Nerd Much?
Nerd Much?'s Reviews
Resident Evil 2 isn’t just a great remake, it’s one of the best horror games of the generation.
All things considered, The Guest is worth the price for an evening or two of intense mental stimulation. Each puzzle is unique and well-crafted, with several that are challenging enough for even the most experienced puzzle-solvers.
Overwatch is a near masterpiece in the multiplayer genre, offering a refined and highly tuned experience to veterans and newcomers alike. The memorable cast of characters combined with the beautifully designed worlds makes Overwatch a visual pleasure all on its own Combine this with the excellent combat and Blizzard may have made one of the best multiplayer games in the last decade. Whether it thrives to the length of the games like Team Fortress 2 is yet to be seen, but Overwatch won’t stop us from dumping hundreds of hours into it anytime soon.
Forza Horizon 4’s positives are so overwhelmingly so that its negatives feel more like a minor scratch on the paint than a flat tire
"Victorian vampires have never been so intriguing and exciting as they are in Vampyr."
In the end, Frostpunk feels like a breath of fresh air (albeit a chilly one) in a genre that’s now super competitive. Despite its few missteps like the inability to find specific buildings and the fact that it’s a bit too short, it’s a memorable experience that does a great job blending two genres together, being both a highly functional city builder and a survival game that actually requires you to care about your civilization. 11-bit’s attention to detail is outstanding, which not only shows through the game’s beautiful art style but also in how it handles every member of your civilization. And, the fact that it makes you have internal ethical conflict is the added wrinkle in gameplay that helps make it a wholly unique experience that shouldn’t be missed.
Still, what Rad Rodgers is is a good (not great), $20 game that you’ll give a playthrough of and likely never touch again. Despite its repetitive level design, samey environments and repeated one-liners, it’s still worth the play. And actually, I’d love to see a sequel hit that maybe explores some of the ideas a bit more. For now, Rad’s adventure is worth taking, and you should give it a shot.
"I think that the button mashing days are behind most of us in 2018, and Dynasty Warriors just doesn’t give enough to the modern gamer."
It’s like a Diet Smash Bros, with the character unlock model leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
"likely going to be looked back upon as the game that saved the declining series."
For any person that enjoys deep, detailed, and deranged solo gaming experiences you will find no better than The New Colossus.
Whether it is or it isn’t GOTY, it’s undeniably a charming platformer that ultimately deletes all of the frustrations we’ve had with Nintendo over the past couple of years, and is one of the best games of 2017.
Save for Talion, the characters and story are what make this game worth playing. If you could care less about that, than the Nemesis system is sure to win your heart.
Remember Two Worlds? The Xbox 360/PS3-era RPG that made a lot of promises it didn’t quite live up to? That’s exactly where ELEX falls.
It needs a lot more work on all fronts, and it very much needs to be rewritten and reanimated.
Cuphead is a brilliant little game that is unique right down to its core, with a (mostly) welcomed challenge and beautiful aesthetics.
Despite its few shortcomings, it's a much more well-rounded game than its predecessor. It isn't as much of a change to the naked eye, but it's many subtle, smaller changes are enough to satisfy both old fans of the franchise and bring in new players.
Absolver feels like a game of martial arts chess, where both your fighting skills and your mind at the same time.
Overall, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst is a fairly solid addition into what will surely be a large franchise for EA. With a beautiful world, interesting characters, and some truly memorable missions, Mirror’s Edge easily surpasses the original. That being said, be prepared for an unrefined combat system and nothing remarkable to do once the credits role. During Mirror’s Edge Catalyst’s sprint to glory, it thankfully only stumbles a few times alone the way.
Shiren is super charming and a delight to play. The story is interesting, the characters were awesome, and the gameplay is super addicting and fun. However, the game has limited accessibility to those who want to just experience the story with its unforgiving saving/progress methods. It is gameplay heavy and does require dedication to complete.