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Game Revolution

1191 games reviewed
74.2 average score
80 median score
56.3% of games recommended

Game Revolution's Reviews

Aug 19, 2017

But really the question should be what does the game add? Madden NFL 18 perhaps marginally improves on graphics that still feel stuck in the past, it introduces an ultimately flawed story mode and a gameplay mechanic that you're better off not using. All the while, it's most notable new addition, the “Play Live Now” feature, feels like you could get the same experience from a mobile phone app. Oh they have one of those, too, you say? Great.

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Aug 18, 2017

While I do feel like Agents of Mayhem has a bit of a generic streak, I don't believe it's a bad game.

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Aug 14, 2017

Like the Kevin Smith version of A New Hope I imagine almost daily, Sonic Mania is a game made by fans, for fans. And that's not a bad thing. Newcomers may be turned off by the intermittent difficulty spikes, but others may finally understand why many childhoods were spent looking for a kid who had a Sega Genesis.

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Aug 14, 2017

It may be a little unorthodox, but it's executed fantastically. If you're looking to be simultaneously terrified and intrigued, you need to spend a few days with Daniel Lazarski as an Observer.

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Aug 11, 2017

Boss Key Productions' first crack at making a first-person shooter has resulted in something that stands out from the competition, scratching the itch of players looking for a classic arcade shooter experience, with the benefits of modern game design.

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Aside from improvements to the story overall, the first episode looks and feels much better than other Telltale Games I've played recently, with a marked upward shift in dialogue choices, graphics, and quality.

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Jul 28, 2017

Namco Museum is a fantastic self-contained package with an interesting offering of games that arcade fans will enjoy tearing into.

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Jul 27, 2017

In an industry where it seems like just about everything has been tried before, Miitopia's willingness to try something new is commendable, albeit uninteresting in execution. It's a simple game with a couple great ideas that are often let down by a story that is too timid to step outside its comfort zone.

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- Pyre
Jul 26, 2017

The truth is that Pyre does exactly what it set out to do, with no caveats or qualifiers. It created a truly original core game mode and backed it up with solid RPG mechanics that extend the game's already impressive longevity for a $20 game.

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Jul 24, 2017

At a time when the definition of the MMO genre has been challenged by the allure of mainstream success, Albion Online has arrived to remind us how deep and compelling massively online worlds can be. It might not have the lively gameplay of its peers, nor the visual spectacle, but it makes up for most of its shortcomings by prioritizing community and presence as vital elements of the game structure.

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For better or worse, Fate/EXTELLA embodies everything that makes an anime game "anime." Characters that speak only in exposition. Fan service that creeps you out - unless it doesn't. Gameplay that is more about watching cool stuff happen than actually being fun. Owners of the PlayStation versions need not double dip. If, however, you feel your Nintendo needs a little more anime, this can be the microwave mozzarella sticks before dinner.

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Jul 21, 2017

Splatoon 2 is a measured dose of the same game you likely remember from the Wii U, a colorfully-inked tour-de-force of multiplayer action with a single-player afterthought. You'll want to clock hours and hours in-game for sure, but you'll be left scratching your head at some of the strange decisions Nintendo made this time around. Luckily, there's still plenty of fun to be had here, even if you can't decide if you're a kid or a squid.

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Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is an excellent remaster with plenty to offer fans new and old. If you never experienced the game during its heyday or simply couldn't get past some of its shortcomings, The Zodiac Age is a perfect way to re-enter the game or start from scratch.

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The Necromancer has returned with a well-composed concoction of nostalgic skills and modern design. It's a flashy addition to an already strong roster of classes in Diablo 3 that, while held back by two minor missteps, deserves the attention of Diablo veterans and new players alike.

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It's hard to know where to stop when talking about Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. Its visuals are dynamite, the rebuilt cutscenes stoke excitement in any Crash fan, the music is higher-quality than ever, and the little alterations Vicarious Visions made make a huge difference.

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Jun 30, 2017

Elite: Dangerous has come a long way since its debut in 2014. It's now a much more complete product, making it an attractive option for PS4 gamers who have the urge to leave Earth and see what the Milky Way galaxy has to offer.

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15 years later Morrowind is still a special place. Those who return home will be greeted by familiarity, but with a modern twist.

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Final Fantasy XIV is like a sculpture that has been handcrafted. Beginning as a rough stone lacking definition or vision, through unrelenting developer perseverance and support by fans that stone has been drawn into something beautiful and magical, an awe-inspiring work that sits proudly representing the Final Fantasy IP for all eyes to see.

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- Arms
Jun 30, 2017

ARMS is without doubt a mixed bag, but its laundry list of upside and paid-off risk-taking do render it worthwhile if you crave creative and purely fun local multiplayer on Switch. You'll want to convince your friends to go motion or button-only across the board of course, and while ARMS' online modes seem stable, somehow I suspect the Ranked Match will seed more frustration than enjoyment for most players. That is, if the formidable challenge of Grand Prix at higher difficulty is any indication.

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Jun 30, 2017

Ultimately I'm not sure that fusing action and strategy for the latest Valkyria was a wise move, especially when the latter ultimately feels tacked-on in comparison with the depth found in previous games. Throw in gameplay that feels wholly isolated from Revolution's original, compelling, but also convoluted and overwrought plot and narrative delivery, and overall pacing and flow end up becoming a weak point despite their success during individual sections.

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