NoobFeed's Reviews
ICY Frostbite Edition comes as a remake of the original ICY game. Is The Lackluster White Wasteland better than before?
Bastard’s Wound is, simply put, more Tyranny. Compared to something like The White March, I found it to have surprisingly few things that end up truly standing out once you’ve left the settlement behind.
The frustration and disappointment that engulfed me when I first played Destiny quickly dissolved after playing through Destiny 2. The missions are varied and the desire to constantly upgrade my Guardians with the best loot kept me coming back.
You can get through Reaching For Petals in about an hour and a half. It has great writing, narration and a wonderful soundtrack, but it’s dragged down by its handling of character development and its memory sequences that, at least to me, felt strangely impersonal.
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 1: Awake starts off this season with a bang. It removes one of the most iconic features of the first season and yet still delivers an impactful story thanks to great writing and outstanding performances.
The Lost Legacy succeeds in the strengths of the Uncharted franchise. Strong writing, excellent gameplay, and the strength of the protagonist. The thrilling cinematic moments and the strength of Nadine and Chloe's relationship conclude Naughty Dog's involvement in this legendary franchise with a bang.
LawBreakers is an intense FPS where mobility is just as important as precision aiming. Learning how to fall and fly requires a bit of a learning curve but that's the thrill. Using gravity to your advantage and plowing through enemies as they were confetti.
Guardians of the Galaxy: Episode 3: More than a Feeling is currently the weakest episode of this season but concludes on a high note. It's rushed and while integrating Nebula and Gamora's personal stories did add more insight into their damaged relationship Mantis feels left out despite having a critical role in the game's plot.
Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth is hurt by the actual story unraveling too slowly, even for a prologue. If you’re a fan of dramas and have some time to spare, The Pillars of the Earth might be the choice to break the monotony from regular run and gun games.
It’s commendable the developers aren’t asking money for cosmetic items, especially in the age of orcs-in-boxes. That, however, isn’t enough to justify even its $20 price tag with the quality on offer.
Through the grimy neon-lit world of 2084 Karkow a cautionary tale of augmentation, war, and suffering blend together to make the Observer an exciting tale.
Undertale is a different type of RPG that takes a lot of risks that create a fascinating game where you can spare the creatures you're supposed to kill.
Nidhogg 2 most certainly builds upon the charm that was found in its prequel, however, due to the game's simplicity and unending repetition this charm gets lost in as little as a half-hour.
What was old has become new, showing that Sonic can deliver a thrilling adventure without gimmicks such as werewolves and fishing mini-games. Instead, Sonic Mania is a revival of this retro star at this best, and I hope SEGA makes more.
Sine Mora is everything you would expect from a 2D shooter. The time manipulation mechanics does add another layer of strategy and the giant bosses are exciting. It's a difficult game and the story is confusing but Sine Mora the challenging gameplay kept me hooked.
Senua's journey from start to finish features dark and terrifying moments peppered with bits of support and reassurance shows how much care and attention Ninja Theory put into developing her story.
My time with Aztez can be described as a mixture of enjoyment and unwelcome frustration. It has the pieces it needs to be a great title and there were moments when slashing through foes and connecting a long streak of attacks felt extremely satisfying.
The Enigma opens strong but ends with a whimper. Those unfamiliar with Batman's iconic characters will most likely be surprised by how it ends but those familiar with the series will be able to predict the final moments.
Graceful Explosion Machine is an excellent 2D shooter with clever ideas with a lot of near-death experiences, once you’re hooked you will not want to stop. The action is straightforward and combined with Graceful Explosion Machine's smart enemy design and weapons each level like an intense adrenaline rush.
Albion Online certainly requires a specific mindset to be enjoyed. That mindset is, indeed, very different from those required in theme park MMOs, mostly because Albion doesn’t hold your hand, nor does it give you a guaranteed tree to chop, a quick way to get back home or a story to follow.