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177 games reviewed
78.7 average score
80 median score
55.4% of games recommended

ActionTrip's Reviews

Oct 5, 2015

The end credits start rolling just when the story gets interesting, which is another sign that they were forced to rush things. In the end, the bad camera and the glitchy nature of Trine 3, just get in the way of a game that otherwise screams 'huge potential'.

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Sep 30, 2015

Even if the controls on the PS4 weren't so terrible and I could have finished the game on the console, the story and puzzles in the rest of The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 still would have brought the game down. If I was reviewing the game on the PC, I would give it a higher rating because the game was playable. It's an absolute shame that I had to finish the game on the PC due to the control difficulties, but maybe it was trying to do me a favor and save me from the rest of it.

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Sep 24, 2015

I think what I'm trying to say is: I like Destiny. It only took me a year to admit it.

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8.5 / 10.0 - SOMA
Sep 22, 2015

As an immersive and anxious experience that also manages to be just as beautiful as it is terrifying, SOMA is in a class all its own. The stunningly well-realized world melds brilliantly with the outstanding score and sound design, begging the player to buy into the atmospheric world that Frictional Games has so painstakingly crafted. It genuinely feels like this is the natural evolution of everything that was started in Amnesia, just done with a bit more careful attention to detail and polish. This is an experience that completely justifies its budget price tag and more than validates the game's five-year development cycle.

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Sep 21, 2015

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a splendid narrative experience that is not to be missed. If this one is sitting in your Steam library, your wishlist, or your mental wishlist, just pull the trigger and find out what happened to Ethan Carter. It's a story unlike any other.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Feist
Sep 18, 2015

I kept at it and did find the experience enjoyable. I'm just not sure most people will enjoy it as much as I have, even though there are some awesome moments in it.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Mad Max
Sep 17, 2015

Mad Max is a fun ride, even without a deep, rich storyline. It won't change the minds of anyone who doesn't love these kinds of open world games, but for those who do, Mad Max will hit that addictive spot to clear all of the map blips.

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Sep 11, 2015

Forza Motorsport 6 is a love letter to racing fans that greatly makes up for the shortcomings of the last installment in the series. There are more tracks, racing styles, and vehicles than ever before, complemented by a robust single player campaign. These features join an already stunningly beautiful graphics engine and their already state-of-the-art multiplayer and community tools.

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Sep 10, 2015

If Kojima wanted to end his time with Metal Gear on a high note, he certainly pulled it off with Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Nice work indeed.

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Sep 8, 2015

Gameplay wise, younger gamers should be in love right out of the gate regardless which version you opt for. Just be prepared to plot your path through stores more carefully if you want to pace how rapidly you add on new figures. Older gamers will also enjoy the game for a time, but will most likely move onto other titles once they have completed the play set scenarios. Still, the appeal of taking control of a young Yoda wielding a lightsaber, bouncing around the screen, slicing battle droids to shreds is appealing to any age.

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Sep 4, 2015

Blues and Bullets has a very rough start, but it has enough shining moments to keep players intrigued to see where Ness's story will roll. If the developers work more with the gameplay, fine tune the controls and add some difficulty with the sleuthing sequences, and continue to ramp up the story, then they will have an indie sleeper hit, even with the low quality character models. They also need to prove that the choices players make for Ness mean anything, because it's hard to say how any of it at this point matters at all. Even as it is now, however, it's well worth the $5 an episode.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Madden NFL 16
Sep 3, 2015

Every year people justify not purchasing Madden using the time tested line, "Well it is just a glorified roster update anyway…" Unfortunately for those poor jaded schmucks, no such excuse exists this season. EA Sports has went all out to deliver changes to the core gameplay mechanics, resulting in an authentic football experience, with unparalleled levels of depth and complexity.

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Sep 2, 2015

The game's slick design and the simplicity of the envornments makes it unique, beautiful and alluringly mysterious. Your character overcomes problems by using intelligence not fists (oh wait, sorry, you do use fists, though not for punching, just for manipulating objects). Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut is a great experience, and it's a shame we don't have more games like this out there.

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5 / 10.0 - Kyn
Sep 1, 2015

On paper, everything about Kyn looks like it should amazing. Mystically powered Viking super-soldiers? Check. A diverse collection of loot and weapons? Aye. Long campaign, wrought with mayhem and peril? You better believe it. With all of these crucial boxes checked, it would be hard for the game to be bad, right? Sadly, not even these high points can overcome a title that has more bugs than a re-run of Fear Factor.

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Aug 27, 2015

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture has a subtlety and nuance that is extremely refreshing. Calling this a "game" is doing it a great disservice. It is an experience. Thusly, this might not be everyone's cup of tea. However, those that chose to invest their valuable time in this 5 hour gem will be rewarded with one of the most compelling experiences in recent memory. The truth is out there, just waiting to be discovered. Don't miss out.

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Aug 24, 2015

The Ultimate Edition, even with its facelift, is pretty much more of the same, and will only appeal to series fans and possibly rein in newcomers just in time for a Gears of War 4 release. For a Gears of War fan, however, this remastered edition is a must-own for your library. Marcus has never looked more intense, the Kryll have never looked more terrifying, and the Locust have never looked more disgusting. The Ultimate Edition truly is the ultimate Gears of War experience.

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9.2 / 10.0 - Journey
Aug 14, 2015

At the risk of getting a bit too philosophical about this, Journey really is just about the journey itself, not about explanations and hard facts. The game just tosses you into a lovely dream-like experience. This experience you probably won't forget.

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Now we wait for several more weeks before learning all of the truth behind the horrific things happening at Blackwell and Arcadia Bay, and hopefully how and why Max was given this power. Even though DONTNOD made something a bit predictable, they have left plenty of roads open to continue their usual unpredictability. I can honestly say at this point, I have no idea what will happen next. So many unanswered questions, and I have my expectations high that all will be revealed without any disappointment.

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This new King's Quest may not be developed by the original husband-wife team from Sierra Games, but it's more than obvious that the developers are King's Quest fans who wanted to bring back some of that magic. Their first episode was very successful at doing just that, for both old fans and to bring in new ones. Any fan of point-and-click adventure games will enjoy diving into Daventry, and any King's Quest fan will love jumping back into Graham's realm.

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7.5 / 10.0 - LEGO Jurassic World
Jul 3, 2015

LEGO Jurassic World is a fun little romp through the Jurassic movies, but it's not as deep as most other LEGO games and it has more bugs than the last several LEGO games combined. It's a must-buy for fans of TT's series, but it's not high on the recommend list for anyone new to the LEGO games. Although, it is a lot of fun to run through the parks as a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Stomping on cars and watching the NPCs flee never gets old.

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