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Digitally Downloaded

2710 games reviewed
73.1 average score
80 median score
55.9% of games recommended

Digitally Downloaded's Reviews

Aug 9, 2016

Ubisoft has done everything it can to dress Urban Assault up and give fans a reason to dip again, even if they already own vanilla Risk on their PlayStation 4s. The game itself is a quality take on the board game. It’s just unfortunate that there is such structural issues with Risk itself that it’s rapidly losing relevance, even in the board game scene. I would like to see Ubisoft turn its development skills here to give us a really killer console adaptation of Catan, or Agricola, or Ticket to Ride, or similar.

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Aug 4, 2016

Hyper Light Drifter is a wonderful combination of good game design and enchanting aesthetic direction. With solid gameplay backed up by slick production values and a theme of heroism and self sacrifice that runs deep through the entire runtime, this is a game which enriches any player lucky enough to spend time with it. Enter with zero expectations, slowly feel yourself become a master, and rightfully applaud Heart Machine once you have finished.

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Aug 4, 2016

The production values, coupled with the genuinely entertaining multiplayer, help to make this one of the better “casual” games you’ll play this year.

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Aug 3, 2016

Kerbal Space Program is a fantastic game but one that you should play on PC. I can forgive some of the control issues because of the limitations of the platform but we've seen other developers do intuitive controls for games designed initially for PC like Divinity: Original Sin and even Blizzard's Diablo III. Imagine buying a great physics text book but only being able to read it while using oven mitts to turn the pages. That is Kerbal Space Program on PlayStation 4.

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- Abzu
Aug 2, 2016

That brings me to what is, more than anything else, ABZÛ's crowning achievement. It really captures the majesty of ocean—the beauty of it, but also the power of it. In that sense, maybe "diving simulator" is accurate, because as stylized and fantastical as it is, it expertly captures what it is that makes diving such a rewarding activity: exploring the wonders of the sea.

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Aug 2, 2016

That’s not to say it’s not a good game, because it really is, and this is absolutely the kind of thing that should be supported and encouraged. I would just love to see what Roach Interactive could do given the budget and time to really do justice to such an important message.

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Jul 29, 2016

It's a short game and doesn't get everything perfect, but it's also quite unique and has a strong narrative to it. And I do love a game with a strong female lead. This is also a game that feels that it has been released a little early, and by that I mean Adr1ft badly needs to be a strong VR experience when PlayStation VR lands. Then it will truly will be a game that will stick with me for a long time to come.

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Jul 28, 2016

The ability to learn how to draw Donald Duck of Princess Jasmine easily makes this the most nostalgic and entertaining Art Academy product that Nintendo has produced to date.

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Jul 28, 2016

God Eater: Resurrection is a very fun hunting game, though it's not perfect. It's great that there is another alternative to the Monster Hunter formula available to us, though. Between this, and Koei Tecmo's rising Toukiden franchise, it's proving to be a really good period for this little genre.

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Jul 27, 2016

Although the satire doesn’t localise as well as I might have liked, the game’s not as straightforward in its perversions that a surface level analysis makes it seem, and I’ll be disappointed if there aren’t at least some people that recognise this.

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While offering a solid gameplay experience, Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS-Force lacks that extra bit of detail that could have come from all of the characters and lore that it sits upon. There’s too much assumed knowledge, and this lets down the missions and the variety of units available. It’s a good game if you’re fully caught up with Gundam lore, but even casual fans might struggle to get along with this one.

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Digitally Downloaded
Matt S and Nick H.
Jul 25, 2016

Unfortunately the game really lacks for personality and character, and there's really nothing that helps this game stand out from the pack.

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Digitally Downloaded
Matt S and Nick H.
Jul 25, 2016

There's a reasonably robust toolset that allows people to create their own adventures, and this helps extend the long-term value of the game if you can get a group of friends together for some play sessions. But, unfortunately, there's just not enough to Sword Coast Legends to make it the truly classic game that I wish it could be.

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Digitally Downloaded
Matt S. and Nick H.
Jul 25, 2016

Success breeds satisfaction, failure can lead to the urge to rage quit. 10 Second Ninja X is fun, but I definitely had to limit it to smaller sized doses.

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Digitally Downloaded
Matt S and Nick H.

It’s hard to imagine where any but the most die hard of genre fans could get anything out of this game. It’s clean and works, but it’s a game that is difficult to see people getting long-term value out of it.

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Digitally Downloaded
Matt S. and Nick H.

I think this game would have been better on Wii U, because I don’t think people pick up a handheld console for eSports, but as a free-to-play game, this is one of the better that the console enjoys.

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I’m not going to pretend that Daydreamer is a good game, because it isn’t. But then it’s also quite brilliant in its feverish commitment to tearing at the fabric of game design. I had a great time playing this, because it completely transcends the “so bad it’s good adage” to be a creative entity that is in a league so completely of its own that it almost feels unfair to give it a score at all.

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Jul 20, 2016

Ninja Pizza Girl is a fine little 2D platformer with a personality all of its own, a good sense of humour, and a strong message to share. It feels at home on console, played on the big screen television and with a controller in hand, and Disparity Games has on its hands an IP that deserves continued development into the future.

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Jul 20, 2016

The overall package provided by Song of the Deep is a good one. The presentation is enjoyable and the puzzles and discovery of new powers are genuinely exciting. If you can look past repetitive combat and backtracking and are willing to live with a few technical hiccups along the way, Song of the Deep is enjoyable but flawed, with some unrealised potential around the narrative meaning it was a missed opportunity.

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Jul 19, 2016

This game, which is about sorrow, provides us with a mournful look at humanity and yet also gives us hope that there is good in people, even in the darkest of times. The game itself is a nostalgic hymn for so much of what we’ve lost in the JRPG genre as it pushes ever closer to visceral action. Wrapped together they make for one of the most heartfelt and meaningful games that you’ll play for quite some time to come

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