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436 games reviewed
81.0 average score
82 median score
60.6% of games recommended

Cheat Code Central's Reviews

Cheat Code Central
Angelo M. D’Argenio
Aug 21, 2014

And so that's my final verdict on Risen 3. It's almost a good game. For some of you that will be enough. It's a neat little diversion and it's fun in spurts, and maybe that's all you are looking for. However, there are many other better RPGs to play out there with better stories, and better systems. I would recommend at least trying the game out somehow before diving in to the purchase, but considering this is a Steam game, that's easier said than done.

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Jun 1, 2017

As of now, Friday the 13th: The Game is unique and has its brilliant moments, but it's not a game I'd recommend picking up. It can be too dull of an experience. I think it's mostly diehard fans who will enjoy this the most at this moment. Despite all of this, I could see myself revisiting this game from time to time with some friends who are in it more for a laugh than a scare.

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2.9 / 5.0 - Umbrella Corps
Jun 22, 2016

I might recommend this game for $15 if you have some friends to play with, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it at its current price point and in its current state. On a community forum I saw a deflated Resident Evil fan quip that Umbrella Corps is about 15 patches away from greatness, and I have to say that's my sentiment exactly. I gave this game several chances, but after turning off my PS4 and walking away from it just now, I'm realizing that I have no motivation to boot Umbrella Corps back up when there are so many alternatives that look, sound, feel, and play better. Wait for a sale and pick this up cheaply if you're a die-hard fan, but keep your friends close and your expectations low.

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Still, this is once again a second-to-last episode that ends up being the weakest episode. No matter how accomplished I feel, I know that I'm not actually doing anything. I know nothing is changing. I know next episode I'm going to feel powerless again, and everything I did in this previous episode will barely be addressed. I have to admit, Game of Thrones has been hard to get through. So much horrible tragedy befell my characters and I was powerless to do anything about it. I wanted to quit. I still want to quit. But there's one episode left, and coming this far means I absolutely have to ride the story of house Forrester to the end. Just don't expect this episode to feel rewarding. Look at it as something you have to do for the inevitable finale.

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Mar 10, 2015

The best part of playing Tipping Stars is finding a devilishly clever community-made level to enjoy, but is that good enough? The basic gameplay in this entry just seems uninspired, especially its main campaign. It feels like Nintendo's famed devotion to fun first is simply missing from the game, which merely ports a too-familiar formula to new devices. It's time to just let these lemmings jump off the cliff.

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2.9 / 5.0 - Thief
Feb 25, 2014

I'll be blunt: if you loved the original Thief series, you won't enjoy this game. If you have never played the original Thief games, there's some enjoyment to be had, but there are other stealth-heavy games around that are a far better overall package than this one. Thief has a few good ideas, but they're dragged down by the game's design as a whole. With available games that let us freely scale the outside of those wooden castles of old, why should we settle for one that sticks us on a plastic kiddy playground?

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3 / 5.0 - Shenmue III
Nov 22, 2019

Shenmue III deserved something better. The developers should have found a way to meld what makes Shenmue distinctly Shenmue with bringing the game mechanics into 2019. I’m all for remasters of old games and keeping those same clunky mechanics with those old games, including the punishing difficulty. However, I want my sequels to old games to adapt and grow with the times.

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In the end, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Breakpoint never finds its groove.

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3 / 5.0 - NBA 2K20
Sep 6, 2019

If you engage with the modes 2K seems to want to push most, you’ll have to deal with baggage that weighs down the experience.

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3 / 5.0 - Anthem
Feb 26, 2019

Anthem is a game that tries to be an answer to Destiny’s popularity and even seeks to answer some of the issues people have with that game. At the same time, it ends up feeling derivative, and any fatigue you have with Destiny is likely to carry over

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3 / 5.0 - The Crew 2
Jun 27, 2018

Even the cool opening sequence, in which the world literally bends itself into a new state as you swap vehicles, doesn't carry over to the game. You just press a button and morph to the other type, and perhaps fall with a big clunk from the air before driving off as if nothing happens. It's like banging hot wheels together, if the rest of the cars in the box you aren't playing with hate you. I was kinda hoping for a more mature Diddy Kong Racing with some more hardcore trappings. Instead, I got a headache from squinting ahead for turn arrows and playing with loot boxes.

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3 / 5.0 - Darksiders III
Nov 30, 2018

Ultimately, while the setting, characters, and storytelling feel right at home, Darksiders III swings for the fences with its combat ambitions and only just barely manages to get on base. It gets points for trying something new, but the end result is a muddled set of ideas that clash with each other, with nothing in place to soften that collision.

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Feb 21, 2018

Metal Gear Survive feels like a prototype, an idea on paper that was quickly turned into a game and strapped to a retail rocket without proper consideration of what the Metal Gear name means to people. Konami has every right to use the IP and FOX Engine tool of course, and frankly there's no reason not to. Kojima didn't make all the Metal Gear games by himself. But this feels like the team dumped a bunch of menu-based systems on top of the mechanics, without figuring out why and how they should all work together. It is like they were looking to other games in the genre for ideas, then adding extra complexity for the sake of standing out a bit. It's part dull, part frustrating, and part utterly confusing. In short, Metal Gear Survive is just another middling survival game, with a name-drop that doesn't do it any favors.

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3 / 5.0 - Prey
May 8, 2017

Ultimately, I doubt I'll remember Prey much after I stop playing it. There's too much else going on in games in 2017, and Prey does not stand out amongst its peers. Its fiction is self-serious, despite being so derivative, and its systems are frustrating and constantly in conflict with each other. It feels like dozens of other games I've played already, but enjoyed more.

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3 / 5.0 - Nioh
Feb 8, 2017

Do yourself a favor and pass on this compilation of recycled concepts and frustrating gameplay.

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South Park: The Fractured but Whole feels dated, shallow, and lacking in the purpose or self-awareness needed for a work of satire to hit its mark. It feels like it's trying too hard to recapture that edge. It is as if it believes that if it makes fun of black and queer people enough, it'll stir up those old headlines and controversies that made South Park feel like something more than another multi-million-dollar intellectual property pushed through a corporate conveyor belt.

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The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes is a game that leaves you wanting more, for better or worse. You want more loot, or at least confirmation that when you go through the same tedious level again, you'll find exactly the item you need waiting at the end. You want more of a balanced challenge, with a single player that feels like it could be handled alone or a multiplayer that performs perfectly under any condition and is worth replaying. Most importantly, you want a real reason to keep returning to the game and not just a prospect of a pretty new look for the Link-alike. As is, The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes feels like something you play, beat, then only return to if you're certain two people you know genuinely need aid to acquire necessary materials.

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3 / 5.0 - Far Cry Primal
Feb 22, 2016

However, it also manages to let players down, and for some that'll be in a big way. The flimsy combat mechanics, inconsistencies in gameplay graphics, and the general misunderstanding or misrepresentation of the overall concept leaves Ubisoft's latest offering with slightly more questions than answers. This one is worth your time if you're simply looking for a unique take on the classic sandbox genre. Otherwise, it might not be a bad idea to lay low and wait for a price drop in the future.

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Nov 18, 2015

If you're looking for a casual tennis game to play with friends, Wii Sports Club Tennis is still where it's at. You can grab it for your Wii U on the eShop for under $15. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash will do ya if you're big on using buttons instead of swinging Wii Remotes or if you absolutely must perform fancy shots. Just know that this is a full-priced game that says, "Here, play some tennis," and not much else.

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Mar 22, 2017

There's a decent game in here somewhere, but Mass Effect: Andromeda feels like a collaboration from Mass Effect fans rather than a group of known and established developers.

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