll fulfill our need for twitch-combat goodness and edge-of-my-seat competition, and Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet fits the bill. Some are bound to be turned off by the low-polygon count and lack of fancy storylines, but the gameplay allows for barrels of strategy and quick rounds that can go either way until the very end. Each match is like a close superbowl heading into the final stretch, and that's what every fighting game should strive to achieve.

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Carston Anderson
6 / 10.0 - Lantern
Jan 9, 2017

But the question you have to ask yourself is this: would I buy this game? There isn't much replay value, but it can entertain for a few hours and it is a break from the traditional and more mainstream kind of games that we all have been buying and playing for so many years now. But we don't think we would buy it, no. Even for a game that presents itself as a relaxing and calm experience, it isn't that relaxing or calm at times. Trying to figure out the controls before we plugged in our controller wasn't the most relaxing of experiences, and you can imagine our surprise when we decide to pause for the evening in the middle of our game only to find that we'll have to restart everything. If we had to sum it up in one quick sentence, we would describe Lantern as 'like if China did a stress coloring book.' But we think the pros here outweigh the cons just enough for us to give it a solid six out of ten.

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Danielle Crowder
Jan 5, 2017

If you like mysteries, sci-fi, or puzzle adventure games, you will enjoy Subject 13. We are very impressed with what the developers have created and look forward to their next work.

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Joel Franey
8 / 10.0 - Furi
Dec 27, 2016

But the stuff I approve of certainly outweighs the stuff I don’t. The gameplay is fundamentally fun and will certainly appeal to those who like their games rough and ready, the decent storytelling manages to dance around being pretentious without ever actually falling into that trap, and anything that is both somewhat experimental and rather low-priced is always going to earn a thumbs up from me, big hauteur indie snob that I am. Happy to recommend, just keep those blood pressure pills close to hand.

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Dec 21, 2016

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is exactly what the series needed; a gorgeous-looking, classic-feeling, adventure that was made to be played 1080p at 60fps on current consoles and even PC. It's light-hearted but fun story will take players to multiple areas that will feel open for exploration, boss fights that will feel outmatched yet unique, and interactions that will be funny and pretty meaningful. It all works together perfectly and gives players a truly fun adventure to dive into, almost playing out like a cartoon show. If you're a fan of the side-scrolling platform games, a fan of the Shantae series, or just interested in enjoying a colorful and lighthearted game, this title is a great option to add to your collection sooner or later.

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Justin Maxwell
9.5 / 10.0 - Dead Rising 4
Dec 4, 2016

Dead Rising 4 is an amazing game, it does all things right and gives the player a great feel of the original. It's almost an updated version of Dead Rising, and there's even a good amount of references to the first game as well. There is a lot of killing to do and a lot of damage to deal with the exaggerated combo-items. If you're looking for an action-packed, zombie-slaying, destroy-anything-in-your-path game, then this is the one for you. For once, you can like the main character and laugh at his jokes. So go out there, make your own personalized Frank West and kill some zombies with some odd-like combo weapons! And remember to take a lot of selfies! Because you've covered wars, you know.

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Michael Keener
6 / 10.0 - The Dwarves
Dec 4, 2016

The Dwarves had so much potential that it pains me to have actually played what it ended up being due to how torn I feel about it in the end. It was a title I had kept an eye on for months in anticipation, but in the end my hopes and expectations weren't met. There's a chance that perhaps I had them too high, or that I'm being too hard on it, but it truly felt like a bit of a let down. The technical issues are extremely frequent, and I saw the stuttering within seconds of moving my guy for the first time. On the plus side, the fantasy tale and characters are amazing and just as awesome as anyone could hope for.

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Theo Crowshaw
Dec 4, 2016

Is The Keeper of 4 Elements a good game? I had my doubts at first, but yes. Yes, it is. It harkens back to a simpler time, and does it well. If, like me, you have fond memories of playing these sorts of games in school, or perhaps rushing home to play them on your Toshiba laptop, then you'll most likely enjoy this title. However, in an era of gaming where Micro-transactions are everywhere, and monetization of almost everything plagues gaming titles, it is a severe shame that this game had to be sold for a profit when it is available elsewhere completely free. It isn't a question of how much it costs, but rather integrity and respect for the customer.

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Alex J. Jones
7.5 / 10.0 - Maize
Nov 30, 2016

I have to say I really didn't know what to expect from this game when I first came into it, but I ended up enjoying it massively. Once you get into the swing of it and just accept Maize for the odd little story that it is, you'll find yourself being happy for spending the time in it that you did. The characters throughout are all wonderful in their own special little ways (even the ones you don't actually meet), the story is great at keeping you guessing right until the last moment and the whole thing has been very well put together.

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Rob Kelly
8.5 / 10.0 - Wuppo
Nov 29, 2016

Wuppo ended up being much more enjoyable than I had expected it to be. The gameplay was dark, yet lighthearted, and very humorous. Finding new NPC's to talk to and learn some more of the story from always got a laugh out of me as the Wums explained why they were kicked out of the WumHouse. I appreciate the RPG elements put into the game and how the player can change the appearance of Wum by equipping different weapons and armor. Finding new weapons was fun as different enemies became easier to kill with more powerful items. Collecting the Filmstrips was fun as every conversation with the Old Wum was funny and learning more of the lore of the world was exciting. The somber music was a great accompaniment to the title and the tastefulness of the artwork added depth to the characters and environments. The only real downside I found was that that game was so simple it didn't provide much challenge. Areas were easy to navigate and a map was never required. All in all, Wuppo is a fun and humorous experience that players will enjoy thoroughly.

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Dakotah Lilly

Overall, Senran Kagura Bon Appetit is going to be exactly what was expected for fans of Senran Kagura titles. It’s a decently fun game that may or may not last depending on how into rhythm games the buyer is, with the heavy fan-service that makes Senran Kagura the lewd but not nude series it’s built itself on. Not complex, but it doesn’t really need to be, anyone who was looking forward to this title already had their eyes on it, and for those people, the Steam release offers the definitive way to play the game, at full resolution with any controller that has at least ten or so buttons. Fun but fleeting.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Transport Fever
Nov 7, 2016

There is no doubt in my mind that I want to keep playing Transport Fever! I spent a lot of time playing Train Fever and I will do the same for this one. The game runs fantastic, with the exception of the occasional freeze but I'm sure the developers will work that out. The game looks amazing and feels like everything a fan of the Tycoon and Business Simulation genres would want. It has a lot of replay value and it will keep you occupied for a while.

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Oct 25, 2016

Civilization VI builds on and enhances the formula that has made this such a successful series. Build, expand, research, explore, make alliances and wage war through an epic journey from the stone age to modern ages and beyond. Compete to be the first to lead your people to one of the several victories and become known as a leader who stood the test of time.

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9 / 10.0 - Gears of War 4
Oct 9, 2016

Gears of War 4 aims to continue the series with stride after a change in developer from Epic Games to The Coalition. Other series have attempted to continue after a change in director or developer, but suffered as a result, so can Gears 4 live up to the standard of previous titles?

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Sep 8, 2016

In conclusion (of the conclusion), the game is an amazing adventure, and regardless of the few minor storytelling choices that personal opinion finds didn't hit the mark quite like everything else, offers an intense and immersive experience full of replay value due to its focus on choices and consequences.

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9.5 / 10.0 - INSIDE
Aug 23, 2016

Dive into a dark and dangerous world full of death, despair, oppression, and yet still a little bit of hope. Guide a lost young boy through puzzles and gorgeous environments as he searches for safety and purpose. The game provides a deeply meaningful story and is complimented by philosophical lessons up for perspective and interpretation by all players.

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Karl Rocco
6.5 / 10.0 - Underground Keeper
Aug 17, 2016

Developed by Render System, Underground Keeper is a 3D puzzle game played from the first-person perspective. Similar to the PC game Minesweeper, players will have to use logic in order to navigate around and avoid all of the mines in each level. There are 60 challenging levels along with 4 types of environments that will keep even the most experienced puzzle players on their toes.

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