KeenGamer's Reviews
Brut@l is an amazing game when you consider what it is representing. It's paying tribute to the history of RPG dungeon crawling games while offering a unique 3D and current gaming twist to it. Casually sitting between a game with depth and a game so simple in gameplay you can restart a couple times every day, every RPG fan could find something interesting about it.
This game is great fun. It's got a great art style, the hydro jets remind me of the pod racers in Star Wars, the levels are very enjoyable to traverse through, and the gameplay is fun. If you're an avid racing game fan, then this game is definitely for you, as it most definitely feels like a racing game. With Riptide GP: Renegade you'll find yourself playing it for a couple hours, then coming back to it a few hours later.
Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 1: Realm of Shadows does a great job in getting the series off to a tremendous start. Telltale Games has proven it can handle known properties by creating stellar sound and music in addition to their unique vision. As always, story driven games require a great story and the developer definitely did not disappoint in this department. My only concern is that the quality and depth of the overall experience would somehow recede in future episodes. Nevertheless, the future looks bright until proven otherwise.
Bring your best reflexes and leave your motion sickness at the door as we review The Collider 2, available on PC and VR Headsets: Oculus Rift & HTC Vive. Navigate a high-speed spaceship through the treacherous passages of an alien mothership in a series of mission-based obstacle courses. I just wished someone would have warned me I’d see myself explode more times than there are stars in the sky.
2007's Odin Sphere was an underrated gem from Vanillaware and Atlus, almost a decade later it's returned for the PS3, PS4 and PS Vita. Using gorgeous 2D artwork and five story modes that overlap and intersect, does this HD remaster match up with modern gaming?
Developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, Overwatch brings to the table an accessible style of gameplay with a diverse group of characters. Even with these features, the game finds itself in a crowded world of first-person shooters. The question is… is it enough for Overwatch to distance itself from the other games?
So far, Overwatch is everything I want it to be. This is the perfect game for fans of old-school FPS’s with a dash of RPG for flavor. It’s competitive and intense at the same time as it’s light and fun. Even as the hours pass and playtime gets longer, there are more and more aspects of the heroes and maps to discover. Every game will leave you with new strategies for your next match. This title lends itself greatly to the E-sports crowd, and will likely have a league in the near future.
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a culmination of hard work, dedication, and being able to evolve. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a culmination of hard work, dedication, and being able to evolve. While the Naughty Dog did show its ability to evolve compared to other entries in the series, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End ultimately feels like there was a level of security that was taken as well as boundaries not being pushed all the way.
The game aims to target older players in which they want to awaken their nostalgic childhood memories sitting by archive consoles. For them, it's almost an obligation to play this game. And the younger ones should at least see what the games looked like at the beginning and what a long journey they've come. Recommend.
Overall Shovel Knight is quite simply one of the best side-scrolling platformers in recent years and in my opinion ranks up there with the best of them. Not only does the game look and sound fantastic it also plays well and has a surprising amount of depth. The level design is some of the strongest I have come across in a long time and I appreciated the tight and responsive controls that are critical in a game like this. Its clear that this is a game that was carefully crafted with a huge degree of love and care and is easily one of my favourite games in recent years. I can’t recommend this game enough, so if you haven’t played it you should do so right now.
Dark Souls III is an amazing game and a worthy sequel among its predecessors. It changes up the formula in minimal ways to make the game stand out and feel fresh. The graphics and attention to detail is out standing. Everything about this game is wonderful and you should purchase it right away!
Everything in this game feels perfectly crafted for an adventure which you hopefully want to be a part of. The combat feels very engaging, even though turn based combat usually feels detached from the player themselves. The writing is absolutely superb with every line and character filled with comedy, which should make even the most cynical person, such as myself, remember that games are still worth defending as an art form.