's Reviews
Ghost of Tsushima has exceptional aesthetic care, has a solid and convincing combat system, stealth phases in the norm, but lacks in too many things to be able to become a new reference point for Sony's exclusive production
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SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated is a video game that will thrill everyone who grew up playing the original title seventeen years ago. The rehydrated version of Nickleodeon's sponge is fun, respectful of the parent and also able to do some light extra steps, with a graphics department of great quality. The title is long-lived and fun and suffers from the same flaws that the original game could suffer from: a lack of care for the gameplay that in the long run makes it less replayable than video games with a deeper and more layered control system. In any case we would recommend without hesitation SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated, thanks also to the budget price at which it is proposed.
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Do Not Feed The Monkeys, even on Nintendo Switch, is certainly something to try and enjoy. The title is an atypical adventure game, able to graft into the innermost part of the human brain and play with our unconscious much better than the competition. The title is replayable, with some problems due to the control system and with some situations (such as the endgame) that could be better managed by distorting a little 'essence. Our advice is to take and play it because it is difficult to regret the adventure you are preparing to live. Remember to cover with scotch the cameras you have at home, rather.
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Outbuddies DX è uno di quei giochi, uno di quelli su cui non scommetti niente e che poi finiscono per sorprenderti a più riprese grazie ad una combinazione di elementi inaspettati. Tanto figlio di Metroid quanto di Cave Story, il titolo in questione salta a pié pari qualsiasi velleità ruolistica per mettere in piedi un avventura tutta esplorazione, memoria muscolare, paura e orrori cosmici, complici anche le notevoli influenze lovecraftiane che si nascondono nelle viscere del cosmo.
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Desperados 3 may be a sometimes nerve-wracking title for many players, but personally I loved the substantial challenge level even at the lowest difficulty. Finishing a level section after a series of failed attempts gives a unique satisfaction. One criticism I feel I have to make is about how our characters will often throw themselves into enemies or leave their buddies behind. Finally the absence of Italian dubbing, especially after the first chapter boasted voices like Claudio Moneta and Emanuela Pacotto, is a real blow to the heart but surely the Texas accent of the characters is the icing on the cake.
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Even after the first few hours of the game, I had the feeling that I was in front of a wonderful title; after reaching the end credits, that feeling was definitely consolidated: The Last of Us Part II is one of the best video games of this generation, the best Sony exclusive and the real link between video game and cinema. Naughty Dog's work is superior to its predecessor in every respect, and raises the standards to which, from now on, any videogame will have to adhere, and believe me when I tell you that even just equalling this title will be an immense challenge, even for the most talented developer. But The Last of Us Part II is not a mere display of technique: it is emotion made videogame, it is a journey into the darkest part of our spirit, the one that we do not talk about willingly and perhaps we are ashamed of, but that is one of the faces that defines our human being, imperfect and beautiful at the same time. The second part of this adventure will shock you, but it will imprint itself in your memory like a brand, leaving in your mouth that bittersweet taste typical of the great works of the intellect, the ones we will talk about today and, above all, in the future. To give a grade to The Last of Us Part II seems almost an offense, so great and out of scale is the work done by Naughty Dog, but since an evaluation must be given, it can only be the maximum possible. To conclude, I'd like to give you an advice as a passionate player as I think I am: enjoy this adventure in the same way as a fine liquor, slowly, one sip at a time, enjoying every nuance, because it will be a long time before you can put your lips back on such a delicacy.
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Valorant is the perfect Riot product, destined for success despite the fleets of malicious tongues ready to perjure themselves. The software house that came up with League Of Legends knows how to make an interesting world, knows how to chisel gameplay around key concepts and knows how to wink at a certain audience; Valorant is the perfect demonstration of such features. Despite the young age still shows the side to some problems, both from the technical point of view and from the purely playful point of view, between severe anti cheats and bugs of various kinds, the premises for a product able to conquer there are all of them and if Riot will be able to maintain them will have the umpteenth golden goose in his hands.
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Maneater is a slightly greedy shark who hasn't quite figured out how to swim yet. The title of Tripwire makes decent use of its concept to offer a game world full of humor and hilarity while failing in other points of view. Commanding a shark is fun in small sips and in order to complete the title will be necessary to make peace over and over again with the system of movement and fighting, all this, inserted within a playful paradigm twenty years old, closes the circle with a "if you really like sharks this is the game for you ...".
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A more than appreciable technical sector, a stratospheric soundtrack that I often find myself listening to separately, as well as the REDengine, the same engine used for The Witcher 2 and developed by the same CD Projekt RED, contribute to bring on our screens an unforgettable gaming experience, which currently, five years after its release, is still the reference standard against which we compare story-driven videogames, whether we like it or not.
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Very often when we talk about Minecraft we make the mistake of judging it superficially as a game for children, forgetting most of the time the depth of gameplay and opportunities that the title reserves. Even in this case Mojang offers a title that puts the fun and immediacy at the center of the player's experience hiding under the funny aspect of the brand a solid hack n slash capable of involving both young and old, all accompanied by an Unreal Engine that makes it even more immersive. The only drawback that can be found is the lack of some mechanics of crafting and interaction with the world typical of Minecraft, but the arrival of new future content bodes well for the longevity of this game.
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Streets Of Rage 4 is a pleasant plunge into the past, a video game with roots rooted in tradition that manages to rejuvenate thanks to a fun combat system like those present in modernity. The title is also the umpteenth demonstration of the quality that Lizardcube puts in its products from a technical point of view, with wonderful sprites, background of absolute value and a generic feeling as respectful of the original as ready to make new proselytes. All this is best enjoyed by the player if you have the opportunity to play it in company, mode where the title shines brightly. One of the funniest experiences in recent gaming history for anyone with a sofa, beers and someone to play with.
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It's not always easy for the game development team to decide to deviate so much from one of their flagship products, but in this case the audacity has been able to pay off by offering a title that will not disappoint old fans but rather is destined to become a real must for lovers of strategy in general. The boss fights and variety of missions, as well as the whole lookout game, are additions that make the genre even more dynamic and fun that gives you a slight vibe of Starship Troopers. Comparison with other titles is inevitable but Gears Tactics manages to emerge and even lay the foundations for future projects that we honestly can't wait to try.
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Deliver Us the Moon is a fascinating indie with a good story told in an intriguing way and a gameplay that tries to offer more solutions to the player by not succeeding fully, due to a leitmotiv that repeats itself too often and puts in the background mechanical that they could have be better exploited, such as exploration on board vehicles. There are good level design ideas too, however, only half exploited and an attractive aesthetic apparatus.
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The greatest MotoGP ever.
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Capcom, sorry to say, was wrong in creating this game, which seems rushed and flat. It has its merits, yes, but it also has many flaws that will disappoint everyone a bit: the old fans and the new, because it's not a remake worthy of the name but even as a game in its own right is not so good.
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Hyperparasite is a roguelike with the cast of a huge fighter. The title, strong of interesting gameplay ideas and a very clever basic mechanics is fun and exciting in cooperative. Remains to be filed some internal balances of the game systems and the difficulty remains high, certainly able to scare more than one player. Very interesting the presence of a cooperative mode, an option that enhances the longevity already good in itself. An interesting product, intended for a niche, which we hope will find the success it deserves.
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Overall it's a good technical upgrade, slightly lower than the one made by Raven Software for the first Modern Warfare Remastered but still valid and able to bring the title to the current generation standards. Recommended both to those who already loved it a decade ago and to novices.
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In defitiva The Foundation is an honest DLC for a title that continues to defend itself and make players fall in love. The product attempts to expand the proposal of the original title through new gameplay solutions and new visual solutions, not always succeeding at full potential but still giving a respectable amount of hours of fun. The Foundation is a product that winks at all those who have been caged in the dazzling mythology of the mother title, offering this kind of players, answers and questions able to send forward lucubrations for several weeks, waiting for the arrival of the closing of the circle marked Remedy.
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Conglomarte 451 has substantial flaws and poor RPG components, the sound is almost to waste and the AI sometimes misses. Nevertheless, the core of the game is the dungeon crawling and turn-based fighting, brought together by the optimization of your party to deal with the different types of clashes proposed by AI. This last factor makes the playful experience satisfying and interesting, so I feel like rewarding the game that, if supported over time and fixed in the sore spots can become a reference point in the genre and purchase recommended for lovers of sci-fi. P.s. half a vote point for the hacking system, praiseworthy, really.
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My seven days on Ciroxland Island proved to be a relaxing and excellent experience to alternate my forays into the Palace of Persona 5: Royal and the ruthless demons on Doom Eternal. In short, Animal Crossing is a bit like when you come home from work and, exhausted, you throw yourself on the couch not to think about anything, completely turning off your brain. Speaking of home: the possibility to virtually visit our friends' islands and interact with them is a great way to exorcise the current isolation due to the epidemic emergency. That sounds ephemeral, but I guarantee it has helped a lot. Objectively speaking, it is an excellent product in every respect that inherits and expands all aspects of the saga that began back in 2001. I recommend it to everyone, both enthusiasts and newbies.
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