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Undertale is a superb indie role-player that proves once again that it's not graphics that make a game entertaining but gameplay and great ideas.
Another perfectly constructed neo-arcade game from the makers of Luftrausers, which perfectly marries twin stick shooters with roguelike punishment.
A superb mix of action and strategy that should be enough to convince everyone that turn-based doesn't have to mean slow or serious.
Not the full fat sequel that fans will have been waiting for but an enjoyable, if extremely shallow, four-player Diablo clone.
It certainly looks the part, but although this never plays quite as well as F-Zero GX it's close enough that most fans will forgive its lack of refinement.
There's a disappointing lack of invention in the paper thin story and characters, but the combat and witty dialogue is as good as the series has ever been.
The core action is explosively silly in all the best ways, but the controls, missions, and story structure are all disappointingly underdeveloped.
The best Japanese role-player of the generation and arguably the best open world environment of the year, despite a disappointing story and some arcane systems.
The visuals still impress, but for a game obsessed with storytelling at all costs the dopey plot and underwritten characters in no way make up for the lack of gameplay.
A new low for Nintendo and for Animal Crossing, in what is the least amount of fun you can have with an amiibo without needing urgent medical attention afterwards.
It's a sad state for dinosaurs in video games when this shoddily-constructed, and almost irredeemably shallow, shooter is almost the only sign of a T-Rex we've had all year.
A great idea ruined by some very strange design decisions, that turn what should be a fun platformer puzzler into a gloomy and illogical word game.
An excellent expansion to what is not only the best game of the year, but one of the best action games of all-time.
A microscopic improvement on Football Manager 2015, that is as addictive and engrossing as ever but seems to have run out of steam in terms of new ideas.
Treat it as an HD remaster of the N64 game and this is actually one of the best Mario Tennis games since then, but the lack of features and extra content is a real turn-off.
An unsatisfying end to what has been Telltale's weakest game of recent years, with Game Of Thrones proving a poor fit for their usual formula.
One of the best-looking video games ever made and although relatively shallow the spectacle and excitement of the Star Wars universe comes across superbly well.
A solid end to StarCraft II's five year journey, although beyond the co-op missions it offers no real clue as to the genre's future.
A tragic failure that attempts to revive the wonder of NiGHTS and Sonic The Hedgehog, but falls victim to publisher melding and terrible controls.
A minor entry in the venerable city building series, which has some interesting ideas and visuals but too little in the way of gameplay depth.