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195 games reviewed
74.0 average score
77 median score
65.6% of games recommended

Evilgamerz's Reviews

7.7 / 10.0 - Cannon Dancer Osman
Apr 15, 2023

Since it is a product of the arcade '90, the duration of the game is not really long. Games at that time became longer mainly due to the sky-high difficulty. Cannon Dancer is no exception to that rule. There's basically just under twenty minutes of gameplay once you've fully learned it and can actually play it without errors. It's in the replay value, because you'll never be able to do that flawlessly in one go. It is therefore entirely up to you to get the most out of it.

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7 / 10.0 - Dogfight
Apr 11, 2023

When we talk about Dogfight, the game is 'fine', nothing more than that. You can set the game as hard or easy as desired, so not only avid action-shooter fans will appreciate the game, but also entry-level players. In terms of story, they have packaged it nicely with light-joking texts and visuals.

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Mar 31, 2023

Technically and in terms of gameplay you can say that this game could be developed within a week. It could have been a school project because there is not much depth to be found in this game, but that is not necessary. This is the first real game that my offspring could digest well and easily at a still quite young age when even holding a controller will be difficult enough. Moving the stick and clicking the cross is almost enough and already provides a lot of enjoyment. It was therefore a fight when I had to grab the controller to experience the gameplay myself.

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Mar 30, 2023

Of course I can only speak about my own experience here (although the Steam reviews are not tender either). After several hours of adjusting settings and hoping for at least an acceptable experience, I had simply given up hope. Then fight through all kinds of glitches and crashes. There will probably be configurations that the game will work well on. The reality, however, is that most of them are better off waiting for some performance-related patches. Until then, stick with the PS5 version, because in its current state it is a shadow of what the game actually is.

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Mar 20, 2023

I was not disappointed with how nicely Postal 4 is ultimately playable on the console, because I expected much worse given the previous reviews of the PC version. Still, you can say that the gameplay is just not very good, the shitty humor is actually too bad that it isn't funny, and the graphics are so disappointing that you get the impression that you are playing GTA 3 (with all due respect). are playing. Shadows look ugly, characters look hollow and dead, interfaces are super chaotic. Environments are all a bit similar and there's just no atmosphere at all because people walk around like dead souls and get pissed all over them like it's perfectly normal.

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5 / 10.0 - Colossal Cave
Mar 7, 2023

Colossal Cave relies heavily on the nostalgia and brand awareness of the original. It is a game that is very difficult to play without this remake. Unfortunately, the transition to 3D makes the game less accessible and in many cases even more frustrating. Listing the lyrics will be a trip back to the past for fans of the original, but it quickly becomes very irritating, especially in the menu. A VR update is planned for this year, based on the PC VR version. But after the few hours with this game in "normal" 3D and the fact that the PC VR version solves few of the problems, this is a game I won't be playing in PS VR 2.

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Feb 27, 2023

Tales of Symphonia Remastered comes at an odd time. The excellent new version of Dead Space just came out and Metroid Prime Remastered showed how it can be done too. This remaster of a classic JRPG then comes with what seems like minimal energy to really improve the game. It all looks and sounds a bit better, but it doesn't change the fact that this is just a mediocre remaster of a game that deserves a lot more.

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Feb 21, 2023

Despite the negatives and criticisms of the game, this is still one of the best RPGs you can currently play on the Nintendo Switch. The game looks beautiful, tells eight interesting stories with eight different heroes and play styles and is accompanied by a wonderful soundtrack. The world now rewards the player much more for exploring and the grinding has been made a little less painful in this title.

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Feb 21, 2023

Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart is a very limited game, especially in terms of content. You actually only have 2 game modes; Single-player and split-screen driving on the different tracks. Unfortunately, online is not possible and I do not expect any addition to this in the future. The adventure mode is actually nothing and is identical to the race mode, only you complete several races in one zip. For a price of half a triple A game you can expect a bit more, to be honest. The game is certainly accessible and not too difficult for the young players. My child (4 years old) was still a bit too young for the game, but in principle every child from the age of 6 can get started with this. Had the game been a bit more atmospheric, I could have overlooked the low amount of content, but because there are a few things missing in that regard, I would only recommend this game if it ends up in the budget bins.

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7.2 / 10.0 - Wild Hearts
Feb 20, 2023

Wild Hearts is a must-play game. The atmosphere is typically Japanese, just like the unwieldy gameplay and combat. Also graphically you will not be impressed by this game, just like the story that fades quite a bit in the gameplay. However, this one is interesting and reasonably tactical. The game can also go quite deep in terms of RPG elements and you really have to delve into it and encourage you not to just figure everything out after an hour, because that is not possible. You will therefore spend many hours dissecting all possibilities and details. If you're not into that then this isn't the game for you. It's nice that you can play online, even cross-play, so you'll have regular help in boss fights, or bosses can be distracted by other players. We take for granted that the game looks quite dated graphically

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8.7 / 10.0 - Returnal
Feb 16, 2023

Returnal is just as good a game on PC as it is on PS5 and even better in some areas. For fans of third person shooters who like a good challenge, it is a blind buy. Especially if you have a system that can play the game stably at 120 frames. That only makes the game better. Just don't expect the game to be playable for the "casual" gamer right now. All the additions help, but the gameplay is still unforgiving. All in all, this is a successful port that Sony can once again be proud of.

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8.9 / 10.0 - Hogwarts Legacy
Feb 9, 2023

Avalanche Software has done the unthinkable and created the “Harry Potter” game that millions of fans have long awaited. We can take our wizard hats off to the impressive way Hogwarts and the world have been designed. Both are packed with little details that will keep you playing with a big smile on your face. Outside of the missions, there is so much to do and experience in the world that you can easily get lost and discover for hours. The combat is deep and the puzzles challenging so the gameplay never gets boring. Is Hogwarts Legacy perfect? Certainly not. But it is a magical adventure in which you will lose yourself completely.

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5 / 10.0 - Gunscape
Jan 31, 2023

Gunscape looks and sounds just like the classic first person shooters Quake, Doom and Wolfenstein. The nostalgia is strong with this title, but unfortunately Gunscape is a title that we cannot recommend. There are much better options available where players can create their own levels. Making a level is very easy, but even the creators have a hard time showing how fun levels should look like. The need for a Nintendo Online subscription ensures that this is a game that will not be picked up by many people so quickly. Unfortunately, this is something that is very important in a title that is all about building a community that creates, shares and plays levels.

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Jan 29, 2023

It's been a long time since a game kept me glued to the TV for so many hours in a row and that's actually for a game that is quite simple in terms of RPG elements and gameplay. Each chapter lasts an hour and with 12 chapters you can calculate it. Add to that some optional side quests and you have a few extra hours. From the first minute you notice that the tension is already good, but it helps when you close the curtains, turn up the sound and especially play alone. The atmosphere is the strong point of Dead Space

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7 / 10.0 - Forspoken
Jan 26, 2023

Forspoken divides players. Some are disappointed others see the big plus. The game takes a lot of time to get going, but you can almost finish this game under 15 hours. But you can easily put in four times as many as you want. I see this as a plus. The player decides how much time he wants to put into it. You haven't combed every corner and taken on every side mission, but you've had a great journey. The game shows at various times what a PS5 title should look like. The highlights feel very cool and the game manages to successfully combine many elements.

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