NoobFeed's Reviews
Life is Strange Before the Storm Episode 2: Brave New World is a fantastic addition to this 3 part series. It still suffers from the same issues from the first episode but these are minor complaints.
But the lack of stadium atmosphere, the non-existent crowds and the frustrations for offline players really do have an impact on the overall enjoyment of Pro Evolution Soccer 2018.
The Evil Within 2 doesn't attempt to do much in originality when it comes to the survival-horror genre but successfully creates a gripping tale of horror and suspense. It takes a while to get started the story eventually evolves into a captivating tale of dedication and desires.
Echo requires constant thought and planning, attempting to rush your way through will lead to a quick death. Combating the Echoes after they've mastered your previous tactics offers uniquely gratifying ways to better yourself.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, Episode 4: Who Needs You doesn't focus on the current apocalyptic situation that the Guardians are in, instead, it's all about how the Guardians deal with hitting rock bottom. Broken, tired, and overwhelm Peter attempts to keep the group together as space worms try to make them into lunch.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War focuses on what made the first game a hit, improved on those strengths, and attempted to fix problems players had with the first game. The refined Nemesis system kept me on my toes since at any time the story could shift based on my actions or a new powerful Uruks could appear and completely decimate me.
Even without looking at it through a Papers, Please frame, Wunderdoktor suffers from being too straightforward with its story and side-quests and not deep enough in its writing. It misses out on the opportunity of properly fleshing out a world that could have been interesting.
Batman: The Enemy Within Episode 2: The Pact places Bruce in many uneasy situations. During the course of the episode, you'll constantly be tested by everyone including yourself. Depending on the choices this episode can end a number of ways with different characters seeing you in various lights.
Battle Chasers: Nightwar brings together some really cool character design with a very enjoyable, intense and, at times, punishing combat system. It’s handling of progression is just right, with maybe a slight slip towards the end, thanks to its stream of new abilities and variants of foes that require a different way of going about punching their faces.
Cuphead lives up to its initial promises, a beautifully cartoonish game with punishing side-scrolling action. The perfect soundtrack complements the beautiful graphics, capturing the era of old cartoons.
Peach Beach Splash comes with fast paced gameplay and is loaded with enough content to keep you busy for hours, both in story and multiplayer modes. Above all, the gameplay is very engaging compared to other titles of this series.
From start to finish Hob kept me surprised. Each new area was full of new challenges to undertake and protected treasures. Combat was my least favorite and thankfully, for most of the game, it's arbitrary.
Raising and cleansing Hob’s world was, for the most part, a good time. Nicely-flowing puzzles and platforming with a massive result in literally shifting the world around, coupled with combat encounters that were sensibly placed made sure of that.
Over the past many years PES series has improved vastly. Then again, there’s no end when it comes to improvements. There are areas where PES can improve in the coming years, specially improving the AI and addition off game elements to break the monotony.
From an audiovisual perspective, there’s no doubt that Figment is one of the best titles that have come out this year. Its world is greatly built; its puzzles strike a balance between player involvement and reward without being too difficult.
Baja: Edge of Control HD is one of a kind in the racing world, using momentum and control as its main focus. Events are a relentless fight from start to finish and that certainly keeps the driving title refreshing through its tons of tracks.
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is a solid finale for fans of the series. Those who've played the franchise since the beginning will find the conclusion both shocking and worthy, even though it felt quick.
The First Tree is a one-man indie project, so, perhaps some lack of polish is to be expected. However, looking at it as a full package, it does have enough areas that could well benefit from improvement.
Metroid: Samus Returns gives fans what they've always asked for a Metroid game and everyone else gets a phenomenal 2D action-adventure game with one of the most iconic heroes in video game history.
Tooth and Tail never overstays its welcome being a good choice for both longer sessions and for moments when you want to play something but only have 15 minutes at your disposal.