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1192 games reviewed
77.2 average score
80 median score
82.2% of games recommended

NoobFeed's Reviews

The Walking Dead: The Final Season - Episode 4 Take Us Back has a lot of highs and lows. With organic situations caused by the player's decisions mixed with questionable situations. It won't please everyone but Take Us Back but provides a sufficient conclusion to Clementine's long journey.

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Mar 26, 2019

Final Fantasy XV Episode Ardyn marks the end of Final Fantasy XV and what a high note to end on. Taking control of the game's antagonist Ardyn and showing how the betrayed former king was corrupted provides the much-needed context that fans have been yearning for. Like the previous episodic expansions Final Fantasy XV Episode Ardyn fills in the gaps left empty in the core campaign. Episode Ardyn is a short but meaningful adventure that shows how Ardyn fell from grace.

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70 / 100 - Dead or Alive 6
Mar 21, 2019

Dead or Alive 6 does not represent a revolutionary leap in the franchise and is limited to offer more of the same but with a few new features.

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Mar 17, 2019

In true Ubisoft fashion, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 has all the pleasing elements for an endless adventure, but it’s far from cashing in on it at launch. Maybe after reworking a ton of inexplicable design choices, it will get there in a year or so.

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90 / 100 - Devil May Cry 5
Mar 11, 2019

Devil May Cry 5 delivers exactly what is expected from this franchise since it debuted back 2001, with over the top action and ridiculous boss fights. This latest installment doesn't diverge from the series' formula and instead builds or slightly modify the mechanics that series veterans know and love while also giving newcomers some easier options. Devil May Cry 5 is a rocking good time that will keep everyone coming back for another round of demon hunting.

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Assassin's Creed Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade Episode 3: Bloodline concludes the three-part series on an adequate note. Bringing together a series of predictable events and mediocre missions but ending with a conclusion tailored more for fans of the series. Newcomers may feel cheated with Bloodline's finale but longtime fans of the Assassin's Creed franchise find more value in how this game connects to other titles in the series.

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85 / 100 - Metro Exodus
Mar 1, 2019

Walk along to Metro Exodus' slower pace, take your time with what it has to show and tell, and you'll be in for one of the most powerful post-apocalyptic journeys out there.

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Feb 28, 2019

ToeJam and Earl is a cult classic among older gamers, with much of its appeal coming from the graphical style and unique characters. ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove! captures much of the original's atmosphere and gameplay. It won't appeal to everyone but those with fond memories of the duo will get a lot of enjoyment with ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove!

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50 / 100 - Anthem
Feb 26, 2019

The starting moments of Anthem are truly amazing, with breathtaking environments, a promising story, and the ability to take to the sky at will. This excitement eventually fades as you continue forward on your journey to kill hordes of the same enemies to obtain lackluster loot and explore the same areas. Anthem looks and plays like it should be better than it is but suffers rigorously from repetitive gameplay, bland loot, and tiresome characters.

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85 / 100 - Trials Rising
Feb 25, 2019

Trials Rising captures the franchise’s signature motorcycle platforming action along with the intense challenges that come with it. The developers have remained dedicated to the game’s iconic formula and complex gameplay but at the same time provided a training option for newcomers without sacrificing the game’s core systems. Players diving into the series will need to devote time to learn the tricky systems while veterans will be able to pick and play just as always. Trials Rising delivers an outstandingly challenging experience requires nothing but your best if you want to succeed.

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Feb 19, 2019

A pretty platformer with both enjoyable and frustrating bits, Degrees of Separation lacks the variety to stand out from the pack but can and does entertain while telling a heartfelt story.

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40 / 100 - Crackdown 3
Feb 17, 2019

Unlike the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, the Xbox One doesn't have an acclaimed title that would entice someone the purchase Microsoft's console. When Crackdown 3 was announced many hoped it would become the system seller the Xbox One needed, even those unfamiliar with the franchise were excited for this. After numerous delays Crackdown 3 is finally here and it was not worth the wait. A mediocre campaign stuffed with busy work and a tacked on multiplayer makes Crackdown 3 only worth playing if you own Xbox Game Pass.

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Feb 14, 2019

Far Cry New Dawn serves as an excellent sequel to Far Cry 5, providing much of the same experience with new characters within a mutated environment. Much of the title focuses on optional objectives and building on the story of the previous game, with a set of great brand new antagonists. Far Cry New Dawn captures everything that made the previous game such a hit while ending the story on a high note.

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30 / 100 - Re-Legion
Feb 10, 2019

Failure to capitalize on its promising premise alongside a plethora of technical issues make Re-Legion's cyberpunk cult fantasy tough to recommend.

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80 / 100 - Apex Legends
Feb 8, 2019

The battle royale genre has become a crowded field, with many developers and publishers attempting to cut their own piece of the pie since PUBG and Fortnite skyrocketed the genre. Now, Respawn Entertainment decided to throw their hat into the arena with their own game that was leaked and released in under a week, Apex Legends. As a free-to-play game, Respawn Entertainment has successfully created an incredible game using the formula.

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Feb 6, 2019

BlazBlue Centralfiction captures all the intensity and mayhem of an excellent fighting game with beautiful visuals for on the go. The large array of options available can be staggering at first but once you test the huge character roster and start diving into the many modes available you'll quickly lose yourself. The Nintendo Switch version provides the same experience as the PS4 and PC versions, but extensive content that will keep gamers challenged and busy. BlazBlue Centralfiction is a densely packed, artistic, challenging fighting game that requires dedication if you wish to experience everything.

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Feb 2, 2019

Square Enix has a habit of developing highly anticipated titles for decades, with Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III taking 10+ years to complete. Like Noctis' adventure, Sora's venture was worth the wait. Providing an epic journey through diverse worlds with amazing boss battles, Kingdom Hearts III rarely stumbles in its 40-hour journey. The long cutscenes and the lock-on system can become frustrating but these are minor issues for this masterpiece. Kingdom Hearts III may have taken over 14 years to release but it was well worth the wait.

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85 / 100 - Resident Evil 2
Jan 27, 2019

Since the release of Resident Evil 7, Capcom has been dedicated to returning the acclaimed series to its survival-horror roots. Resident Evil 2 2019 is a terrific addition to the survival-horror genre that modernizes the classic 1998 title while also capturing the original game's atmosphere with improved visuals and gameplay mechanics. There are some small flaws in the consistency of damage and the slow running speed but these are minor issues. Resident Evil 2 2019 is an experience that will have even the most veteran survival-horror fan trembling in fear.

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Jan 27, 2019

Considerably larger than its predecessor, Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 is a spectacular, explosive space RTS with a couple of rough edges.

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Life is Strange 2 started strong, with the first episode introducing the new protagonists and having the player decide on profound choices after a tragic event. Life is Strange 2: Episode 2 Rules continues that momentum but not without inconsistent bumps in the energy. There are some technical issues but fans of the first episode will find a lot more to enjoy here. The brothers will still have to endure many troublesome decisions that can lead to one of many endings.

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