Liam Doolan

95 games reviewed
63.5 average score
70 median score
28.4% of games recommended
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Feb 22, 2018

Like Meme Run and Zombie Brigade, Superola And The Lost Burgers is an embarrassment to modern gaming.

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1 / 10 - STEEL LORDS
Jul 8, 2016

It's hard to say anything positive about Steel Lords simply because it is so fundamentally flawed. Overall, what is on offer feels like an early concept of a game idea and therefore is far from a complete package. How this even got a tick of approval in the first place should raise concerns about the quality of certain titles that are reaching the Nintendo eShop. If you're looking for a board game mixing the strategy and fighting genre, look elsewhere. In fact, just go and play Fire Emblem or Smash Bros. Actually, just play anything else.

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Sep 9, 2016

TAP TAP ARCADE 2 does not seem like a package that offers enough for its grand title. Both SKEASY and VOLCANO are incredibly minimalistic in design and are likely to entertain players a for a few minutes each. There are plenty of vastly superior alternatives to these games available elsewhere.

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Jul 19, 2016

Although Hurry Up! Bird Hunter functions, it's just not any good. For a 2016 Wii U eShop release, there is nothing wrong with a player expecting a better quality experience than what is provided here. The 1984 NES title Duck Hunt may have set an exceptionally high standard for the light gun genre, but after 32 years we expect a little more. Stay away from this and buy Nintendo's classic instead.

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3 / 10 - Rally Racers
Mar 12, 2018

Rally Racers is far from being a role model arcade racer. The overall racing experience falls flat on its face primarily due to the cheap and nasty in-game physics that make the vehicles handle like trucks.

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Nov 1, 2017

As a visual novel, Wheels of Aurelia is a lacklustre experience. As a driving game, it's even worse. However you wish to identify it, this title lacks genuine substance; it's a solid idea executed poorly. The key themes and settings are deceptive, making the title seem like it is built on strong foundations when in reality, it's made up of a series of convoluted verbal exchanges between characters who forcefully touch on an array of dicey topics relevant but not always central to the time. The historical-links also suffer as this information is often overridden by an aggressive sense of agenda-setting that robs the exchanges of impact. Then there's the main narrative focused on a person you're likely to not even care about due to the concise nature of each road trip. It's simply not on par with the best titles this genre has to offer, and although you could argue that the esoteric nature of the game means it will illicit wildly different emotional reactions from different people, the core package just isn't compelling, challenging or appealing enough to back up that line of debate.

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Sep 15, 2016

TOUCH SELECTIONS is another bare-bones double-pack that will keep players engaged for very little time. Both of these games could be played while watching television, or when multi-tasking in general. Like past releases, what you see here is what you get; there is no depth to either PEG SOLITAIRE or AVOIDER, nor is there any sense of progression. They are a basic and very plain pair of games, and there are many superior options available on the Wii U eShop that provide better value at their asking price.

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3 / 10 - Hot Rod Racer
Jul 26, 2016

If you're feeling daring, or perhaps enjoy breaking the law and driving on the wrong side of the road like a crazy person, Hot Rod Racer might just be the game for you. The music is so catchy that it makes the merciless nature of the title almost addictive. In all seriousness though, with such poor production values outside of the soundtrack, and archaic gameplay to boot, it's hard to recommend Hot Rod Racer to Wii U owners. For those of you fixated with speed, seek your thrills elsewhere.

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Jun 6, 2018

Given its simplicity and bright presentation, it's best recommended for a younger audience.

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Oct 4, 2017

Astro Bears Party plays more like a tech demo that is a few days into development rather than a complete package. The concept is a neat idea, but it seems as if the developer got the absolute basics up and running and then decided to halt work to rollout the title. The amount of content in this game is so underwhelming, as a result, that it's hard to justify putting any real cash towards it. At best this is perhaps suitable for a few short rounds of multiplayer, or for any younger people who are new to video games. Otherwise you should look elsewhere if you are seeking a new party game on the Nintendo Switch.

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4 / 10 - Perception
Nov 10, 2017

Unless you're a big fan of horror adventure games, Perception is one you can easily skip. The plot isn't particularly engaging, and the horror elements are predictable with jump scares, characters and story dialogue that is typical of this genre. Even if it does fulfil all of the necessary criteria, it serves as a reminder that the horror genre is far too reliant on clichés to get by, and will only appeal to the thrill seekers happy to overlook its generic design.Ultimately, the biggest downfall is the core concept that drives Perception. The echolocation mechanic gets old quickly and seems like a better idea in theory than in actual gameplay; walking around in the dark in any game isn't normally enjoyable, and in this one it's no better – even with the added sense of meaning from the narrative. It's an aggravating concept that should not have really got past the early design stage, and detracts from the already average quality of this short-lived horror adventure game.

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4 / 10 - Aenigma Os
Sep 24, 2016

Aenigma Os operates as one would expect a tile-matching game to, but realistically does nothing to set itself apart from the pack. There are many other games available elsewhere that offer this type of experience, and are not half as generic. While there is plenty of content on offer, it should have been condensed into a couple of modes, considering most of them are essentially the same. This isn't a game that grows on you over time, and it's hard to respect the developer's decision to not allow the game to be played on the television screen - not to mention seemingly false promotion of a multiplayer game mode.

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4 / 10 - Rorrim
Sep 17, 2016

What hurts Rorrim the most is the lack of imagination and design ideas on the developer's behalf. A game such as this has a lot of potential, but simply creating level after level isn't always enough. It still feels like an unfinished game due to the basic presentation, and has no allure as a result. Functional - but incomplete. If more details and twists were added this game might have been a tad more likable. If you're truly desperate for a new Wii U eShop puzzle or problem-solving game, this might be for you - otherwise it's best to avoid this one.

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4 / 10 - Panda Love
Aug 30, 2016

With such a concise playtime, it's hard to recommend PANDA LOVE to any hardened veteran; at best, this is a simple starter game for young children. While it has acceptable production values in the sound and visuals department, and is an affordable price, it's a game that's nevertheless over within the space of five to ten minutes. You could likely find the exact same type of game, more padded out, for free on a mobile app store or browser game website; as a result it's hard to show too much love for this one.

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5 / 10 - Timberman Vs.
May 9, 2018

The trailer for Timberman VS describes it as 'the most intense multiplayer rage game ever' which is a pretty accurate summary. As infuriating as it may be at times, it's mysteriously satisfying when you are victorious against friends and family. By yourself, there's less reason to get excited when there's no online play or leaderboards to spur you on. In saying this, by yourself Timberman VS still offers the same frustratingly addictive gameplay and with 50 humourous characters to unlock, there's at least some incentive to keep playing. Ultimately, whether you play within the company of others or not, what's on offer is a well-presented but simple and highly repetitive package.

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5 / 10 - Jydge
Oct 19, 2017

Much like Neon Chrome, JYDGE operates by the book. It's a mediocre experience that fails to stand out within the top-down shooter genre. Looking beyond the uninspired themes and design – not to forget the excessive use of justice-related puns – the major problems can be linked to the casual tempo of the gameplay. Further issues come from the imprecise controls, leaving you lacking the necessary precision when moving and aiming. In a genre where you want to quickly and efficiently eliminate all enemy threats, this title rarely makes you feel like a hardened law enforcer.

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Dec 21, 2016

What is on offer in Radiantflux: Hyperfractal is a basic side scrolling shoot-em-up that has not been properly fleshed out and isn't half as fun to play. If you get the sudden urge to hack the mainframe anytime soon, maybe alternatives should be explored.

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Fire: Ungh's Quest is functional, and has classic cartoon graphics and quality audio, but is ultimately an insipid offering. Right down to the name, it makes little effort to stand out from the crowd. This is definitely a title for a younger audience - although it may even struggle to hold their attention.

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5 / 10 - Tetraminos
Sep 4, 2016

As a whole, Tetraminos is an average experience at best. It's easy to sit down and play because it does somewhat keep the core values of Tetris intact, though it still falls short when it comes to offering anything new or enticing. Perhaps look around for a classic Tetris experience available on the Nintendo eShop if you would rather play it safe.

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Jul 23, 2016

Buddy & Me: Dream Edition is a game that does not entirely benefit from a Wii U eShop release. While it may be enough to entertain a young child and indeed fulfils the criteria of being a family friendly experience, it's hard to recommend an extended play through on the big screen or even the Wii U GamePad. In just a short period of time it becomes a rather tedious experience with little incentive for the player to continue on. Newcomers to video games may be inclined to tolerate the minor stuttering and frame rate issues, but for anyone else out there it's perhaps worth looking around for a superior endless runner.

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