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Nindie Spotlight

4057 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.3% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

Feb 20, 2018

I’d say the moral of Old Man’s Journey relates well in a somewhat tangential way to my review thoughts. Your time is precious, so be sure to make the most of it and try not to give yourself things to regret. The further along in your own life and experiences you are the easier it is to recommend it wholeheartedly as its story will likely hit you quite a few ways right in the feels. The younger you are it is probably harder to justify since that shifts more responsibility to the adequate-but-not-incredble puzzle aspects of it. Old Man’s Journey fits well into the Switch library with its own distinct story to tell complemented by outstanding art and satisfying puzzles.

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6 / 10.0 - Wanderjahr
Feb 19, 2018

Appreciating the fact that variety is the spice of life WanderjahR has a place on the system and may even find an audience with its novelty. That said, after a while the repetition of it all can begin to set in and your limits of control can become aggravating. If you’re eager to find a new take on strategy RPG gaming it may well be worth a shot, but for most gamers I’d anticipate this will be a pass.

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Feb 19, 2018

Perhaps if you’re a big fan of action puzzles and don’t mind its minimalistic looks you’ll find enough fun in TorqueL to fully explore its branches, discover the key to its secret path, and exhaust everything it has to offer. For everyone else I would imagine it will serve as a nice temporary distraction and then results will vary in terms of how quickly the novelty and interest wears thin. TorqueL takes a good stab at providing variety but different isn’t always exciting in and of itself.

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8 / 10.0 - Aqua Kitty UDX
Feb 17, 2018

Overall I only have positive things to say about Aqua Kitty UDX. It has a focus on a specific experience, delivers it effectively, and provides a reasonable progression of challenge across its diverse modes. While it won’t likely have much appeal outside of people who are arcade-style shooting fans it is also probably more friendly for acting as an introduction to the genre than other more hardcore choices on the Switch. Well worth checking out and it has a very reasonable price to boot!

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Feb 16, 2018

If the game was merely an interactive novel of sorts, where you’re simply making decisions that branch the storyline, it would be nice but probably not very exciting… and that’s where the crucial component of the game’s combat comes into play...

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8 / 10.0 - Owlboy
Feb 13, 2018

Overall I had a fabulous time playing through Owlboy, and the fact that it surprised me with some regularity was a huge bonus. While most indie titles tend to move in the direction of a very specific style of play it manages to be a little more diverse, helping it stand out among its peers beyond its good looks. Throw on a non-traditional story and hero and you have a game that doesn’t get everything right but that, without question, invested a great deal of effort in being notable.

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Feb 12, 2018

What it comes down to for a game like this is whether you’re a fan of the genre and what your expectations are for the length of the experience. I’d say that Darkside Detective isn’t the best adventure game on the system but it holds up well in the middle of the pack. The greater the breadth of your pop culture appreciation the more likely I’d say the jokes and references are to connect for you, and in general the game is riding on that understanding. It’s a worthwhile romp for genre fans who’d like a chance to enjoy 5 chapters with a reasonable length, have a few laughs, and not being quite as frustrated as with other games in the genre on the Switch.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Dandara
Feb 11, 2018

The hook of Dandara is most certainly its unique control style and whether or not you can master and enjoy playing that way. For people craving something different and who want to be challenged it throws quite a lot at you that you’ve never seen before and it can be thrilling. For anyone expecting things to be more traditional and perhaps a bit casual-friendly unfortunately it likely won’t be a great match unless you’re willing to push yourself. I’d be very curious to see what would come out of a sequel and how its style could be refined further. The bones of greatness are very much there, but to enjoy it you’ll need to be willing to put up with some rough edges.

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Feb 11, 2018

While I wouldn’t say there’s anything truly remarkable about this collection for genre fans I’d also say it is also not a bad collective investment. If you’re unfamiliar with the series and have been wanting to recapture some of that classic genre feel it is sure to give you hours of content to help satiate yourself. If you’re not a genre fan, or have only been a recent fan of modern tactical games, it would seem to be a bit of a risk as it could deliver a substantial amount of content you could find tedious. Mercenary Saga Chronicles is a throwback to tactical RPGs of the previous era, for good and bad, and for its price it does a fair job of delivering, even if it is a tad generic.

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8 / 10.0 - Black Hole
Feb 8, 2018

Sporting an extremely reasonable price in the eShop arcade shooting fans of all skill levels can likely get some solid hours of enjoyment out of Black Hole. It doesn’t aspire to change the world or be a revelation, but it delivers a varied challenge that I enjoyed. Playing through with all 3 available ships proved to be worthwhile as they each had their own feel and I enjoyed trying out different upgrade paths to find what worked best for me. It’s a great riff and improvement on a classic formula at a fair price point.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Earth Wars
Feb 8, 2018

While Earth Wars isn’t a high concept title the level of quality it manages at its price point still makes it well worth checking out. If you don’t mind grinding away a bit to improve your gear to then take on some slightly tougher enemies and slowly make your way through missions and bosses it can be pretty satisfying. As long as you keep your expectation in check and fair it’s a pretty decent game to kill some time with in handheld mode while doing something else, and I can generally get behind that.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Aegis Defenders
Feb 8, 2018

All things considered I found Aegis Defenders to be a refreshing combination of a genre I typically enjoy and one that I’m normally not a fan of. Putting them together, doing a fairly good job with both, and then blending them in a way that matches up with the story really makes the game unique and special. The highlight is absolutely some of the clever and inventive puzzle platforming sections that will make you fully exploit every ability your characters have to complete them. It all comes together to make for an engaging and entertaining title that works brilliantly on the Switch.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Aperion Cyberstorm
Feb 8, 2018

Overall there’s nothing outright wrong with Aperion Cyberstorm but it also isn’t terribly inspiring, despite the obvious effort put into the game’s multiple modes. It is a serviceable shooter and can provide a fair test of your ability, but for veterans looking to be challenged there are better options available on the console. If you have friends you’d like to play with and against the game’s value rises a bit, though again depending on your collective tastes and experience it may not provide much longevity. However, if you’re a bit more of a novice when it comes to twin-stick shooters and are looking for an opportunity to progressively learn the ropes of the genre it may be a great fit.

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Feb 8, 2018

All said Atomik isn’t a very complicated game, it simply sets the stage for its mechanics and then explores them to their fullest. For it being so simple an idea on paper it is actually remarkable how much is done with it, and in general on each world new wrinkles and variations are added to the mix to differentiate them. Depending on how many spheres you’re determined to collect you can essentially control the difficulty yourself and if you find you’re in need of more spheres you can always choose to go back for more later. Set up very well for quick pick up and play game sessions it’s a great fit for the Switch.

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7 / 10.0 - Mercenary Kings
Feb 6, 2018

While Mercenary Kings admirably takes some risks to try and create a different kind of experience, and blend together the traditional with the more contemporary, unfortunately the result is a bit muddled. The good news is that for people searching for something different in their shooters, and who are willing to invest the time to get things going, the further you get into the game the more fun it gets to be. If, however, you’re looking for a quick fix of any kind or thirst for an arcade-like experience you’ll be sorely disappointed. If you’re interested in it be sure to read up and look around to be sure it will suit you.

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Feb 6, 2018

Where the warning signs begin to crop up is that Mercenary Kings demands that you make an investment of time and effort, with a fair amount of grinding, before it will really get rolling...

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Feb 6, 2018

Possibly the most aggravating aspect of the game, especially when you pair it with the relative difficulty of dealing with the controls, is the way the save system works out...

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8.5 / 10.0 - Night in the Woods
Feb 5, 2018

I think the decision point with a game like Night in the Woods revolves around how much reality you want in your games. If you’re looking purely for an escape, to turn your mind off and simply enjoy yourself, Night in the Woods very much won’t be for you… at all. If, instead, you view games through the lens of entertainment that can also have something to say or to reveal to you about people who may be living very different lives than you I would absolutely say you should check it out. I don’t know that I’ve ever played a game with characters that remind me so much of my own children, some of their struggles, and how sometimes people’s traits being positives or negatives can be very heavily driven by perspective and context. I can’t think of any game I’ve played in quite some time that made me reflect on as many things as Night in the Woods has, and if you’re open to the experience I’d highly recommend it.

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7.5 / 10.0 - SteamWorld Dig
Feb 3, 2018

Ultimately, even getting on in years a bit, Steamworld Dig still works very well and is almost immediately as addictive as it ever was once you get the ball rolling. The “just one more run” feeling doesn’t have quite as strong a drive as with its sequel, where there are far more things you’re hoping to unlock, but it is still a highly satisfying experience that is well-implemented. Ultimately priced as a budget title it offers a great time for a reasonable investment.

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5 / 10.0 - Mad Carnage
Feb 2, 2018

Two pretty standard tactical considerations in strategy games, that I suppose don’t jibe with a game where you’re driving vehicles, are angle of attack and use of cover...

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