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128 games reviewed
72.3 average score
75 median score
65.6% of games recommended

Evilgamerz's Reviews

Mar 30, 2023

Of course I can only speak about my own experience here (although the Steam reviews are not tender either). After several hours of adjusting settings and hoping for at least an acceptable experience, I had simply given up hope. Then fight through all kinds of glitches and crashes. There will probably be configurations that the game will work well on. The reality, however, is that most of them are better off waiting for some performance-related patches. Until then, stick with the PS5 version, because in its current state it is a shadow of what the game actually is.

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4 / 10.0 - Farsiders
Jan 27, 2024

The developers promised a lot with their Kickstarter campaign and during interviews it seemed like it could be something special. Unfortunately not much was made of that. Farsiders revels in mediocrity and I still struggle to think of why anyone could like this game. So leave it alone.

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Mar 20, 2023

I was not disappointed with how nicely Postal 4 is ultimately playable on the console, because I expected much worse given the previous reviews of the PC version. Still, you can say that the gameplay is just not very good, the shitty humor is actually too bad that it isn't funny, and the graphics are so disappointing that you get the impression that you are playing GTA 3 (with all due respect). are playing. Shadows look ugly, characters look hollow and dead, interfaces are super chaotic. Environments are all a bit similar and there's just no atmosphere at all because people walk around like dead souls and get pissed all over them like it's perfectly normal.

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May 26, 2023

It hurts to burn down a game that takes place in the universe of The Lord of the Rings. But just like the series The Ring of Power, the board is completely missed here. The graphics are of a deplorable level and the bugs often make the game literally unplayable. In addition, the gameplay is extremely shallow and boring. Are there no pluses at all? One or two puzzles are quite nice and the voices of Gollum and Gandalf are not bad. But there really isn't much more than that. Daedalic Entertainment had quite a nice concept in terms of concept and also had a legendary license that they could work with. What do they make of it? A game just as ugly and rotten as Gollum itself, which you should stay very far away from.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Kingpin Reloaded
Dec 7, 2023

Kingpin: Reloaded is about 4 hours long with about an hour per chapter. You can also get quite lost in the levels where everything looks a bit the same. However, the game itself plays quite well, although the performance of the game is very disappointing. The game itself is reasonably playable, but noticing glitches during the action in a game that is almost 25 years old is simply not possible. It makes the game tough to digest. The quality of the game is therefore quite poor.

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Nov 4, 2023

The longer I played this game the more frustrated I became. For the first hour I was still smiling through the presentation. However, it ended with swearing. The game is not completely unplayable, but it would have been better if a number of problems were resolved and the game had a release around Christmas. A shame, because at this time when it gets dark early, a good Christmas game would have been a lot of fun.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Farworld Pioneers
Aug 14, 2023

After you have put some hours into the game, Farworld Pioneers really comes to life. Buildings and elements get bigger and weapons get more extreme. You build almost entire castles that look futuristic. Your colony grows and enemies build up more, whether or not you have to work together more. However, for me this was already over fast because of the critical points of the game which really ruin it. On the PC the game was already a slightly problematic game, on the console it is literally chaos. The controls and gameplay are very bad, the graphics are cluttered and with hanging screens every now and then you are often afraid that the game will crash. Farworld Pioneers is therefore a game that you have to bite through and takes a lot of time to get to the good core of the concept.

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Mar 14, 2024

Outcast's return hasn't been as big as fans of the original had hoped. Where the game excels is the world and the ability to explore with your jetpack, but that's where the fun ends. Being able to personalize the weapons with the modules of your choice is nice, but on the other hand, the combat itself is not very spectacular. Add to that the bad jokes, the dramatic writing, the boring quests and the technical problems and you quickly end up with a very mediocre game. Outcast – A New Beginning falls short on almost all points, so you actually get bored after a few hours. Fans have had to wait 25 years for a worthy successor, but with A New Beginning they will be disappointed.

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5 / 10.0 - Skull and Bones
Feb 22, 2024

At first, Skull & Bones seemed to provide a little surprise, but the longer you play, the more frustrating it becomes. The same missions are repeated over and over and the fact that almost all of the gameplay takes place on the boat is simply not fun enough. The choice to focus almost the entire game on sailing was a mistake. The potential of Skull & Bones was enormous. There aren't that many of a major publisher that makes a pirate game. The big question is why they didn't opt ​​for a complete pirate adventure, where you had the freedom to explore all the islands on foot and discover the secrets and treasures.

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Nov 30, 2023

There's something here that could have been brilliant. With just a little more time in the oven to give more variety in missions, a more interesting skill set and more different enemies, this could have been a fun game to play with three friends. Now it is a game that is fun for one mission and then quickly forgotten.

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Nov 13, 2023

The single player is extremely lousy, with the terrible open combat missions, and few fans will be really happy with the new zombie mode. Although the multiplayer plays wonderfully, it consists solely of old maps with a slightly modernized look. You can definitely have fun in the online part, it even plays better than the previous part. But in terms of content, Modern Warfare 3 is the absolute low point of the series in recent years and certainly not worth the full price.

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Avatar The Last Airbender: Quest for Balance is clearly made for a younger audience. The gameplay, puzzles and races during the story feel old-fashioned, without much challenge. You soon notice that the gameplay consists of one loop that repeats for about 15 hours. The story follows the original series and adds some additional story elements, but this is often shown to the player through mediocre cutscenes and plain text boxes. Avatar's license has a lot of potential and the developer could have gotten a lot more out of it.

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Aug 17, 2023

Besides dodging and making deadzone circles, I actually got bored pretty quickly with this game. The 25 challenges that you can achieve are in themselves much of the same and the arcade mode actually brings little extra. Quantum: Recharged is therefore extremely fast in repetition, so that you have seen the concept quite quickly. In addition, the level design and gameplay are kept uninspired by never making additions or adjustments. In itself, the game is fun for about 2-3 hours, but I'm not surprised if you've seen it before then.

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Feb 21, 2023

Gigantosaurus: Dino Kart is a very limited game, especially in terms of content. You actually only have 2 game modes; Single-player and split-screen driving on the different tracks. Unfortunately, online is not possible and I do not expect any addition to this in the future. The adventure mode is actually nothing and is identical to the race mode, only you complete several races in one zip. For a price of half a triple A game you can expect a bit more, to be honest. The game is certainly accessible and not too difficult for the young players. My child (4 years old) was still a bit too young for the game, but in principle every child from the age of 6 can get started with this. Had the game been a bit more atmospheric, I could have overlooked the low amount of content, but because there are a few things missing in that regard, I would only recommend this game if it ends up in the budget bins.

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5 / 10.0 - Gunscape
Jan 31, 2023

Gunscape looks and sounds just like the classic first person shooters Quake, Doom and Wolfenstein. The nostalgia is strong with this title, but unfortunately Gunscape is a title that we cannot recommend. There are much better options available where players can create their own levels. Making a level is very easy, but even the creators have a hard time showing how fun levels should look like. The need for a Nintendo Online subscription ensures that this is a game that will not be picked up by many people so quickly. Unfortunately, this is something that is very important in a title that is all about building a community that creates, shares and plays levels.

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Feb 27, 2023

Tales of Symphonia Remastered comes at an odd time. The excellent new version of Dead Space just came out and Metroid Prime Remastered showed how it can be done too. This remaster of a classic JRPG then comes with what seems like minimal energy to really improve the game. It all looks and sounds a bit better, but it doesn't change the fact that this is just a mediocre remaster of a game that deserves a lot more.

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5 / 10.0 - Colossal Cave
Mar 7, 2023

Colossal Cave relies heavily on the nostalgia and brand awareness of the original. It is a game that is very difficult to play without this remake. Unfortunately, the transition to 3D makes the game less accessible and in many cases even more frustrating. Listing the lyrics will be a trip back to the past for fans of the original, but it quickly becomes very irritating, especially in the menu. A VR update is planned for this year, based on the PC VR version. But after the few hours with this game in "normal" 3D and the fact that the PC VR version solves few of the problems, this is a game I won't be playing in PS VR 2.

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5.5 / 10.0 - SKELER BOY
Jun 5, 2024

Skeler Boy does interesting things. The atmosphere is great and audiovisually, in terms of style, we really have nothing to complain about. If you really fancy an atmospheric 2D horror game, Skeler Boy is the place for you, but you have to put up with the mediocre translation and dramatic controls.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Mighty Mage
Mar 30, 2024

Mighty Mage is available for little, but also offers very little for the money. All in all, the fifteen waves that you have to get through are not too bad and the gameplay is comparable to that of Hero Survival . However, the latter offers much more challenge and more replay value as far as I'm concerned. Mighty Mage is a mindless game that can be fun for an hour, but otherwise doesn't offer much of interest.

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Nov 6, 2023

Kill It With Fire VR tries to make a full game out of a simple idea: crushing spiders. Unfortunately, after a few levels you'll find yourself losing interest due to the repetitive gameplay. The extra assignments are fun, but do not mean that you have to do the same thing several times. The mediocre graphics, physics and controls work against this game and the new PSVR2 hardware unfortunately cannot disguise this. This is a VR game that was fun as one of the first VR games, but now it's disappointing when you compare it to the newer VR titles on the market.

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