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Digitally Downloaded

2710 games reviewed
73.1 average score
80 median score
55.9% of games recommended

Digitally Downloaded's Reviews

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven isn’t going to send a ripple through the video game community, but it was never intended to. As a simple little love letter to fans, it succeeds despite its faults and the lofty requisites to truly treasure it.

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Jul 17, 2016

It’s a beautiful game, and one that has a lot of great ideas, but the execution of them has resulted in a game that’s more frustrating than anything else.

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Jul 15, 2016

The story and style of the game suit the point-and-click adventure genre nicely, and I look forward to seeing what the developer does in the future.

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Jul 15, 2016

I ended up having a lot of fun with Dex, though playing it through at the same time that I was reviewing The Technomancer was a bit unfortunate for it. In belonging to the same narrative genre as a game that will be right up there with my favourites this year, Dex’s pulpy and limited narrative was disappointing. Thankfully, as an RPG/platformer, it still largely works, and will certainly help you kill off a rainy weekend or two.

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Jul 14, 2016

The team writes intelligent, worthy scenarios and narratives, and then they do the best they can to build gameplay to support that concept. Spiders never quite gets there with executing to vision, but I don’t mean this as a backhanded complement; I genuinely appreciate what this team does, because it’s unique and interesting and I wish more developers had the gumption to try something like The Technomancer.

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Jul 13, 2016

There aren't many games that make voodoo a central theme. Full Mojo Rampage isn't exactly a genuine look at the mythology and aesthetic of voodoo, but the name drop of Baron Samedi and the other Loa lords is a nice touch. Still, it's hard to imagine you'll get much from this. Not when there are so many other great roguelikes out there.

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Jul 13, 2016

I can't say I exactly enjoy Downwell, as it's really not my kind of game, but the design and style of the game nevertheless has me playing it over and over again. It's addictive, it's charming in its retro design, and it absolutely has the "just one more go" thing about it that can turn a short play session into a marathon.

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Monster Hunter Generations might not be a true sequel due to its similarities to Monster Hunter 4 and the many call backs to earlier games in the series. That being said, Generations does make some excellent design choices as it highlights everything that has made the series great, added some new mechanics to help keep things fresh and provides the biggest and best Monster Hunter experience yet.

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In the end, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens is not a perfect game, but it is a very, very good one that does something the series has needed to do for quite some time: innovate

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7th Dragon III Code: VFD is a stellar RPG with classic JRPG tropes through its narrative and complex, nuanced, battle system.

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Jul 8, 2016

The game can be fun to play for a few hours here and there but repetitiveness filters through to the presentation, too, with reused music and visuals that become draining after a while.

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Jul 7, 2016

Mighty No. 9 is a game that unfortunately was never going to meet the unrealistic expectations placed upon it. It was certainly compelling enough for me to want to finish the game.

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Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness will probably not be remembered as one of the PlayStation 4’s finest. It’s greatly let down by technical issues with a camera that actively works against the game’s strengths: the epic sense of scale and the beautiful presentation. Dig beneath that, however, and you arrive at a game with an enjoyable narrative, fun characters, and a solid action JRPG combat system – all the stuff that’s actually important, in other words.

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Jul 6, 2016

Umbrella Corps is an interesting aberration of a game, coming almost entirely out of left field from a studio not known for games of this genre and bearing equal parts ambition and clumsiness.

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Jul 6, 2016

Ultimately what sets Battle Cats apart from the many (many) similar games of similar depth and strategy is that hugely creative edge. This game gets to be the distinctive and memorable example of the genre because the artists had the sense to do something that makes no sense, but we end up looking forward to each new level just to see the insanity that it brings. That, right there, is good design principles for mobile gaming, and it translates across to the 3DS perfectly.

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As a story-focused first-person adventure game, NERO is quite remarkable. It's surreal, heartfelt, bittersweet, and thought-provoking, and that should have been more than enough to carry it without the need for shoehorned-in "gameplay". As it is, it's a very good game, but it would have been so much better if it hadn't tried so hard to avoid the "walking simulator" criticism and just ran with its strengths.

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It’s so good to see these kinds of serious strategy games on console, as it’s something that has been all-but exclusive to PC over the past couple of generations of hardware. With a comprehensive tutorial system, Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the best fit game for people new to the genre to wrap their minds around it. Equally, for more experienced strategy fans, the superb balance that made the historical events the game is based on so fascinating also make for the near-perfect strategy game.

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Jul 4, 2016

Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma is a game everyone absolutely must play. If you haven’t played the previous games in the series, drop everything and experience them. Even though the artistic direction is a misfire, ultimately you’re looking to a game like this for the narrative, and it absolutley delivers something intelligent and meaningful there.

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I love the way Mario & Sonic at the Rio Olympic Games is presented. It's a truly gorgeous game and matches with every expectation that I have for the atmosphere and aesthetics of the Rio Games. But this is an Olympics cash-in game, which means most events boil down to minigames, rather than fully-fleshed out games dedicated to a particular sport.

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Jun 30, 2016

To call Asemblence an unorthodox game would be an understatement; it’s a game that throws convention off a cliff. I doubt many would find it fun, or even satisfying in a traditional sense, but it's a game that pushes the boundaries of what a game can be – that questions our most basic assumptions of the medium, and that is something we desperately need.

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