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Burning Shores flickers between highs and lows constantly, and while there are still enough positives here for me to say it's "good," I come away from it feeling somewhat uncertain about the franchise.
Compelling world-building and a great amount of freedom make Atelier Ryza 3 worth experiencing.
Awaceb's open world sandbox and serene vistas capture the splendor of a tropical vacation, but certain design tropes eventually make progress feel like a chore.
The base game is one of the boldest, prettiest, most audacious arcade games of the era, even if it's eventually undermined by a late-game difficulty spike.
While The Wreck's mature script will earn some ardent fans, I wish it left more of a dent with me.
While the games themselves aren't outstanding, the effort to enhance and preserve them certainly is.
Whereas scores of other titles look towards filling potential holes with content, Before Your Eyes has a more special goal in mind: making you appreciate each and every second.
If you're a fan of Flashback and the sort, you really can't go wrong with Lunark, even if it's a tad forgiving and far too short. If you're less comfortable with the sub-genre, or want something meatier, consider waiting for a sale.
Tonguç Bodur earns some credit for handling this work as a solo developer, but that's not enough for me to drink the Kool-Aid.
Despite the gameplay tweaks, Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe feels more like a prettier Kirby-copy than a complete remake.
Dead Cells fans will find a lot of value in the add-on, as will any Castlevania followers willing to tolerate a considerable amount of repetition and randomness.
Owlchemy Labs doesn't fully capture the potential complexity and polish of this VR template, but your first day at Cosmonious High is still a worthwhile treat.
Terminal Velocity: Boosted Edition is an interesting experiment. On one hand, the re-release shines a light on the mediocrity of the original game. On the other hand, it revives a niche title, augments it while retaining its authentic core, and brings it to modern players who might have gone their whole gaming lives without ever encountering it.
While it doesn’t feel like it quite reaches the heights of Yakuza 0 or 7, it still stands out as another fun romp through an insane story with an entertaining batch of characters.
Wo Long is fun and well made, but the features that allow it to shine aren't quite as developed as they should be.
Wanted: Dead captures the spirit of schlockier action blockbusters that've been long forgotten, but doesn't successfully argue why they deserve a comeback.
A surprisingly refreshing and extremely solid title that feels substantial in size, scope, and variety without ever wearing out its welcome.
WHALIEN is a reasonably entertaining puzzle-solving game with tools that have a lot of potential, but it probably won’t tax your head or your fingers.
While the game's poor sign-posting and insistence on replaying levels inevitably introduces a feeling of tedium, it doesn't undo the good things Demon Purge is able to achieve in mechanics, controls, content, and art.
There's more creative thrust in KeokeN's sophomore effort - especially in terms of storytelling, but not quite enough to match its stellar ambitions.