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John Rairdin

Cedar Rapids, IA

Favorite Games:
  • Star Fox
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X

165 games reviewed
73.4 average score
75 median score
61.7% of games recommended

John Rairdin's Reviews

John is the Site Director of as well as a major contributor to the site's YouTube channel NWRTV. He is an avid Star Fox fan and physically jumped up and down when he found out Star Fox 2 was being released. He also spends a lot of time playing Xenoblade and will happily tell you everything that is wrong with Sonic the Hedgehog.
5.5 / 10.0 - The Long Gate
Jul 30, 2021

While I firmly believe that there is value in The Long Gate, it is hard to recommend the Switch be the place you play it. It's unfortunate as there doesn't appear to be any reason the Switch version should run this badly. The Switch is an excellent platform for this type of game; unfortunately, the same engineering effort that went into the puzzle design doesn't appear to have made it to the port itself.

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Jun 22, 2021

However, the name LEGO also runs the risk of obscuring this quietly beautiful adventure, simply due to the type of game we'd generally associate with the brand. This is a wonderful game that is likely to hit a little deeper than you expect. If this represents a future direction for how LEGO treats their games, LEGO Builder's Journey is a sign of very good things to come.

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May 28, 2021

Regrettably, the Switch port just isn't up to par. Between long loading and controls that border on unusable, playing it is ultimately frustrating. While I appreciate the effort to adapt from PC to console, in this instance the change just doesn't work with the existing structure.

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May 13, 2021

All the pieces are here for an excellent entry level space sim but the horrible economy just drags the entire experience to a halt and makes it feel like much more of a grind than it ought to be. With some very small changes Space Commander could be excellent. As is, it will have some appeal to enthusiasts like myself, but for most there will be other space sims on Switch that will scratch the same itch much better.

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8 / 10.0 - Subnautica
May 11, 2021

Subnautica is a survival and narrative experience that stands as a benchmark for the genre. The Switch version itself certainly has its drawbacks, but not enough to weigh down the experience too much. Some of them do admittedly affect gameplay mildly, but the strength of Subnautica still pushes through.

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7.5 / 10.0 - New Pokémon Snap
Apr 28, 2021

It is significantly bigger than the original, and photo editing options in combination with Twitter and Facebook integration make it a somewhat more social experience. While it is easy to say this is the definitive Pokemon Snap experience, I can't help but find myself wanting something that truly feels new rather than simply more. New Pokemon Snap is a loyal-to-a-fault sequel, that hopefully harkens to something a bit more adventurous down the line.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Breathedge
Apr 27, 2021

Unfortunately the gameplay itself suffers from a few serious pacing and mechanical issues, but the story may be funny enough to push you through. Ultimately Breathedge is, at best, a mediocre survival game with a pretty good story. While I wouldn't suggest this as your first survival game, if you're a fan of the genre, specifically Subnautica, you'll likely find some things to enjoy here.

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Mar 31, 2021

Wonder how a very well known publisher could stomach having it in their library. Wonder what in the world happened with the Switch version. Wonder where your $60 went.

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Mar 15, 2021

Some of this is the unavoidable battering of time, but other things, such as the lack of a target lock, feel like improvements that could have, and should have, been implemented. Approaching Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning from an entirely modern perspective, therefore, will likely lead to some frustration. However, if you can put yourself in the necessary headspace, Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning is an enthralling, though flawed, adventure that perfectly encapsulates a very specific era in game design history.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Mail Mole
Mar 3, 2021

Its only real failing is that these ideas could benefit from being pushed further. Repeated concepts with only minimal iteration can make the mid game a bit slow. That being said it still represents a surprisingly original 3D platformer whose concepts I'd love to see taken even further.

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Mar 1, 2021

As a game viewed independently from platform, Override 2 is a functional if not exceptional arena fighter that is brimming with charm and strong visual design. As a Switch game, it has a few too many rough edges to strongly recommend. It isn't downright bad; this version just doesn't carry with it any of Override 2's strengths, leaving you with an ugly arena fighter that struggles to find originality or unique mechanics.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Halloween Forever
Feb 16, 2021

Boss fights are a highlight, and Pumpkin Man handles excellently. Some rough music doesn't take away too much from the overall presentation which is otherwise very strong. Halloween Forever is a solid retro platformer for those looking for some authentic NES style challenge is running, jumping, and barfing.

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Jan 29, 2021

Racing pirates through the canyons of asteroids, or getting a multi-lock on a huge swarm of enemies as you dodge incoming fire is just as exciting as it should be. Redout: Space Assault gets very close to being something truly special. I would say I look forward to seeing them nail it with the next entry, but based on the series thus far, Redout 3 is likely to be a puzzle game or maybe a first-person shooter.

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Dec 14, 2020

Multiplayer is, however, a significant disappointment for anyone like me who greatly enjoyed the original's implementation. All that being said, from a port perspective, Doom Eternal is a downright miracle. It somehow presents a much more complex game even better than it presented the original.

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Dec 8, 2020

Add to this a genuinely unique aging mechanic and Chronos: Before the Ashes manages to stand out from the crowd in a genre that seems bent on enraging its player base. While I wish the Switch version, particularly handheld mode, was more robust, I still greatly enjoyed my time with it. There is a very satisfying adventure here, but on Switch you may need to dig a little deeper to find it.

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Dungeons and puzzles in the world are varied and just the right degree of challenging. It also certainly doesn't hurt that it is a gorgeous game that holds its own as one of the prettier on Switch. The genre blending mechanics that Oceanhorn 2 brings to the table help to elevate it above the failings it has. Some bumps along the way can't prevent this from being a journey worth taking.

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6 / 10.0 - Supraland
Oct 25, 2020

Supraland is an eye-catching game with some great ideas behind it. Unfortunately its world design flounders so incredibly that it manages to drag everything else down with it. If you're patient enough, there are fun moments to be had here. But they're constantly bookended by confused wandering through what ought to be a much more interesting world.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Pumpkin Jack
Oct 23, 2020

Combat can start to feel a little ridiculous towards the end as it throws huge amounts of enemies at you in a desperate attempt to provide a challenge against your evermore powerful weapons. But platforming and other gameplay elements keep things from getting stale. Pumpkin Jack is a surprisingly charming package that is worth playing through in this or any season.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Sep 28, 2020

This is a sprawling space-sim RPG that builds excellently on the path tread by its predecessors. The Switch version, while not without some hiccups, is highly impressive. While yes the sharp uptick in difficulty found in the primary questline is a bit jarring, so long as you're willing to put in the time it can be overcome.

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9 / 10.0 - Embracelet
Sep 23, 2020

Not because there was some grand adventure to be had, but because I wanted to keep spending time with these characters. I wanted to see where their lives would take them. Embracelet is a brief glimpse into a beautiful world, and while I'm sad it's over, I'm glad I was able to be part of it while I could.

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