Marcus Jones

84 games reviewed
77.4 average score
80 median score
67.1% of games recommended
Oct 2, 2017

Solstice Chronicles: MIA. is a solid twin-stick shooter. I enjoyed the narrative, sequences, and even the sometimes cheesy voice work. I initially wasn't aware that the game provided skill points, in fact I accrued 19 points before I even knew the system existed. My main complaint honestly is the lack of online support, as that was hands down one of the best parts of The Red Solstice.

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Sep 8, 2017

The game rehashes several locations/areas from other Warriors titles, as is usual with these combination games. Most of the game looks great and plays well, but I'm not sure I fully understand some of the crazier elements to the game. Koei Tecmo has been putting many extras into their games in recent years, but some of the ones in this feel too tacked on, too forced. The core gameplay is still fun, and the goofy story is attractive, plus the ability to pick your battles across a large map, but I don't need a billion little things to worry about. One of the attractions of Warriors is the ability to just go hack and slash hundreds of enemies. Now that I've got an option of which character I want from whichever franchise, I'd prefer to not have all of the excess baggage with it. That being said, the game is still solid and fun experience for those who enjoy Warriors.

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8 / 10 - SpellForce 3
Dec 17, 2017

SpellForce 3 is a pretty fantastic game, but it's also pretty large and potentially overwhelming. That's not to say it doesn't create an excellent challenge, but there is quite a bit to pick up and run with for people new to the RTS genre. I feel that given some time, most can become quite adept and will thoroughly enjoy the game. And at the least, the game has some beautiful graphics to admire while you're slaughtering some crazy beast or an enemy army.

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Jan 24, 2018

I feel Hyper Universe may fill an unrealized niche in the MOBA genre. The gameplay feels fresh, the controller support is an excellent perk, and for those tired of other MOBA games might find themselves falling quickly into Hyper's simple, free-to-play model. While yes, it's possible to go and buy equipment and Hypers, I'm never sure how much that may or may not imbalance overall gameplay. That being said, given some time and server tweaking to fix those crazy lag spikes and I think this game will continue to grow.

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8 / 10 - Overload
May 31, 2018

Fans of classic shooters will enjoy this one, especially if you were a fan of Descent. It's a hugely different experience from games released today in a tight bundle with lots to offer.

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Fans of real-time strategy games have a great console game to experience, even if it is a more streamlined approach to the genre. While I will admit that this may be a turn-off for some hardcore fans, I did enjoy my time with the game. With that said, I miss out of earning three stars on some missions due to the game slowing down when moving around some of the larger maps.

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The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep is a surprisingly deep and rich role-playing game steeped in some old lore. It has some big shoes to fill given the history of the series, and while I'm not familiar with it, I enjoyed what I played. Aside from the stuttering and short learning curve, I was impressed by the game and its overall gameplay. Although, even the learning curve is softened immensely by the excellent tutorial. I'm itching to try more and more of the game and see just what Skara Brae has to offer, and I suggest others do the same.

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8 / 10 - Phantom Halls
Oct 31, 2018

While it can be challenging, Phantom Halls is a cheesy horror movie lover's dream game. The combination of fun gameplay, RPG elements, and an oddball story about the "Slayer Club" (wink wink) in their efforts to save their town show just how far Incedium is willing to go to show their love of B-movie Horror. There are so many callbacks to iconic franchises (Evil Dead DLC anyone?) There's some definite challenge as well, which I think many will enjoy.

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8 / 10 - Rival Megagun
Dec 8, 2018

Rival Megagun, as I said, is a fun experience. For those that played a lot of these types of titles back in the day, it'll draw some serious nostalgia. Even now listening to the music while writing this, it sounds very reminiscent of the 16-bit era. My only major concerns with the game are the keyboard controls (easily fixed by using a controller) and the shortness of it. Like I mentioned earlier, the story mode is excellent, but once you've run through the handful of levels with multiple characters, it loses some of its charm. Sure you can play on harder difficulties, but that's mostly in the form of challenge only so you can collect some more cards. Expect to win some and lose some while playing online, which I hope will continue to have some legs. I was able to find matches quickly, but it's hard to judge what the community will look like in 6 months to a year.

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8 / 10 - Warsaw
Oct 2, 2019

WARSAW is a solid tactical strategy role-playing game. It suffers from some of the same antics that drive me crazy in other games in the genre, with a bizarre way of calculating hit ratios. The randomized events and absolutely stunning graphical depiction of the game more than makeup for it. For those doubly interested in World War 2 and tactical strategy, this is a great title to look into.

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Oct 16, 2019

Children of Morta reminds me of titles like Secret of Mana crossed with recent procedural titles, such as Enter the Gungeon. The inclusion of local cooperative play opens up the experience for two-players to battle together. Tack on a fun story where you learn about each family member's past, their fears, and the driver for them to help, adding a flair to the game. While combat can be a bit of a pain and dying repeatedly is still never a good time, the game still offers a substantial experience.

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8 / 10 - Dex
Aug 7, 2020

Dex, a dark and charming 2D title is a veritable mix of genres and gameplay pieces, making it worth taking the time to play.

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Aug 26, 2020

On The Edge plays like the rest of Frostpunk, albeit with some caveats. I enjoyed playing with at least one hand tied behind my back, but I never felt in control of my outpost. Calling back to New London meant I had to wait for their new laws, or food deliveries, or whatever have you. I was merely a subset of their survival trial, and at that one, that didn't matter. However, I had fun. The environment and tech have some new stuff to use to your advantage, and you're not beholden to New London if you want to set out for yourself a bit in terms of scouting nearby locations for supplies and survivors.

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Nov 16, 2020

Observer: System Redux remains a solid experience, but with more content and much better visuals. The oversaturation of neon lights is a bit much, but otherwise, the game is still the same great product I played a few years back. I enjoyed the additional content and graphical overhaul, neon lights, and all. This dark sci-fi noir game (still starring the late, great Rutger Hauer) continues to capture the imagination as you trek your way through the mystery of your son's death.

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Dec 9, 2020

I think Call of the Sea has something to offer a variety of gamers. The puzzles are fun, challenging, and genuinely make you learn more about the world around you and Norah's personal challenges. On top of that, learning more about Norah herself and what has caused her illness is a huge draw – it's one of those mysteries you want to figure out more and more as things progress. The bright, popping visuals and simplistic gameplay all tie this into a pretty good bow for those who want to give it a shot.

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Dec 15, 2014

Many have complained about the number of glitches within Assassin's Creed: Unity, and while I have experienced some myself, the game is still playable and fun at that. It's got a solid core and I've enjoyed the story, but I feel like Ubisoft completely dropped the ball with some aspects. The connectivity they've forced upon players is just a major drag on the game and I feel cheated that because of their broken systems, I am unable to participate in every piece of Unity. If you can get past that, however, you'll certainly enjoy the game.

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Oct 23, 2014

Styx: Master of Shadows is fun. It falls somewhere between enjoyable and infuriating on a scale, as for every shining moment there is one of constant resetting. I feel players will quickly acclimate themselves to the gameplay and be able to move about quickly as the game is very intuitive and pulls from the likes of Metal Gearand Thief. Topping it off, it has a decent story to boot that works its way into Cyanide's previous title, tying both together.

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7 / 10 - Etherium
Apr 1, 2015

Etherium isn't a bad game by any means, as the RTS elements of the game are perhaps the most enjoyable, combining the best pieces of other strategy games. However, the turn-based sections of the game seemed to slow the overall pace down, and the card system seems disconnected from the rest of the game. Toss in a myriad of crashes, and I feel this one could have used some additional time to polish the experience.

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May 6, 2014

Aside from the major investment of time and learning curve involved with the game, there is a core of good gameplay to it. It just happens to take a very long time to dig out of the mire. I can easily foresee there being a number devoted fans to the game, but I'm not sure The Last Federation will be a widespread hit due to the investment required.

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7 / 10 - Metrico +
Aug 23, 2016

Honestly, I enjoyed Metrico+. It's strange design and simplistic nature combined with the puzzle solving aspects make for a fun, if short game. Plus, the music is just great to chill with and listen to.

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